Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 22: : The last stumbling block

There is no wind and sand to hinder, the sun is hanging high in the blue sky at this time, emitting a fiery light, in such a sunny weather, the wonderful frog seeds sent by Ryuzaki Shinji secretly to support almost instantly complete the sunshine flame. of energy storage.

With a single stroke of sunshine and flames, Ronglongyan, who has rock and ground attributes, suddenly suffered tons of damage. If it weren't for his strong characteristics, he might have lost the ability to fight, but even if he didn't lose the ability to fight immediately, but More than half of the rocks on his body were burned red by the sunlight flames of Frog Seeds, and the severe pain caused him to roll on the ground non-stop.

Taking advantage of the victory, the Frog Seed, who was instilled with a lot of fighting concepts by Ryuzaki Shinji, did not waste time, and immediately made the next attack. The green leaves condensed with a large amount of grass-type energy used a boomerang to face the still rolling. Rumble Rock flew away.

"Chop chop chop~~" The wonderful frog seed made up the knife successfully, and the Longlong Rock, which was covered with green leaves, finally fell to the ground, motionless, and lost its ability to fight.

When Wonder Frog Seed successfully defeated Long Longyan, the battle between Scorpio and Chuan Shan Wang was almost over.

Possessing high-level elites, the Pangshan King is definitely strong, and he is covered in sharp bristles. He is just a hard-to-eat hedgehog, but for the Scorpio, who is almost full of poison, his body is powerful. The defensive power of the scorpion seems a bit redundant. Although he successfully blocked the Scorpion's cross poisonous blade with the alloy claws at the beginning, the Scorpion's flexible scorpion tail took the opportunity to sneak into the abdomen that was not protected by the hard armor, and the mountain king immediately fell into a highly poisonous state. state.

In the next battle, Scorpio showed an extremely wretched fighting style, always defending and not attacking, or using protective skills to resist the fierce attack of the Mountain King, or flying into the air to harass, and as long as the King of the Mountain dared to dig a hole to escape He immediately used the earthquake to beat him out. In the end, Chuanshan King couldn't bear the toxins that spread rapidly in his body, and was poisoned alive.

The battle between **Frog and the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus was also very smooth. In this battle, **Frog gave full play to his characteristic of predicting danger. His calm state of mind allowed him to deal with the enemy calmly. He sensed the opponent's next intention from the enemy's subtle movements, as if dancing on the tip of a knife, often dodging the deadly moves of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus at critical moments.

From the perspective of others, the iron armored tyrannosaurus has always been in a state of suppressing the frog, and it has the absolute upper hand. It almost beat the frog into meat sauce several times, but he knows his own affairs best, and he didn't hit a single hit. The iron armored tyrannosaurus that arrived at ** Frog also became more and more frightened. In the final stage, he almost wanted to turn around and run away, but at this time, ** Frog seemed to sense his escape intention, and immediately turned from defense to attack, and started Chase him hard.

Frozen boxing hit the joints of the opponent's feet, kicked the belly with flying knees, smashed tiles and hit the head, all of which made the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus scream in pain.

In an instant, the battle situation between the two suddenly changed 180 degrees.

In the end, the huge body of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus fell heavily in front of the frog. At this time, there were many severe frostbites and purple bruises on the hands and feet of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, and even the stiff head, the center Parts are also hollowed out.

**Frog folded his hands together and bowed to the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, and immediately returned to Ryuzaki Shinji's side to stand by.

After Ryuzaki Shinji's three elves came back after solving the opponents, Christina was not idle, and immediately directed Pikexi to use healing waves against the three elves, and distributed stamina recovery potions one by one.

Seeing the three elves defeating their opponents one after another, Ryuzaki Shinji nodded with satisfaction, and then set his eyes on Dairubi again, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes, but in the end he still gave the young Dairubi some hints.

The flame duel between Dairubi and the fire-breathing camel has finally reached its final stage. In this flame duel, Dairubi is undoubtedly at an absolute disadvantage, although he has tried his best to use the evil energy and fire energy in his body to carry out the battle. Blending, but still not the opponent of the flame like volcanic lava in the fire-breathing camel's body, the white flame of the fire-breathing camel gradually overwhelmed the black and blue flame of Darubi.

"Idiot, didn't I tell you before? Battles are flexible and changeable. Since you can't rely on this method to get battles, you should use another way of fighting. There's no need to be so rigid." When he was trying to defeat his opponent with the help of flames, Ryuzaki Shinji's voice appeared in his heart.

When Darubi heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, he immediately stopped the jet of blue-black flames, and then quickly rolled to the side to avoid the flame attack of the fire-breathing camel. Then, he started to take steps to carry out guerrilla warfare around the fire-breathing camel. .

Soon, with the advantage of speed, Dairubi gradually mastered the initiative and rhythm of the battle, and the scale of victory began to fall to him little by little.

Dairubi frequently used shadow **** to harass, and when he found an opportunity, he attacked with fraud. Although the fire-breathing camel wanted to counterattack with earthquakes and various ground-based moves, Dairubi flexibly used jumping. Empty dodge.

In the end, under the tactic of Darubi's travelogue, the fire-breathing camel could only move to the brink of failure little by little.

After being hit on the head again by a condensed shadow ball from Derubi, the fire-breathing camel, like his three companions, fell to the ground and was unable to fight.

After the fire-breathing camel also failed, a dull cry appeared again, and then, the two quasi-king-level elves who had been hiding on the side to confront Ryuzaki Shinji were also at this time, one after the other. Slowly emerge from the sand.

"Bang bang bang~~" A burst of heavy footsteps appeared, and a behemoth with a heavy body wanted to step on a hard rock, stepping out of the soft sand behind Ryuzaki Shinji and the others. After the violent wind blew, the sand and dust covering the giant beast quickly fell off, and immediately exposed the scarred steel heavy armor on the giant beast.

This is obviously a battle-hardened Boss Cordora, staring at Ryuzaki Shinji with sharp eyes, with a hint of disdain in his eyes, as if he is provocative.

"Roar~~" Boscodora let out a loud roar at Ryuzaki Shinji, and then continued to walk in their direction step by step.

"Bang~~" Another quasi-king-level elf also appeared, and a large rock snake almost twice the size of its kind appeared from the sand in front of Ryuzaki Shinji and the others.

This big rock snake has obviously lived for a long time, and the color of the rock on its body is charred black that has been burned by high temperature~www.readwn.com~ The surface of the rock becomes very smooth, and the huge rock head is obviously different from ordinary The big rock snake is obviously different. The stone horns on its head have disappeared, and the shape of the entire face is almost the same as the big steel snake that Ryuzaki Shinji had seen before. I believe it will not be long before this big rock can pass the long Accumulate success and evolve into the most real big steel snake.

Big Rock is not as arrogant as Boss Cordola, but uses his huge body to block the way of Ryuzaki Shinji and others.

"It's a little troublesome now, these two guys have hidden their strength just now." Feeling the breath of the two little elves, Ryuzaki Shinji's face suddenly darkened.

The aura displayed by the two elves at this time was completely at the peak level of the quasi-celestial king.



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