Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 33: : the bitter end


With the exception of Iwasan's Nido King, which is barely considered a high-level elite, the other elves are only as strong as an intermediate-level elite. Ryuzaki Shinji directly killed the iron-clad rhino, the two-maned rock werewolf, and the severely injured man with a single stroke of mental strength. King Nido was defeated. As for Monganaya, who has the evil attribute, he was a little unlucky. He was simply and roughly cut in half with a cross sword by Ryuzaki Shinji, and he was not far from death.

"This, this is too strong. Is this person still human? It's not at the same level at all." Seeing Ryuzaki Shinji casually subduing the two of them's elves in an instant, Iwasan suddenly trembled with fear, especially After he made sure that he didn't hear Ryuzaki Shinji's voice with his ears, the fear in his heart began to expand violently, and he had already realized what kind of monster he was facing now.

Yanwu's performance was much worse than Yansan's, his entire face was white with fright, a lot of cold sweat kept pouring out from his body, and then two trembling eyes looked at the sharp and sharp long in front of his throat. sword.

"You still have two seconds to choose, my patience is limited." Before the two could ease their fears, Ryuzaki Shinji's cold words appeared in their hearts again.

Ryuzaki Shinji's voice just fell.

With a "pop", Iwago held his head in his hands, and then fell to the ground first, with a flattering look on his face, and directly used his movements to make Ryuzaki Shinji give a choice.

"Damn, this guy is really a soft egg." Seeing Yan Wu's showing of a soft egg, Yan San thought disdainfully, and at the same time felt a little annoyed at why he didn't choose first, but unfortunately, there was no time to let He was annoyed, and an eye that seemed to be able to see through his heart was staring at him coldly. ,

The second sound of "Put Tong", Yan San also knelt on the ground like he did, showing surrender with his movements.

After seeing the movements of the two of them, Ryuzaki Shinji put down the quaint long sword, and the silk spider hiding behind him received an order at this time, drilled out of the cloak, and spit out the first kind of spider silk Sanhe Yanwu and Wuhuahua are tied together.

When the silk spider completed the binding work, Christina, Scorpio and Frog Seed also gradually walked over from not far away, and Frog Seed also had a matcha-colored elf egg on its body.

"Lord Ryuzaki, according to your instructions, the elf egg has been retrieved safely." Christina first looked at the two people who were bound by the silk spider five flowers with puzzled eyes, and then said respectfully to Ryuzaki Shinji.

Ryuzaki Shinji nodded in response, and then took the elf egg handed over by the frog grass with a cane whip.

"Look more clearly, is this the Yukira egg you're looking for?" Ryuzaki Shinji put the elf egg in front of Iwasan and the other two, and the one eye under the mask also glowed with deep purple awns. , staring at the eyes of the two of them tightly.

When they saw the elf egg, Iwasan and Iwago had expressions like that on their faces. After looking at each other, they both nodded at Ryuzaki Shinji with a wry smile.

"This egg was actually laid by Bangira, my God, I'm not dreaming." Hearing Ryuzaki Shinji's question and the two's affirmative answers, Christina covered her red lips with her small hands , looking at the matcha-colored elf egg in Ryuzaki's second hand at this time, her eyes gradually became greedy and hot.

Since returning from the oasis, Christina has clearly realized how terrifying the strength of Bangira who occupies the oasis. The iron rule that no fighting is allowed within one kilometer from the oasis and the rule that you need to leave tributes when fetching water is just that. It can be seen that the powerful and unparalleled deterrent force has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of the wild elves near the oasis, so that they have no idea of ​​disobedience.

Now, an elf egg with the potential to reach such a high level appeared in front of her. Even though she knew that it could not belong to her, Christina still had a **** in her heart at this time. There is no doubt that as long as The Yukira of the elf eggs can be cultivated well. For anyone who wants to climb the top of the strong, this Yukira's egg is a pair of wings that can allow them to climb easily.

"Very good, very good, hahaha" After hearing the affirmative answers from the two of them, Ryuzaki Shinji immediately laughed, and he laughed very happily. Perhaps it was because he was too emotional, and the supernatural force on him that had been restrained all along. The ability suddenly radiated, and purple energy fluctuations spread around in a circular manner. Except for the elves of Ryuzaki Shinji, everyone present felt that their heads were being hit by a giant hammer. Like the continuous heavy blows, his face suddenly turned bloodless.

For many years, he has been crawling and rolling in the bottom layer of the Rockets. He once tried his best to get an ordinary elf, and did not hesitate to take risks, but in the end he could only get the little Lada and gas bombs that can be seen everywhere. Ordinary elf, although he did rely on these ordinary elf to reach the current level step by step, but who can understand the bitterness in it.

Even though he entered the Rockets at the age of 10 before he really came into contact with the elves, Shinji Ryuzaki asked himself that he was not inferior to those so-called geniuses. He was a man of two generations and possessed a strong spiritual power. He was absolutely in learning ability. It is far beyond ordinary people. Give him a little time, and he can definitely become an excellent elf scholar. If he can start a little better, just give him a starting elf with good qualifications and a certain amount of early stage. Cultivating resources, what he has achieved is definitely more than what he is today. Perhaps, he has been able to compete with the top group of so-called geniuses.

Every time I see a group of 10-year-old young trainers on TV show their skills in league competitions, and then they become famous, and then they become well-known powerful trainers, as Ryuzaki Shinji, who is about the same age, said It's definitely a lie if he doesn't envy. If he can, he also wants to participate in the league competition as a free trainer, and then get his own honor from it, but the world is messing with people, and his hands are covered with blood. It may be possible to return to the right path. Now, he has only one goal, and that is to stick to his own path and step by step to the peak of this world.

Now, Ryuzaki Shinji has finally come to terms with all his hardships. After he has reached the height he is today, he unexpectedly obtained a quasi-divine beast elf egg. He has a terrifying elf, and the resources to cultivate are everywhere in this desert. He even has the source power to make him enter the Heavenly King level, the only thing missing is the time to cultivate.

The normal growth time of quasi-divine beasts is indeed very long, and the resources consumed are also heavenly numbers. According to Ryuzaki Shinji's current understanding of the creatures like Bangira, starting from the infancy of Kira, it has grown into a powerful one step by step. In Bangira, the number of rocks to be eaten during the period is at least comparable to that of a mountain, and this is not some ordinary rocks. Every quasi-divine beast has a great appetite, and their food is very special. Giving the wrong food will greatly weaken the future potential of this quasi-divine beast.

If it were normal, Ryuzaki Shinji might still have a headache, but he has found a way to cultivate Yukira from the tribute of Bangira on the other side of the oasis~www.readwn.com~ If he hadn't guessed If it's wrong, that red rock is the key resource for cultivating Yukira, and that kind of rock is almost inexhaustible in the rocky area near the oasis.

As a trainer, it is the most normal thing to find a way to shorten the time it takes for an elf to form. Ryuzaki Shinji is confident that with abundant resources, the elf egg in his hand will quickly become him. One of the indispensable forces.

When Ryuzaki Shinji calmed down and suppressed the superpowers in the body again, Iwasan, Iwago, and Christina all lay on the ground feebly, their faces pale, and among them, Iwasan and Iwago had their eyes, ears, mouth and nose runny. With dark red blood, at this time, they looked at Ryuzaki Shinji with deep fear.

"I'm sorry, I was too excited for a while and couldn't control my mental power. Next, let's talk about what you promised me before." Ryuzaki Shinji gently touched the elf egg in his hand, and then He spoke to Iwasan and Iwago, who had only half their lives left.

To be continued...() "Pokemon Dark Giant" only represents the author's point of view. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. Only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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