Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 23: : Ghost Stone

The power gap between the quasi-king level elf and the quasi-king level elf has widened for a long distance. If you use something to describe it, it is like the difference between raw materials and semi-finished products. The former is still there. At the stage of accumulating power, the latter has already completed the accumulation of his own power, and is only short of the perception of the power of the source, and many existences of this level are only one step away from the heavenly king level.

Now appearing in front of Ryuzaki Shinji, these two quasi-king-level elves, they are undoubtedly the kind of powerful elves who are already walking on the road of comprehending the power of the source and have gone a long way. If you want to defeat them, you have to use Elf of the same level, otherwise it will be very difficult. Ryuzaki Shinji wants to rely on these elves that are currently displayed in his hands to defeat them. The difficulty of the challenge has exceeded the difficulty of hell, and the challenge is successful. rate is infinitely close to zero.

In the face of this situation, Ryuzaki Shinji, who is temporarily unable to use the four main elves, is undoubtedly a very headache. However, it is only a headache, and he has not yet chosen to retreat, because he still has a very powerful one. Quasi-king level elf.

"Isn't that arrogant, I'll make you cry later, come out, Ghost Stone, it's time to show your strength, this arrogant Boss Cordola will be handed over to you to deal with, remember , even his soul will not be spared." Seeing that Boscodora actually provokes him with a roar, Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes suddenly turned cold, and then he ordered the ghost stone in the shadow under his feet to appear.

"Hee hee hee~~, as you wish, the master I respect." Ryuzaki Shinji just finished speaking, a pair of scarlet eyes suddenly opened from the small shadow at Ryuzaki Shinji's feet, tight Then, a voice of the soul appeared that made everyone around him feel the chill behind him.

Ryuzaki Shinji's shadow first began to twist and shake abnormally, and then black light burst out from the shadow to the surroundings. Between a burst of light and darkness, the back of each hand opened a ghostly ghost claw. Probing out of the shadow, a large amount of black qi emerged from the shadow. Under the command of the ghost claw, all the black qi quickly condensed together. Finally, a ghost qi was deep and formed. A special ghost Stone appeared in front of everyone.

As soon as Ghost Stone appeared, the area within ten meters around him became gloomy and cold, and a gloomy black air emanated from him, and then quickly condensed into a black mist. , This mass of black fog is like a small field, which not only blocks the fierce sunlight above him, but also keeps the temperature around him at around 8 to 9 degrees.

Three shadow **** emitting a deep black light surround him with a specific trajectory, and the sound of ghosts crying and wolf howling is constantly transmitted from these three special shadow balls, and the sharp soul sound makes people around him. All the creatures felt the stinging pain of their souls. In addition, waves of tyrannical black energy waves swept out from the black mist to all around. All creatures touched by the black energy waves suddenly felt that their souls were locked. Feel.

A few seconds later, apart from Ryuzaki Shinji, Christina, Darubi and other elves couldn't bear the voice of the soul of Ghost Stone's indiscriminate attack. Look at the ghost Stone in the dark fog.

Ghost Stone, after the four main elves such as double-bomb gas and Gotha duck fell into a deep sleep, he is the only quasi-king level elves that can be taken out among Ryuzaki Ma's second-hand. Therefore, in this paragraph In a short period of time, the resource tilt he obtained was unmatched by other elite-level elves.

In fact, in every battle after Ryuzaki Shinji came to the central island, Ghost Stone was quietly taking action. Every elf who died in battle, except for their fleshly bodies, turned into second-hand elves of Ryuzaki Zhen. In addition to the food, even their souls, Ryuzaki Shinji didn't waste them, all of them were taken away by his special method by his instructing Ghost Stone.

In order to enhance his chances of surviving on this mysterious island, every battle power is precious, so Ryuzaki Shinji directly lifted the restriction of ghost stone swallowing souls on the bright side, and cooperated very well. He absorbs souls to rapidly increase his strength.

During this period of time, the number of souls that Ghost Stone devoured far exceeded the number that he had obtained privately after his degeneration, plus he possessed the talisman of the curse, a ghost-type treasure that could absorb souls and refine the power of pure souls. , Ghost Stone can devour enough pure soul power every day, naturally, his strength growth can be described as a thousand miles in a day.

Of course, as a re-cultivating Ghost Stone, he did not blindly improve his own strength quickly, but learned from his past lessons and steadily polished his foundation. At almost every stage, he will only choose after he has cultivated to the extreme. To make a breakthrough, although the strength shown on the bright side is only at the level of the advanced quasi-king, it is not difficult to see from some special changes in him that his strength has long surpassed this level.

However, the only thing that makes Ryuzaki Shinji a little dissatisfied is that Ghost Stone is still a thorn who does not listen to his commands too much. Except for the usual protection work, this old ghost is too lazy to move. Fortunately, this is the key point. At the time, he also understood the overall situation, and did not choose to stand idly by.

"Okay, what a terrifying power of the soul, it can still be affected when it gets here, God, there is such a terrifying little elf hidden in the shadow of Lord Ryuzaki, if you read it right, this ghost Stone is just an evil elf that feeds on the souls of living beings." Christina, who stepped aside, looked at the ghost Stone in the dark mist and thought, as a direct member of the big family, although her strength is not strong , but her eyesight is still very good. She can see at a glance the secret that Ghost Stone feeds on the souls of living beings. At the same time, she can't help worrying about Ryuzaki Shinji. She knows how difficult it is to control an evil elf. If you are not careful, you may be attacked by it.

The vision of Ghost Stone's appearance was undoubtedly very shocking. The two elves at the peak of the quasi-celestial king stopped their progress respectively, and then stared at the black fog in front of them. Now, Bosco Dora and Big Rock no longer have the contempt they had before, and their fighting instincts formed from years of fighting have always been warning them. They have never faced a powerful elf that is enough to kill them. If you are careful, you will die.

In the oasis, Bangira has changed from a half-lying posture to a normal standing posture, and those eyes that reveal playfulness and invincibility have also changed into solemnity. Although it is very small, he does feel it from Ghost Stone. To a deadly threat~www.readwn.com~ But this is not the reason why he chose to interrupt this game at this time, seeing the two men of Bosco Dora and Big Rock, who were photographed by Ghost Stone, now show it. Due to the power of the man, he didn't choose to act, Bangira suddenly felt that his face was dull, and immediately let out a roar to warn them.

"Roar~~" A deafening roar suddenly appeared from the center of the oasis. All the positions in the oasis wanted to be blown by the strong wind. .

At this time, all the wild elves in the vicinity who heard the roar desperately fled back to their lair, and then shivered and hid in it and did not dare to come out.

They all knew that the owner of the oasis had woken up and seemed very angry.


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