Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 28: : Bangira's Prize

"Trash, it's all a bunch of trash, not even a group of elves trained by humans, it's really a bunch of trash, **** humans, it's all your fault, and you dare to kill my Lord's subordinates, unforgivable, unforgivable! ” A burst of roars came out from the oasis, revealing the anger of the owner of the oasis at this time. Seeing that the big rock snake was also defeated by the elf of Ryuzaki Shinji, the whole Bangira, who was eating red rock in the oasis, was so angry that he died. , after throwing the red rock in his hand on the ground, he angrily looked at Ryuzaki Shinji who was also looking over at this time.

"This matchup was arranged by you. I didn't cheat in any way. Does the owner of the oasis only have so much energy that he can't afford to lose? That's really disappointing." The words of Yu Ryuzaki Shinji's telepathy appeared in Bangira's heart.

In an instant, these words quenched the anger in Bangira's heart like a splash of cold water, and immediately made him retract the steps he was about to take. In the end, he had no choice but to angrily dismiss himself against Ryuzaki Zhen. The idea of ​​a second-class shot.

As Ryuzaki Shinji said, this battle was indeed forced by him. If he still wants to trouble the winner Ryuzaki Shinji and others at this time, then he will confirm the fact that he has a small temperament. At that time, there were not a hundred or eighty elves around who knew the outcome of this duel. If he couldn't afford to lose today and it was spread out that he did it himself, then he would really be defeated by other strong players in this desert in the future. People are ridiculed, and they will be laughed at for a lifetime, and even from now on, they will not be able to get a strong female Bangira.

Bangira has always been a group of arrogant arrogant, arrogant and arrogant characters. Naturally, these creatures are some very good-looking elves. Maybe he doesn't care about those who are weaker than him, but he does. He cares very much about the opinions of those who have the same level of power as him. If he loses face in front of those strong men, it will be more uncomfortable than being defeated himself.

And Bangira, who occupies this oasis, is no exception. He is considered to be a relatively strong elf in the vicinity, belonging to the level of Tuba, but if it is placed in the entire desert, the same kind and elf that are stronger than him are still There are many, not to mention others, such as the three high-level heavenly king-level elves adjacent to his territory, the strong bite land shark, the big steel snake and the fire lion, each of which is not under him, among which the strong bite land shark Even more firmly overwhelmed him, because of his defiant personality, his relationship with these three powerhouses is very poor.

"If they know that they can't afford to lose like this, then they will laugh at them until their faces turn yellow. No, I can't do this, and they mustn't know about it. Damn, this human being is really hateful, I really want to tear it apart. Him." When Bangira thought of such a serious consequence, she immediately thought with a look of fear, and then she looked at Ryuzaki Shinji with gnashing teeth.

Seeing that Bangira was gradually withdrawing the terrifying murderous aura, Shinji Ryuzaki suddenly narrowed his eyes, and then looked at Bangira thoughtfully, his eyes showing hope, the reason why he did not defeat the big rock snake The reason why he chose to leave immediately came from what Ghost Stone said.

From the words of the old ghost Ghost Stone just now, I know that the battle just now was a very formal duel, and the initiator and witness of the duel was Bangira. According to the rules between elves, The winning side is entitled to a treasure from the initiator of the duel as a prize, and according to the proud character of Bandirana, it should not be reneged on the account.

Sure enough, after Ryuzaki Shinji stood there for a few minutes, Bangira couldn't sit still, and had to reluctantly walk to the lair in the huge rock behind him. A minute later, Bangira re-emerged from the lair. He came out of the middle, and at this time he was holding a rock the size of an adult male fist.

The shape of this rock is no different from the rocks that can be seen everywhere on the ordinary sandy ground, but it is covered with a layer of earth-brown light. To be precise, it exudes a layer of earth-brown light like a streamer. Just by looking at it, you can tell that this is an extraordinary treasure.

"Hee hee hee~, this big guy is really rich, and the last treasure in his hand is the original treasure, such a rare treasure, mother, master, you can't let this go in the future. Dude, he is rich, and he must have better things in his hand." After seeing the strange rock in Bangira's hand, the well-informed ghost Stone suddenly said with a look of amazement, and then stared at him. The cave behind Bangira could not help but reveal a deep greed in his eyes.

"I know, let's store those treasures that belong to us with him for the time being. After my strength is fully restored, it's not too late to take care of him, hehe~" He Gui Stone thought of a dragon Saki Shinji sneered.

"Hoo~" Bangira roared at Ryuzaki Shinji and the others, and then reluctantly glanced at the strange rock in his hand, and reluctantly threw the strange rock in his hand in front of Ryuzaki Shinji , Immediately after, he turned and walked directly to the lair in the huge rock, not giving Ryuzaki Shinji any chance to choose any replacement.

Although the peculiar rock is small, it seems to be extremely heavy, and the sound of falling is not as loud as the sound of a huge rock falling.

A loud noise of "Bang~" appeared, and the peculiar rock slammed into the sand in front of Ryuzaki Shinji and the others, and then formed a big pit, and directly let them eat a face of sand and dust.

Ryuzaki Shinji carefully watched the strange rocks in the big pit while patting the sand and dust on his body~www.readwn.com~ There was an indescribable surprise in his heart. He worked so hard to come to the central island for the purpose of What? In fact, the purpose is to enable him and his elf to advance to the power of the source of the king level. Although this requirement was half completed by some coincidences before he even started to explore the island, he has the source. The source of the power of the power, who is not too much of this kind of thing, the more the better, and now it is only after completing a duel that is not too difficult, and I have obtained a source of the source that is hard to come by. It really surprised him.

Christine on the side was stunned at this time. Although she did not hear the whispers of Ryuzaki Shinji and Oni Stone, as a direct member of an ancient family, she still knew some characteristics of the original thing. The streamer version of the yellowish-brown rock is undoubtedly the origin of the rock system, and she can't get it after trying for it, and now it appears in front of her so vividly.

But the only pity is that such a rare treasure still does not belong to her.

"Christina, don't worry, this is definitely not the first thing I got in this place, and I will get more in the future. As long as you serve me well, I will never treat you badly." Looking at Christina's beautiful big eyes full of desire, Ryuzaki Shinji touched her head and said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ryuzaki Shinji stepped forward, picked up this strange rock forcefully, and put it carefully into a space bag that stored valuables.

To be continued...

Thank you my baby is Xiaoyu for your strong support for this book, thank you very much, and thank xxwwoo for the 500 starting point coin reward, and thank you very much for your support.

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