Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 19: : Mysterious Elf Egg

"Interesting, under the earthquake that Scorpio made with all his strength, it was still preserved so intact, Christina, do you see what kind of elf's egg this is?" Taking out the elf egg, Ryuzaki Shinji asked Christina who was also curious.

When Scorpio took out the elf egg, Ryuzaki Shinji had already used his mental power to detect the egg, but he found nothing, but it seemed to have some kind of special ability to isolate his mental power.

This is a whole-body matcha-colored egg. Except for a slight crack, the rest of the egg is intact. According to the description of the bat and the scorpion, this egg was found in a small underground lair and was with it. There are also some khaki eggs, but except for this egg, the others have been broken under the action of the earthquake.

"This egg should not belong to the rogue crocodile group. The eggs of black-eyed crocodiles are generally khaki. I guess it should be stolen by the black-eyed crocodiles from other elves, but just based on the color of the eggshell, I can't guess what kind of elf this egg is, wow, it's so heavy, this egg is too heavy!" Christina looked at the elf egg and analyzed it, and then when she wanted to pick up the elf egg , but found that he couldn't hold it, and said in surprise.

"Woooooo" Dairubi is not interested in what kind of elf egg this is, but is looking forward to the taste of this egg being baked. He can feel it, but it contains a lot of energy. , at this time he was staring greedily at the elf egg with saliva, but when he wanted to get close to the elf egg, Christina slapped his head back.

Ryuzaki Shinji also tried to pick up the elf egg, but found that he could only hold it reluctantly. According to his estimation, there were at least 70 eggs, and most people really couldn't hold it.

"My lord, the life fluctuations in this egg are very strong. The elf in it must be a little guy with outstanding aptitude. Let's not eat it. Let's keep it with me. I can take care of it." Christina Looking at Ryuzaki Shinji eagerly, he said, obviously, this female creature is overflowing with love and wants to get this elf egg.

"It's too heavy. It's unrealistic to hold it all the time. Put it here first, and come here to pick it up when you come back." Facing Christina's staring eyes, Ryuzaki, who had just experienced her help Shinji was too embarrassed to refuse, plus he was also very interested in the elf inside the egg, after a little thought, he agreed to Christina's request.

Hearing Ryuzaki Shinji's promise to keep the elf egg, Christina immediately smiled, and immediately took out some pure water and a rag from the space bag on her body, washed the whole elf egg carefully, and then took out one from the space bag. A small prop to keep the temperature of the elf egg, and finally carefully put the elf egg inside.

When Christina was bathing the elf egg, the elf in the elf egg seemed very happy and shook it vigorously, which made Christina extremely happy.

"Please, Scorpio, put this Dan back in the nest below." After Christina finished taking care of the elf egg, Ryuzaki Shinji instructed Scorpion on the side to put the elf egg back.

Scorpio, who had just taken out the elf egg with great effort and had not had time to take a breath, immediately exclaimed, showing a sad expression. Fortunately, Christina promised to give him two ** juice as a reward, so he was reluctant. Willing to put the elf egg back into the small nest more than 30 meters underground.

A few minutes later, Ryuzaki Shinji and the others continued to set off in the direction of the nearby oasis.

Along the way, all kinds of wild elves hidden in the sand kept appearing, and then launched sneak attacks on Ryuzaki Shinji and others, most of them were some carnivorous ground elves, and Ryuzaki Shinji also came. No one refuses, use these wild elves to exercise the elves in your hands, because with the nanny Christina, Ryuzaki Shinji even meets the elves of the quasi-king level, so that these only have elite strength in his hands. The elves fought against them, but due to the absolute disparity in strength, the six elite elves could only fight against each other by joining forces.

Although the journey was bumpy, Ryuzaki Shinji and his party still defeated all opponents, and finally arrived at the oasis more than ten kilometers away from the temporary residence at noon.

When they came within one kilometer of the oasis, the surrounding wild elves hidden in the sand never attacked Ryuzaki Shinji and the others, but swaggered in front of Ryuzaki Shinji and the others.

And Ryuzaki Shinji did not order the elves around him to attack these wild elves that were still full of hostility, and let them keep absolute silence like these wild elves.

"It's so strange, what's going on with the elves around here? Why do they all take things to the oasis?" Christina finally saw another elves walking by with a tree fruit. She couldn't help asking Ryuzaki Shinji, who had been silent all the time beside her, but what she got was indeed Ryuzaki Shinji's gesture of silence.

Seeing this, Christina had to obey Ryuzaki Shinji obediently, and continued to remain silent along the way.

A few minutes later, Ryuzaki Shinji and the others were finally approaching the oasis, and the green oasis that was particularly conspicuous in the yellow sand gradually appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"This is the rule of this oasis. To be precise, it is the rule set by the owner of the oasis here. Didn't you hear some strange sounds just now? It's here, look up now, and you'll understand right away." Ryuzaki Shinji didn't answer Christina's question immediately. After seeing the oasis in front of him, he answered Christina's question by telepathy.

At this time, Christina did already know the answer. She was staring at a huge figure in the oasis in front of her, her delicate little face turning pale at this moment.

The entire oasis fight is backed by a huge rock, UU read www. uukanshu.com And this huge rock seems to have been hollowed out, and the lower part is missing a large piece, making it seem to protrude forward. It is almost noon at this time, but before the huge rock protrudes. Under the protection of his body, the oasis under the huge rock is still shady. A small lake with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters appears in the center of the oasis. A man with a lively appearance.

Such a vibrant oasis can be described as a bright orb in the desert. Naturally, this orb has been occupied, and a giant beast in light green armor is lying comfortably in the small lake. Sleeping in a large sand pit next to him, the rhythmic grunting sound like muffled thunder can be clearly heard even from a distance of tens of meters. In addition, there is the power of a senior king It emanated from him inadvertently, causing all the wild elves who used to fetch water from the lake to shiver.

"Could it be, that, that is?" Christina said tremblingly, looking at the armored beast in front of him that looked like Godzilla.

"Yes, then the owner of this oasis is a high-level king-level Bangira." Ryuzaki Shinji nodded and said with a serious face.

To be continued (https://)

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