Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 25: : Rolling Bureau

Bosco Dora looked left and right, and never found Ghost Stone. Although he has a strong frontal combat ability, it is true that his reconnaissance ability is relatively low. At this time, he has already He was about to arrive at the location where Ghost Stone was just now, but Ghost Stone and his conspicuous black mist suddenly disappeared in front of him without a trace, not even a trace of smell was left, which immediately let him dumbfounded.

And the big rock in the distance is fighting fiercely with Ryuzaki Shinji's scorpion and bad frog. As the most powerful and brave warrior in the Kodora tribe in this area, he can be hailed as the strongest elf in this area. The Bangira was chosen as one of the guardians to guard the oasis. He naturally felt extremely honored, but now he was ordered to bully a group of elite-level elves, which made him feel very ashamed. Teaming up with Big Rock to deal with two elite-level elves, he really couldn't hold his face.

Fortunately, the fighting instinct he had always believed in had been telling him that the enemy was nearby and had not disappeared.

"Roar~~" Boscodora let out a sarcastic roar, and then kept stomping on the ground under her feet, trying to make Ghost Stone appear in this provocative way.

As the thick-skinned ghost Stone, he naturally ignored his provocation, and kept secretly waiting for the moment when his opponent showed his flaws because of his anxiety.

It's a pity that time is on Boscodora's side for the time being.

After Ghost Stone got the order from Ryuzaki Shinji, he immediately dismissed the shameless tactic he originally wanted to carry out, and he followed Boscodora's will and appeared directly from the shadow behind him to meet him. At the same time, a shadow ball with a diameter of one meter appeared.

"Hey~" A loud sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, and at the moment Ghost Stone appeared, Boss Cordola, who felt the danger, immediately used Iron Tail to swept the place behind him without hesitation.

"Hee hee hee~~, it's too slow, stupid big guy, take me a ball." How could Ghost Stone, who has far more combat experience than Boscodora, not know how to guard against the opponent's flexible and powerful attack? Tail, directly using the smallest movement, lowered his head by about half a centimeter, and successfully avoided the temporary counterattack of Boscodora's move, and then took advantage of the situation and threw the huge shadow ball condensed in his hand onto the opponent's back.

"Bang~" As soon as the huge shadow ball landed on Boscodora's body, it exploded, and the heavy steel armor on Boscodola's body suddenly cracked a large crack, and the dark red blood was blurred from the crack. flowed out of the flesh.

Ghost Stone's long-standing powerful shadow ball went down, and Boscodora almost cried out in pain. Its physical defense is very high, yes, but its special defense seems a bit ordinary. Ghost Stone's shadow ball is also quite powerful for his damage.

"Roar~~" Bosco Dora shouted, the surging rock-type power burst out from the body, and a large number of rock blades quickly condensed, and then flew out from the body in all directions.

Ghost Stone was not greedy when he made a hit, and once directly turned into a shadow and stayed away from Boscodora.

Boscodora used the rock blade to force Ghost Stone back, and he immediately jumped up hard, and then used his earthquake skills against the ground below with all his strength.

"Hee hee hee~~, is this stupid big guy quite smart, he knows how to use earthquakes to hit me who turned into a shadow, but you are still a little tender, I have the floating feature, and ground-based skills are useless to me. ." Ghost Stone, who quickly came out of the ground, thought with a smile, just as Boss Cordola jumped up from the ground, he was already aware of the opponent's next move, directly touching the shadow state and restoring the original form.

"Boom~~" The sand within a radius of 100 meters was shaking violently under the action of a ground-based energy, but unfortunately, the earthquake by Boscodora was completely useless.

I saw Ghost Stone swaggering directly in front of Boscodora, who was activating his earthquake skills with all his strength. The three special shadow **** surrounding him, with a sound of "Boom~", six were blazing with blue ghost fires. The shadow **** were separated from the three special shadow **** in pairs, and then the six shadow **** fused with the ghost fire skills turned into six blue flames and shot at Boscodora.

Facing the frontal attack of Ghost Stone, Bosco Dora could not ask for anything, and did not choose to escape. The yellow-brown rock energy condensed in his hands. The giant rock suddenly protruded from the ground, protecting Boscodora layer by layer, and protruding all the way in the direction of Ghost Stone.

"It's useless, I'll say you're still a little tender." When Ghost Stone saw that Boscodora wanted the rock sealing skill to block his ghost fire shadow ball, he immediately thought, and the ghost fire shadow ball that had been scattered and shot immediately immediately Arranged in a straight line to form point-to-point shooting, with the opening of the five ghost fire shadow balls, the sixth ghost fire shadow ball broke through all the rock blocks and successfully hit Boscodora.

"Bang~~" As soon as Ghost Stone's ghost fire shadow ball hit Boscodora, it was like a stream of gas oil spilled on him, and the blue flames covered Boscodora.

The ghost fire skill hit, and Boscordola immediately fell into a state of burns, and his strength was instantly weakened by half.

"Roar~~" Boss Cordola, who was bathed in blue ghost fire, disregarded the injuries on his body. After raising his own attack with a roar, the sharp metal claws emitted a dazzling white light. UU reading www.uukanshu.com directly used alloy Claw charges against Ghost Stone.

Like a powerful bulldozer, Boscodora used alloy claws to smash the rocks he made before. As more and more rocks were smashed by alloy claws, his aura became more and more terrifying. , When the ghost stone was about to approach, his metal claws had more than doubled, and he exuded a terrifying power that was enough to crack mountains and rocks.

"Idiot, your combat experience is too lacking. It may be quite useful to deal with these stinky and hard ground-type and rock-type elves around you, but your current opponent is Mr. Ghost Stone, me, you are dying. Embrace death." Seeing that Boscodora still chose to confront him head-on, Ghost Stone's smile suddenly turned cold, and he said grimly to Boscodora, and then, a move of bad luck came from his hand. use it out.

In an instant, heavy ghosts appeared in front of Boscodora's eyes, and then there was a sound of ghosts crying and wolf howling in his ears, the pupils in his eyes suddenly widened, and finally, he saw a black figure with a sickle in his hand. Quickly pass through him.

In reality, before Boscodora came to Ghost Stone five meters, he had been standing in the sand in a daze. When the black light in Ghost Stone's hand completely disappeared, his huge body also slowly collapsed. on the ground.

"Bang~" As Bosco Dora fell, a burst of dust flew from the ground.

At this time, Ghost Stone just passed through Boscodora's body.

When he came out, Ghost Stone was already holding a milky white ball of light in his hand.

To be continued...

Thanks to my baby who is less than 30,000 starting point coins for the reward, and thanks to syuks for the 100 starting point coins. Thank you very much for your support.

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