Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 31: : by Kira's Egg


After the episode of the successful evolution of the frog seeds into the frog grass, Ryuzaki Shinji and others continued their journey back to the temporary residence. At Christina's request, they were heading towards the place where the mysterious elf egg was left before.

The scorching sun was scorching hot, Ryuzaki Shinji and the others could not pass a dozen kilometers. At this time, they were all tired and sweating. Ryuzaki Shinji and the elves around him were fine. After two weeks of exercise, they had basically adapted to desert walking. The harshness of her, and Christina, a weak woman, can't stand it anymore, and is currently in a state of heat stroke.

"Isn't there yet, Ryusaki-sama, let's take a break, I can't walk." Christina, who was walking at the back of the team, said feebly to Ryuzaki Shinji, who was in the center of the team.

At this time, Christina was already dripping with sweat, her whole face became red, and her clothes were soaked with sweat. At this time, her arrogant figure was unmistakable. The mysterious place under her jaw was also looming, and the whole person looked charming. kind.

"Just hold on a little longer, there's only a little distance left, and I'll be able to rest soon." Ryuzaki Shinji stopped, turned his head and said to Christina, who was squatting on the ground, panting, looking down from this angle , that beautiful scenery is in full view.

"Tanaetana", the spirited Froggrass walked over to Chris's side and rubbed her arm and called, then pointed the rattan to her, and then to himself, indicating that he could carry Christina away . (Baidu check the pronunciation, do not use the strange pronunciation of "grass".)

After the frog seeds evolved into the frog grass, the quality of all aspects of the body has been greatly improved, especially the physical strength. In addition to the miracle seeds presented by Christina, he felt that he had an inexhaustible feeling. His strength made him extremely relaxed during this difficult journey.

"Can I really sit on it?" Christina said in surprise after seeing the action of the frog grass.

It's a pity that Ryuzaki Shinji refused to replace the frog before he could nod and agree.

"This is her own path. Let her walk alone. You go back to the front to explore the path immediately. Without my order, who asked you to leave your position without permission? This time it's fine, but it's not an example." A sentence from Long Qi Shinji's indifferent voice appeared in Christina's and Frogger's mind at the same time.

Upon hearing this, Froggrass didn't dare to disobey Ryuzaki Shinji's order, so she had to show a helpless expression to Christina, and then ran back to the front position.

"..." Seeing this, Christina had to stand up from the ground again, with a trace of moisture in her eyes, and felt very wronged by Ryuzaki Shinji's character who didn't know how to pity Xiangxiyu.

"Even if you are a woman, I will not treat you differently. If you want to stay in this team, you have to do your own things yourself. This is the most basic requirement. If you can't do it, you can quit now. , you should know, I don't need to be burdensome." Ryuzaki Shinji turned a blind eye to Christina's grievances, and said in an indifferent tone, then left a small bottle of water on the ground and started the trip again.

Christina squeezed the water bottle left by Shinji Ryuzaki tightly, and looked at the back who was walking steadily under the yellow sand and the scorching sun. She felt very unwilling in her heart. She knew that the man in front of her still did not fully recognize her. .

"I won't let you underestimate it again, I must stay, definitely." Christina bit her red lips, thinking firmly, holding back her strength and quickly following up with the team ahead.


At the same time, less than a kilometer away from Ryuzaki Shinji and the others, two men in white uniforms were carefully searching the surrounding sand with two mane rock werewolves in their daytime form. The place is the area where Ryuzaki Shinji and the rogue alligator and other sand crocodiles fought fiercely.

The two men seemed to have lost something valuable. Under the orders of the two of them, the two mane rock werewolves had been leaning against the sand and shaking their noses, earnestly searching for this thing inch by inch, but ten minutes passed. The two mane rock werewolves still did not find anything, which made the two men very anxious.

"How is it, Yanwu, did you find it again?" A man in white asked anxiously to another companion named Yanwu.

But from the same anxious expression on the man named Yanwu, he knew that he also had nothing to gain.

"No, **** it, the group of sand crocodiles are migrating to the vicinity. It stands to reason that the thing should be right here, but from the current messy appearance here, this group of sand The crocodiles should have been killed by someone. It’s hard to say. Bangira’s eggs have been taken first. What should we do? If this is the case, then what should we do? The leader will definitely kill us, why not? Let's run away now, Yansan." Yanwu shook his head and said to Yanwudi with some sincerity.

"Run where we can go, it's not like you don't know how terrifying this desert is, every oasis is occupied by those powerful and unreasonable monsters, and the border is blocked by those terrifying guardians, even if you can hide After the leader's pursuit, if we can't safely cross the Grand Canyon, we will also die of thirst in this desert. For now, we can only retrieve Bangira's eggs, so that we will have a chance of survival. , According to me, it's all your fault, you idiot. You have already grabbed the elf egg from Bangira's hands, but it was stolen by a black-eyed crocodile halfway through. This time you really hurt Damn me, I was really blinded by the lard, and if I accepted your bribe, I shouldn't have been with you." Hearing Yanwu's weak words, Yansan immediately grabbed Yansan's collar with his hands , said fiercely.

"Then you can't blame me. Didn't you see the scar on my back? I was almost killed by that rogue crocodile. If it was you, do you want to protect that egg to death!" Yanwu tried hard. Pushing Yansan away, he revealed the scar on his back that was still leaking blood, and explained angrily.

Seeing the two masters insulting each other like this, the two mane rock werewolves looked at each other, and both lay on the ground listlessly. From last night until now, they have been forced to work by Yansan and Yanwu, and they only ate one meal in the middle. Simple things, I'm really hungry now~www.readwn.com~ Hey, you two wastes, don't hurry to work, you can't find anything, you don't need to rest! ! As soon as he saw the two maned rock werewolves stop, the hot-tempered Yan San immediately vented his anger on them.

The two maned rock werewolves did not dare to disobey Yan San's order, and immediately stood up from the ground, looking lost and continuing to search for the smell of Yukira's elf egg on the sand.

"You also look for it immediately, otherwise, if you can't find it, I will kill you first, and then go back to the leader to explain it." Yan San turned his head to Yan Wu and said viciously, then gritted his teeth and threw a The seriously injured King Nido was released and let him join the search team.

"Oh, it seems that I happened to get an incredible treasure before, from Kira's egg, someone sent a pillow just as I wanted to doze off, hehe" A few meters away from the two men, they looked at the rock. In the shadow of the shadow, Ryuzaki Shinji squinted his eyes and thought to himself.

To be continued.....() "Pokemon Dark Giant" only represents the author's point of view. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only Committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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