Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 24: : Cursed Mist

Hearing Bangira's deafening roar, both Boscodora and Big Rock's expressions changed drastically, and they didn't care about Ghost Stone's strangeness, and immediately launched an attack on Ryuzaki Shinji and the others.

To be on the safe side, both Boscordola and Big Rock chose to use the rock sharp blade, a long-range attacking move, to test it out. A large amount of rock-type power emanated from them, and then condensed into sharp pieces. rock.

Due to the difference in the user of the move, the number and power of the rock blades formed are completely different.

The rock blade formed by Boscodora not only contained the power of the rock system, but also contained the power of the steel system. The speed is far higher than that of ordinary rock-type elfs, and each rock blade is like a sharp knife flying towards Ryuzaki Shinji and others.

The rock edge formed by the big rock is very rough compared to Boscodora, but its characteristics are also very obvious, not only far more than Boscodora in number, but also in the volume of the formed rock edge. After the explosion, if Boscodora chooses the elite soldier route, and Big Rock chooses to win by quantity, the large number of rock blades formed is like a large-scale rock rain, with terrifying pressure from Ryuzaki Shinji. The top of the person's head fell.

Facing Boscodora's rock blade, Ryuzaki Shinji didn't feel much threat, but after seeing the rock blade made by the big rock, he couldn't calm down, and immediately used the Poké Ball to kill Scorpio and Scorpio. The **other than the frog was put away, and then regardless of Christina's feelings, a princess hugged her directly, and used teleportation to flexibly dodge in the rock rain.

At this time, the usual training of Scorpio and Frog finally showed their success. In the dense rain of rocks created by the big rocks, Scorpio was like a dancing butterfly, showing excellent flying skills and being very agile. Dodging all the attacks of the rock rain, and searching for a breakthrough all the way, and finally flew out of the attack range of the rock rain very successfully.

**Frog still maintains a Zen mind that is not afraid of life. With the characteristics of danger and anticipation, it uses the smallest movement range to avoid the giant rocks that fall from the top of the head. When it is impossible to avoid it, use the The strongest fighting skills currently mastered focus on smashing the giant rocks blocking the way, and then continue to do amazing evasion.

The main target of Boscodola's rock blades is Ghost Stone, each sharp blade-like rock blade quickly pierces into the black mist where Ghost Stone is located, but all the rock blades enter the black mist. It lost its movement like a stone sinking into the ocean, and even the indiscriminate attack of the rock rain that fell from the big rock was the same. It disappeared into the black mist, and even the sound of falling did not appear.

In the black mist, Ghost Stone has not moved for half a minute. He just stood there fearlessly and waited for the end of the opponent's attack. After all the rock blades entered the black mist, they were immediately disintegrated. It directly turned into a mass of yellow-brown energy, and then disappeared. Correspondingly, each time a mass of yellow-brown energy disappeared, the volume of the black mist where Ghost Stone was located was reduced accordingly. After the end of the rock's sharp blade, the black mist formed by Ghost Stone shrank by more than half. At this time, Boscodora and Big Rock could vaguely see Ghost Stone in the black mist.

"Hee hee hee~~, it's really a good ability. After the experiment is over, it's time for a pleasant soul hunt." Ghost Stone smiled as he looked at the red-lighting ghost eyes on the back of his hand. After thinking about it, he melted directly into the shadow below, and started to move quickly in the direction of Boscodora against the ground.

The black mist that Ghost Stone just used to defend against the attacks of Boss Cordola and Big Rock was actually an ability he accidentally awakened after absorbing a lot of pure soul power during this period of time. Ryuzaki Shinji This ability is named the fog of curse. In fact, these so-called fog of curse are part of the ghost energy that overflows from Ghost Stone's body, but these ghost energies are different from ordinary ghost energies.

I don’t know that this period of time is because Ghost Stone has absorbed the poisonous orb many times. His hidden poison attribute has also been fully stimulated, and he still occupies the dominant position of the energy in Ghost Stone’s body for a certain period of time. After that, Ghost Stone devoured the power of the soul and transformed a large amount of ghost energy, so that the ghost energy regained the dominant position, but his ghost energy was inevitably partially fused with the poison energy in the body, to be precise, the ghost The energy was infected by the aggressive poison-type energy, which caused the ghost-type energy in his body to have the corrosive properties of the poison-type energy.

The elf's moves are nothing more than the result of activating the attribute energy in the body and then shaping it. If the energy structure contained in the elf's moves can be destroyed, then the moves will be cracked naturally, and Ghost Stone's The formed fog of curse is a weapon that can crack the elf's moves. It uses the pervasive nature of ghost energy to invade the elf's moves that are shaped by attribute energy, and then uses the corrosive properties of poison energy to control the energy in the moves. The structure is destroyed, and finally the effect of offsetting local moves with the smallest loss is achieved.

Of course, everything has two sides, and this ability is no exception. It also has flaws in its use. Judging from Ryuzaki Shinji's current experiments, it cannot offset the moves that the elves use for close combat, such as Freezing punch, million-ton punch, super horn strike, etc., are generally used to offset those moves that are shaped by elves with attribute energy, such as high-numbered stars, water fluctuations, falling rocks, and so on.

It's just that even with its flaws, this new ability of Ghost Stone is still a very powerful means of defense. The advantage of Ghost Stone's racial value lies in both special attack and speed, but in physical defense, special defense and HP These three aspects are at a great disadvantage. Ghost Stone, who possesses the ability of the fog of curse, has undoubtedly further improved his survivability. In addition, he has rich combat experience and can be unceremonious. Said that today's Ghost Stone is not what it used to be, he has completely got rid of the degeneration period after degeneration~www.readwn.com~ Now the power he possesses has gradually become the fifth main force in Ryuzaki Shinji's mind Elf

"Don't get carried away, you can't allow the slightest slack in the battle, quickly solve your opponent, and then come to support the scorpion and the frog, otherwise, don't eat dinner tonight, and I will personally put the curse symbol in your body and Bring back all the poisonous orbs." Just when Ghost Stone wanted to wait for the best opportunity to deal with his opponent with less effort, Shinji Ryuzaki's cold words through telepathy made him tremble. .

"Understood, esteemed master." Ghost Stone immediately recited a sentence in his heart, and then immediately started to do it.

The next moment, a pair of scarlet eyes opened from the shadow of Boscodora, who was looking for the ghost of Stone.



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