Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 34: :Important information


After experiencing the devastation of Ryusaki Shinji's leakage of spiritual power, Iwasan and Iwago still didn't understand that the masked man in front of him was an extremely powerful superhuman, and they also had a deep memory of their understanding of superpowers. , because there is also a superpower in their organization. His best superpower method is hypnosis. He plays the position of torturer in the organization and is notoriously vicious. Everyone who has been hypnotized by him is not crazy in the end. Just become a fool.

But now Iwasan and Iwago compare Ryuzaki Shinji with one in their hearts, and immediately feel that the superpower in the organization is not qualified to carry Ryuzaki Shinji's shoes, just some leaked spirit It almost killed them with force. It can be seen that once Ryuzaki Shinji is real, without moving a finger, a single thought can kill them like a small bug.

After realizing that even if they didn't say anything, they would be easily deceived by the other party. In order to avoid the risk of becoming a lunatic or a fool, both Iwasan and Iwago knew everything they knew.

From the words of the two, Ryuzaki Shinji learned that the two were from an organization called Desert Fang, and the leader was Argus, who was a Heavenly King-level trainer. Bosco Dora, his subordinates also have four quasi-king-level powerhouses and eight elite peak-level powerhouses, and then headed by these backbones, they also have no less than thirty minions. Miwa Iwago also belongs to the category of this minion.

The organization of the Desert Fang was not founded by Argus at the beginning, but appeared in this desert area a long time ago. Argus just defeated the former leader and then ascended the leader position himself. The people of this organization originally came from different Most of the members came to the central island a long time ago, but in the end they were unable to leave the island because of their own lack of strength.

The same goes for Yansan and Yanwu. Yansan and Yanwu are just a code name. Their original names are Kade and Buga. They were originally lone strongmen from Fangyuan, and they were also trainers who entered the quasi-king level. Because of their late strength It was too late to break through, and I didn't want to be a dog for the major forces for a lifetime in exchange for the original things. Therefore, after a group of like-minded people got together, they risked their lives to go to the central island to seek the opportunity to break through the king, although they came by luck. The central island, but its own strength has also suffered heavy losses. Most of the elves died one after another to protect them, and their strength fell to the level of less than elite. In the end, they were forced to join by the people of Desert Fang, and they became almost slave-like existences today. .

Desert Fang was originally an organization dedicated to uniting all forces to survive in the desert. Simply put, a strong united a group of relatively weak people, and then through the power of the team, from the various powerful and small people occupying the oasis. The elves obtain the resources to survive and become stronger. As time goes by, this organization gradually evolves into an organization with a deep hierarchy and distinct status. The strong have one, and the weak are exploited. This is the true face of today's Desert Fang. .

A few days ago, after they learned that a female Bangira was temporarily weakened by laying eggs, Argus led the entire Desert Fang members to **** the small oasis of the female Bangira and took the opportunity to **** the elf egg. , Unfortunately, they still underestimate the strength of Bangira in the end. Although the strength has declined, it is not that they can compete. With the characteristics of blowing sand, the female Bangira in the desert area almost wiped out the entire desert. The elite power of the gang was buried in the sand sea, but they finally succeeded in taking away the elf egg in Bangira's lair, and it was Yansan Yanwu and a dozen other members of the Desert Fang who carried out the theft.

However, even if the female Bandera was dragged by the strong men led by Argus, the power of guarding the elf egg should not be underestimated. After sacrificing many companions, they succeeded in stealing the elf egg, but unfortunately because the elf egg Because it was too heavy, the group of them were caught up by Bangira's men before they escaped very far. The next thing was to escape several times. After three consecutive days of escape, the people who finally escaped. Only Yansan and Yanwu were left, and they were also caught up by the rogue alligator, the female Bangira's subordinate, with a group of younger brothers. In order to protect their lives, Yanwu and Yansan finally decided to temporarily leave the elf egg to escape and wait for the injury. After recovering some, grab the elf egg from the rogue crocodile.

Yansan and Yanwu have been healing their wounds these days, and they have also used the mane rock werewolves to follow behind the group of sand crocodiles, but they never expected that they would wake up early this morning (between 8 and 9 o'clock). time), they found that the sand crocodile they tracked was annihilated, and the whereabouts of Bangira's elf egg was also unknown. At this time, the mane rock werewolf's nose was useless, and there was no trace of Yukila's egg. . (The elf egg was washed in all directions by Christina, and it was also covered with elf props to keep the temperature of the elf egg)

The next thing is that the two were afraid of being severely punished for losing the elf egg, so they have been searching around this area since the morning, until now they are captured by Ryuzaki Shinji.

In addition to introducing the origin of Desert Fang and Yukira's Egg, the two also told Ryuzaki Shinji some other information they knew.

In this desert, apart from the human organization Desert Fang, there is another human organization with a powerful Heavenly King-level trainer. This organization is called Desert Rose. It is an organization that only absorbs female trainers. Although it is far inferior to Desert Fang in numbers, its leader is a powerful trainer with three Heavenly King-level elves, so it has always been able to compete with Desert Fang.

Secondly, there are boundaries between the various regions of the central island, and most of these boundaries are some bottomless huge ground fissures, and strong winds will blow irregularly from the ground fissures. Flying Pokémon also cannot cross the border from the air in strong winds.

If you want to leave a certain area and enter another area, the only way is to choose to pass the level, and these levels are some grand canyons connecting two different areas, and there is only one way to go through the canyon to another area. , There are some large elf tribes living on this road. They are called regional guardians. Any creature who dares to break into the canyon to reach another region will be besieged by them.

"..." After listening to the description of the two for nearly half an hour, Ryuzaki Shinji's original good mood because of getting Yukira's egg suddenly disappeared, and he stood silently with a solemn face. .

Although most of the information is useless stuff~www.readwn.com~, Ryuzaki Shinji still sees two important pieces of information from it.

The first point: There are many people who stayed here a long time ago on this island. Although most of them are some guys who have been eliminated, there are also some who have a great chance and great perseverance to successfully advance to the Heavenly King level. These people are also very thoughtful to gather a group of people and establish an organization.

The second point: There is currently a serious blockade between various regions. Without a certain strength, it is impossible to pass. If the strength is insufficient, there is only a dead end.

"In the end, I still have to speak with strength. It seems that my strength is only in the second step on this island. No, I also forgot about those powerful wild elves. I should be in the third step. It's really a severe test, is it an organization? It seems that just wanting my own strength can't go to the end, if I want to participate in the final competition, I must also establish my own power." After thinking for a while , Ryuzaki Shinji clenched his fists and thought with a heavy heart.

To be continued...() "Pokemon Dark Giant" only represents the author's point of view. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. Only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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