Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 29: : Emerald light of evolution

After Ryuzaki Shinji put away the strange rock given by Bangira, he stopped staying and started to walk with Christina to the Gobi where the temporary residence is located. Today's task is basically the next special training. All have been completed. Not only have they collected abundant food and water, but they have also accidentally harvested a source of things, which can be said to be a pot full of money.

Perhaps it was the elf led by Shinji Ryuzaki who killed the two quasi-king peak elf Boss Cordola and Big Rock. Even though they had already walked out of the oasis for several kilometers, the elf hidden in the sand was still there. They are also very quiet, and they don't dare to attack them at all. Even if they accidentally meet, they will immediately get into the sand and run away, looking like they are afraid of accidentally encountering a killing **** when they go out.

"Lord Ryuzaki, have you ever thought about conquering a rock-type elf, now you have a rock-type origin thing in your hand, as long as you get a rock-type elf with good qualifications, you It is possible to breed a Heavenly King-level elf. Now, in this desert environment, there is a rock-based Heavenly-king-level elf, which can be useful for our future exploration of this desert. Very big." Christina asked Ryuzaki Shinji nervously.

Because of the unobstructed journey along the way, Christina also relaxed a little bit of nerves that had been tense. After a little thought, she focused her attention again on the rock-type origin that Ryuzaki had just acquired in second-hand. above the object, and further began to consider how Ryuzaki Shinji can maximize the use of this original object.

"I don't have any experience with the cultivation of rock-type elves. Almost everything starts from scratch, so I have no idea of ​​conquering rock-type elves. Now I have enough elves on hand, and I can't handle it. Come on, of course, if I really meet a rock-type elf with excellent qualifications, I will also be moved. Therefore, I will continue to specialize in the cultivation of poison-type and super-power-type elf. This is the fastest way for me to improve my strength at present." Hearing Christina's question, Ryuzaki Shinji frowned under the mask, but in the end he chose to answer Christina's question.

"I see, thank you very much for your explanation, then I will do my best to serve you." Seeing Ryuzaki Shinji responding to her with telepathy, Christina suddenly let out a sigh of relief, and then looked respectful. said, and continued to keep silent to follow Ryuzaki Shinji's footwork.

When Christina uttered the question in her heart, she already realized that she had said the wrong thing. The training of the trainer's elf belongs to the forbidden category. As a lower-ranking person, she considers the thoughts of the upper-ranking person. It definitely belongs to the scope of crossing the border. Fortunately, Ryuzaki Shinji has great courage, and instead of blaming her, he responded. This suddenly made her feel both surprised and happy, and she couldn't help but feel grateful for herself and the other person.

"Actually, you don't have to worry about wasting this source material because I don't have a rock elf in my hand. Even if I don't use it, I can use it to exchange it with other powerhouses on the island. If I didn't guess If it's wrong, the powerhouses of the Alliance, Team Rocket, and other forces have all come to this island. Even if some of the outstanding ones come to this island one step later, they must have achieved some breakthroughs in strength. We and them The intelligence on this island is unequal. They must have important information on how to obtain the source of things. Once they meet, as long as our strengths are not much different, I may be able to switch channels from them. The original thing we want, there is only one thing we can do now, and that is to do everything possible to improve our own strength, and then we can get a place in the final game." After walking for a while, Ryuzaki Shinji He used telepathy to respond to Christina for further explanation.

It has now been two weeks since Ryuzaki Shinji and the others came to the central island, and as Ryuzaki Shinji guessed just now, the powerhouses of the Alliance, Team Rocket and other forces have also passed through the rainstorm belt one after another. The final battle brought by the storm to this stormy sea area, but they were beyond Ryuzaki Shinji's guess that these powerful powerhouses did not randomly transfer to various areas of the central island, but gathered together to start Exploring this island, and relying on some precious information and strong alliances left by predecessors, soon obtained various precious treasures from the hands of the powerful elves in the central island and various dangerous places, among which There is no shortage of rare treasures such as the original object.


About seven or eight kilometers out of the oasis, Ryuzaki Shinji lost all the power he gained from the oasis by killing Boss Cordola and Big Rock Snake, and began to be attacked by wild elves in the desert one after another.

At this time, the elf sent by Ryuzaki Shinji to deal with the wild elf was the silk spider and the wonderful frog seed.

Scorpio, Bad Frog and Darubi have suffered severe physical exhaustion or serious injuries in previous battles, and all need to rest in the Poké Ball at this time, especially Bad Frog, according to Christina, a professional medical trainer. Instructed, although the bad frog seems to have recovered from the injury, it is still in a weak state. The bad frog must wait at least a week for the new bones to stabilize before continuing to engage in high-intensity training and fighting.

It is also the usual method of the ground elves. More than ten gophers, led by an elite three gophers, attacked Ryuzaki Shinji and others. A quicksand whirlpool beat them up, and the quicksand was very fast. and engulfed the cry of their and others.

"The Orb Spider, cover the surroundings with a sticky net, and then quickly use the surrounding terrain to make a web, the wonderful frog seeds, use the deep-rooted roots to slow down the sinking speed of the surrounding quicksand, and it is best to use the roots to remove these annoying ground. The rat and the three hamsters bundle up,"

The silk spider lying on Ryuzaki Shinji's back obeyed the order, and immediately spit out a large amount of sticky spider webs from its mouth to cover the area of ​​the quicksand, and then accurately aimed at several cacti outside the area of ​​quicksand and spit out a sturdy one. Spider silk, after gaining a few support points, the orb silk spider quickly began to weave a sturdy web on the quicksand. With the help of the spider's web, Ryuzaki Shinji and Christina quickly Just get rid of the quicksand's bundle, and then sit safely on the spider's web.

When the seeds of the wonderful frog appeared in the quicksand, the first time they used deep-rooted skills, under the rooting of a large number of roots ~www.readwn.com~ the speed of the quicksand engulfed suddenly decreased, and some roots were in the frog seeds. With the help of the roots, the wonderful frog seeds use one trick to absorb the hamsters, and immediately **** the hamsters caught by the root bundles into rat dry.

Some gophers just emerged from the quicksand, and were immediately stuck to their bodies by some fragmented sticky webs in the quicksand, and their speed dropped sharply. The gophers whose speed had dropped sharply bit their fangs. After the gophers with the poisonous spiders died, he wrapped the prey one by one with spider silk, and then hung them on the spider web.

The battle was over soon, and the three hamsters finally died in the root bundle of the seeds of the frog and the absorption skills. Like most of his subordinates, the nutrients in the body were drained by the seeds of the frog and became a piece. Dried rat.

At the moment when the three hamsters became rat stems, the seed plants on the back of the seeds of the wonderful frogs finally gave off a green light, and the light of evolution appeared on the seeds of the wonderful frogs again.

"Okay, don't interrupt, your accumulation is enough, Wonder Frog Seed, it's time to usher in your first evolution." Just when Wonder Frog Seed wanted to forcibly interrupt this evolution, Ryuzaki Shinji The familiar voice appeared in his heart.

As soon as Ryuzaki Shinji finished speaking, the light of evolution that was gradually dimming from the seeds of the wonderful frog suddenly burst into light.

A hint of deep green emerges from the light of evolution, and finally renders the white light of evolution into an emerald green

To be continued......

Thanks to heijun123321 for the 100 starting point coin reward, Yao Shun for the 500 starting point coin reward, and thanks to the lightning hacker for the 100 starting coin reward, thank you very much for your support for this book, thank you very much.

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