Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 20: : Deterrent power of desert tyrants

The emerald green beast lying and sleeping beside the lake is the quasi-divine beast Bangira, which is highly respected by the people in the Chengdu area. This wild Bangira has a very high level and is not far from the peak of the king. Perhaps because it has lived too long, the shape of this Bangira is a little different from the general Bangira, and the green armor covered with various scars actually grows some sharp spikes from the edge. The blue iron armor exposed in the center of the belly also changed a little, and began to change in the direction of crimson, and a sharp horn of about ten centimeters grew on the top of the head.

Although the strength seems to be only the high-level king, but in the desert, the strength of this Bangira is much higher. In fact, the real strength is completely comparable to the ordinary champion-level ordinary elf.

Ryuzaki Shinji had offended Bandera before. This is the one in front of him. His ability Ryuzaki Shinji has personally experienced, and his tempered Yangshat character is like an absolute field. It is difficult to escape. With him as the center, he can control the sand within a radius of 100 meters, as powerful as an arm. As long as he wants, he can create a terrifying sandstorm, and then use the sand to kill the sandstorm at will. various organisms.

"Don't wake him up, otherwise, I can't guarantee that I can take you out of here safely. Forget it, just wait for me here, I've planted my spiritual coordinates here, and I'll go to the water. Come back immediately." When he was still two hundred meters away from the oasis, Ryuzaki Shinji used telepathy to respond to Christina, who was now pale.

When Christina heard the words, naturally 10,000 people were willing, and nodded quickly to express the same plan of Ryuzaki Shinji.

Ryuzaki Shinji stopped talking when he saw this, and let Dairubi, Frog Seed and Scorpio stay to protect Christina, and then directly teleported to within 100 meters of the oasis, and then followed the wild elves nearby, Stepping on his feet, he walked cautiously towards the lake, for fear that the sound of his footsteps would wake up the giant beast by the lake.

"Hu~, hu~, hu~..." A huge snoring sound came from Bangira's drooling mouth. This level of snoring has completely eliminated the damage of a sound wave (enhanced). The version of the snoring skill is activated), the closer you get to the lake, the more powerful this sound is. A group of wild elves who came to fetch water also had to cover their ears with their hands to reduce the damage. There are no hands or hands are out of reach For those with ears, they temporarily blocked their ears with sand, and then laboriously walked towards the lake. It was really not easy to take a sip of water.

Whenever a wild elf finishes fetching water from the lake, it will spontaneously put some of the items it brought into an empty pit by the lake. At this time, the pit is already full It's half way through. Most of the items in the pit are red rocks, a few are ordinary tree fruits, and some dried elf meat.

Although Bangira was still sleeping sweetly, Ryuzaki Shinji always felt that the sleeping giant was staring at him, always keeping two hundred percent vigilance, Ryuzaki Shinji took a step by step. He walked in the direction of the lake. He had been here five times before. Except for the first time he didn't understand the rules and offended, he obeyed the rules honestly, so he was not attacked by this giant beast. Think this time is no exception.

For a distance of only 100 meters, it took Ryuzaki 3 minutes to reach the edge of the lake. Without wasting a second, he immediately took out the space equipment that had been prepared for fetching water and went out to fetch water.

"Gululu~~" As soon as the space equipment was stretched into the water, a burst of bubbles suddenly emerged from the lake. In such a strange silence, the sound of these bubbles emerging from the water was particularly harsh, and Bangira's rhythmic purring sound There was a sudden pause, and after a while, the snoring resumed its rhythm.

At this time, the wild elves near Ryuzaki Shinji let out a deep sigh, and then glared at him. If eyes could kill, Ryuzaki Shinji would have been smashed to pieces by the eyes of many wild elves around him. paragraph.

"Hmph, a bunch of cowards, come on, there's something to do, bah!" Ryuzaki Shinji sneered in his heart when he saw this, and then glared back one by one with provocative eyes.

The wicked report first! !

Stimulated by Ryuzaki Shinji's provocation, some of the wild elf with a bit of a temper suddenly turned red, and the murderous aura on their bodies couldn't help showing, but they quickly retracted forcefully, because at this time, Benji Pull's snoring paused again, and this time the pause was longer than before.

A minute later, Bangira's snoring returned to normal. At this time, all the wild elves dared to slowly exhale the suffocation in their chests.

With Ryuzaki Shinji's operation, the hatred buff was successfully transferred, and most of the wild elves glared at the grumpy wild elves.

"Sure enough, they are a bunch of idiots, but they are easy to deal with." Seeing the success of his adventure, Ryuzaki Shinji squinted to watch the play.

In the past 1 minute, Ryuzaki Shinji took out the space equipment from the lake with his mind, and the water level in the lake also dropped by one-sixth. After taking the space equipment, Ryuzaki Shinji also learned to play with them. Like the wild elves of water, they put some items in the big pit, which is different from the stingy tributes of other wild elves~www.readwn.com~ Ryuzaki Shinji directly moved the two big red rocks slowly with thought force. into the big hole.

These red rocks are some rough minerals rich in minerals. They are one of Bangira’s favorite stones. These stones are not very rare. They are everywhere in a rocky canyon not far from the oasis. Due to the heavy weight, these little elves who come to fetch water can usually only take a few hours to come here. Ryuzaki Shinji is indeed different. He has space equipment, but he stuffed a lot of these large rocks, so he used it in exchange for drinking. The tribute of water is also quite generous.

After Ryuzaki Shinji put the two big red rocks into the big pit, Ryuzaki Shinji suddenly found that the feeling of being stared at had disappeared without a trace.

"It turns out that I was discovered as soon as I came here, hehe~" Ryuzaki Shinji turned to look at Bangira, who was still sleeping, and couldn't help but smile bitterly. At this time, he still didn't know what happened just now. As for the situation, this Bangira clearly chose to "ignore" him for stealing the water thief for the sake of being so filial to him these days.

Although he was unwilling, Ryuzaki Shinji was not annoyed, and immediately moved away from the lake in an instant.

"Let's go, let's go back to the Gobi. We must work harder for special training." Ryuzaki Shinji said to Christina with a serious face, and as soon as he finished speaking, he took the three elves to the direction of the temporary residence.

At this time, one of the unpleasant eyes suddenly opened from the depths of the sand, staring viciously at Ryuzaki Shinji who was gradually leaving the oasis.

To be continued.....

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