Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 18: : clean up the battlefield

The moment the victory and defeat were announced, the rogue crocodile's inverse scale state also ended immediately. He, who had been seriously injured, received his strongest blow head-on, plus the terrifying sequelae brought by the inverse scale, the rogue crocodile. He didn't last long and went to Huangquan Road together with his three men.

Compared with the tragic situation of the rogue crocodile, Dairubi's situation is much better, but it is not optimistic. Although he has used the power of the opponent to burst into a powerful power in a short time, his own physical fitness is obviously limited. Possessing great power but without a corresponding container, the final result is that the power bursts the container.

Dairubi had passed out at this time, and his two forelimbs had abnormal twists, which were obviously broken. There were also many deep scratches and broken wounds on his body. A lot of blood flowed from his wounds. Dairubi The breath is weakening a little bit.

"After all, it's still too immature. Although the deception skills are strong, it also has some major flaws. The ability to kill enemies by leaps and bounds can only be talked about. If you want to really implement it, you still need a certain amount of strength to support it. However, you You did a very good job, you are very courageous, Christina, Darubi will ask you for treatment, and I will go and retrieve the prey this time." Ryuzaki Shinji touched Darubi's little head, and there was a hint of distress in his eyes, Then he turned his head and said to Christina who was ready for treatment.

Christina nodded when she heard the words, and then asked Roseredo to use the abandonment treatment to relieve Darubi's pain and eliminate the abnormal state on her body.

Roseredo first danced an elegant flower dance, fully absorbing the sunlight and the water Christina handed over, the two bright roses of different colors in her hands immediately released an intoxicating pink fragrance, Then control the pink floral fragrance to cover the whole body of Derubi.

Under Roseredo's aroma treatment, Darubin's face, which had become hideous due to the severe pain, relaxed immediately, and all abnormal conditions on his body were quickly eliminated.

Immediately afterwards, Christina skillfully reattached Derubi's broken forelimb, and then took out disinfectant, hemostatic agents, and some gauze to deal with the numerous wounds on his body.

Next, Pikexi, who was already ready, manipulated the healing wave to turn it into little pink light particles, and then evenly sprinkled it on Dairubi's body. The body of Dairubi will increase by one point. In the end, Dairubi's life aura will return to its original state, and at the same time, he will regain consciousness.

In the end, Christina took out a stamina recovery potion from her body and let Darubi drink it.

With the help of Frog Seed and Scorpio, Ryuzaki Shinji quickly put the bodies of the three crocodiles into a space bag for storing food, and then continued to walk in the direction where the rogue crocodile fell.

The rogue crocodile, who was still showing great power just now, is now like a shriveled orange, with its entire body shrunken into a ball and lying motionless in a sand pit.

"It's a pity, if you can survive the backlash after the reverse scale state, maybe I can save your life." Ryuzaki Shinji said to the rogue crocodile, who had completely lost his breath of life, with a trace in his eyes. Disappointed that he couldn't check, after he took his body into the space bag, he took the frog seeds and scorpion to Christina's direction.

Ryuzaki Shinji has been in the desert for so long. In order to survive, he can't remember how many wild elves in the desert he has fought, but there are very few wild elves that can make him interested in conquering. The rogue crocodile in front of him It's pretty good. Being able to step on many similar species in such a harsh desert environment and evolve to the final stage has already demonstrated his aptitude and strength. However, these alone have not yet allowed Ryuzaki Shinji to recover. Only It was only when the rogue crocodile woke up in a desperate situation that he felt his eyes lit up.

After all, it is difficult for even a dragon-type elf to learn the powerful move of Reverse Scale, and there are very few dragon-type elf who can completely master it, and a rogue crocodile without dragon attribute can awaken this dragon-type big move. It can be said to be commendable. If it is used well, it may become a powerful trump card to defeat some powerful dragon-type elves, such as a king-level fierce bite land shark that Ryuzaki met a few days ago, a rogue crocodile. Even if the strength of the two sides is different, the fierce bite of Lu Shark will end up at least seriously injured.

However, since the rogue crocodile has died, naturally Ryuzaki Shinji can only sigh.

"Uuuuu" Seeing Ryuzaki Shinji walking back, Dairubi, who had just recovered from his health, ran up immediately, and then made a low cry to ask for credit.

Ryuzaki Shinji is not stingy, this time Dairubi's performance is really good, he directly took out a large piece of cut meat from the space bag and handed it to Dairubi, and then took out a piece of meat from the space bag. **The pitch-black venom was handed to Scorpio, who also showed a look of anticipation. As for the seeds of the wonderful frog, who did not exert much effort, Ryuzaki Shinji gave him some cold pure water as a reward.

Merit will be rewarded. This is one of the rules that Ryuzaki Shinji has laid down for these elves. As long as he can contribute to hunting the prey, he will give some corresponding rewards.

Dairubi ate the meat and looked very happy, while the scorpion was holding the venom and enjoying the venom, and after drinking the pure water, the seeds of the frog began to use sunlight and water for photosynthesis. .

"Come out, forked bat, and help me find the location of the dead creatures around here. After the completion, the blood will be your reward." Take out a cockroach filled with red liquid, and release the Crossbat.

Sand crocodiles are gregarious animals. Since there are rogue crocodiles and crocodiles with guards, there should be some black-eyed crocodiles nearby. Scorpio's powerful earthquake just now is an indiscriminate attack. , then there should be a lot of missing food in the surrounding sandy land. It is a shameful act to waste food. It happens that there is a biological radar of the forked bat in his hand. Naturally, Ryuzaki Shinji will not miss these affected pond fish. of food.

As soon as the forked bat came out~www.readwn.com~, he immediately set his eyes on the blood-filled cockroach on Ryuzaki's second hand. He hadn't eaten since last night, and he was already hungry and hungry. Some are powerless.

"Yeah." Seeing the fork bat just looking at the blood in his hands and ignoring his orders, Ryuzaki Shinji immediately looked at the fork bat with purple eyes.

In the next second, the forked bat that saw Zimang suddenly shuddered, and then quickly executed the order given by Ryuzaki Shinji.

"Zizzizi" an indistinct ultrasonic wave was released from the mouth of the cross-shaped bat, and then with the help of the ability of sonic positioning, it quickly detected the location of the wild elves underground.

Next, Ryuzaki Shinji asked the bats to cooperate with Scorpion in their dedicated search work. Soon, under the instructions of the bats, Scorpio took out the wild elves that were affected by the earthquake one by one from the ground. There are sixteen black-eyed crocodiles and four pangolins in total.

as well as

A relatively well-preserved elf egg.

To be continued (https://)

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