Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 32: : Desert Wolf


When Iwasan and Iwago were still arguing, they didn't know that they had been detected by Ryuzaki Shinji, who was 200 meters away, using his mental power, and they came around them unknowingly, and finally returned. Listen to their conversations.

In addition to Christina, Ryuzaki Shinji was the second time to finally see living humans in this desert. Originally, he wanted to talk to them and get some information about other human trainers. After probing, they found that they seemed to be looking for something, and a malicious curiosity suddenly emerged from Ryuzaki Shinji's heart. Then, he saved the scene where Ryuzaki Shinji was eavesdropping with the ability of Ghost Stone. .

After Ryuzaki Shinji learned that the two were actually looking for the lost Yukira's egg, he immediately thought of the elf egg that he accidentally obtained from the sand crocodile's lair this morning, although he did not know what the two said. What is the strength of that leader, but since he accidentally obtained the egg of Kira, he naturally regarded it as his own thing, a quasi-divine beast egg, it has the inestimable potential of its owner, a kind of murder that kills people and kills people. The idea came out of his mind immediately.

Murdering and killing people, this is simply commonplace for Ryuzaki Shinji, who started from the bottom of the Rockets. Speaking of which, since he accidentally participated in this so-called battle for the origin of the slate, he has not been for a long time. Having done these things, most of the enemies he has encountered are either opponents of the same level or powerhouses above him. Now his strength has gradually improved, and he is steadily coming to the first echelon.

"Who, who is there, get out of here, King Nido, and destroy that stone." Although Yansan and Yanwu are not top trainers, they have survived in the central island for a long time. They have also gone through a lot of life and death tests. Ryusaki Shinji's killing intent exuded a little bit, and a fatal feeling suddenly emerged from their hearts, and then they immediately discovered Ryuzaki Shinji in the shadow of the rock. The third is to directly order King Nido to strike first without saying a word.

King Nido, who had freshly scabbed scars all over his body, heard this, and resisted the faint pain that came from his body. An orange-yellow energy beam quickly converged from his mouth, and then went to the rock used by Ryuzaki Shinji to hide his figure. lasing away.

With a sound of "bang", the rock was immediately shattered by the destruction light, and a large number of sharp broken rocks flew around.

"The Mane Rock Werewolf, use scent detection to find him. King Nido pays attention to the Mane Rock Werewolf's instructions." It was nothing but a large amount of dust splashed by the destruction of the death light. Two maned rock werewolves.

"Desert Naia, sprinkle cotton spores all around, the ironclad rhinoceros and Desert Naia pay attention to the movement around, and then cover us." Yan Wu's response was not slow, and immediately released the only two elves left in his hand. Defend for them.

As soon as Desert Naia heard it, a large number of cotton spores suddenly spread out from her body, and then flew from her body to the surrounding sand. As long as someone stepped on these cotton spores, they would stick to them, and then the speed dropped sharply.

The two mane rock werewolves immediately obeyed the order and sniffed the smell in the wind with their noses. After a few seconds, they immediately let out a long howl at a rock behind the third group of Yan, and then separated from both sides and rushed towards the rock fiercely. In the past, in the process of charging, the head was covered with a layer of metallic luster, and the iron head was used to the rock in unison.

Seeing this, King Nido raised his head and opened his mouth wide, and purple poisonous needles sprayed out from his mouth. Falling.

"Sure enough, after some baptism on this island, the people who can survive have a good sense of battle. These two guys who are not strong enough to have only high-level elites are obviously just two trash fish, and they can be so good. The cooperation of the elves, and the fighting qualities of the elves are also very high, it seems that the organizational strength behind them is quite good." Seeing the appearance of Yansanyan Wuyi's attack and defense, he used the teleportation to shift the position of the dragon again. Saki Shinji's face became a little dignified.

After the rock that Ryuzaki Shinji had just hidden was shattered by Iwasan's elf again, he also ended his detection of the enemy's strength, and then appeared in front of Iwasan and Iwago, holding the quaint cross in his hand. The long sword walked towards the two of them without haste.

It was obvious that the other party was only one person at this time, and he didn't even bring a elf with him, but Yansan and Yanwu were still dripping with cold sweat. The mysterious man in the white mask in front of them didn't feel like a human at all. , but a monster in human skin. It was just a random stop. They all felt that their lives had been dragged into the hands of the other party.

"Who are your Excellency, the two of us are subordinates of Lord Argus, known as the wolf of the desert. If there was any offense just now, we are willing to use the water and food on our body as compensation. Please also have a large amount of Lord Argus. It depends on Lord Argus. For the sake of face, let us go." As the leader of the two, Iwasan was very self-aware, and immediately realized that everyone on his side was no match for Ryuzaki Shinji, and immediately wanted to use the prestige of his own leader. To frighten Ryuzaki Shinji, and hand over the precious water and food in his hands.

Although the mysterious person in front of him gave Yansan the same feeling as his own leader gave him, he could find that the other party did not have the power of the source similar to his own leader. Therefore, Yansan immediately knew At most, the opponent is only a powerhouse at the peak level of the quasi-king, not a powerhouse at the king level. Since the opponent is a lone powerhouse who is active in this area, he should also have dealt with his own leader, and now he has become the prestige of his own leader. The other party should also give a thin face, let them go, and after calming down a little, his inner fear of Ryuzaki Shinji also decreased a lot.

It's a pity that he is more sensible, but Nai He has a pig teammate by his side, and the next remarks of disgust immediately made Yan San's heart that had just calmed down a little bit come up again.

"Yes, yes, the two of us are the most loyal subordinates of Lord Argus. If you dare to kill us, you will be the enemy of Lord Argus. Lord Argus will never let you go. If you are wise, leave immediately. We are still carrying out the mission given by Lord Argus." Seeing Ryuzaki Shinji immediately stopped moving forward as soon as he heard the name of his leader, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Iwago immediately refused the other party's advice. , immediately threatened.

"I..." Hearing Yan Wu's words, Yan San's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately turned his head to look at the idiot and looked at Yan Wu. At this time, he could not wait to kill this idiot who didn't know the current affairs in front of him immediately.

"Why, am I wrong?" Iwago, who was somewhat upright by nature, looked at Iwasan with a dumbfounded expression.

"Hehehe, I said which one of you two are arguing about, what Argus, the wolf of the desert, I haven't heard of it, I'll give you two paths now, the first is to die immediately, and the second is to die immediately. Just obediently tell me everything you know about this island." An icy cold language suddenly appeared in their hearts.

The next moment, I saw a flash of dazzling purple awns, followed by two maned rock werewolves and an iron armored rhino, fell unconscious, King Nido was seriously injured and dying, and the desert Naia was cut in half from the center.

Generally simple cross swords are placed on their necks. () "Pokemon Dark Giant" only represents the author's opinion, if you find any content that violates national laws, please delete it. The stand is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!

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