Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 35: : disappearing footprints


Card and Bugga (Iwago) are very uneasy now, and although they look at Ryuzaki Shinji still with fear, they also vaguely have a hint of expectation.

Now they have already told Ryuzaki Shinji all the information about the Desert Fang. To a certain extent, it is equivalent to betraying the organization. In addition, Kira's egg was also taken away by Ryuzaki Shinji. There is only one dead end for them to go back to their lives now. Even if they don't go back, the two of them alone are barely capable of high-level elites, and it is almost impossible to survive in this dangerous desert.

So now it is clear that there is only one way left, and that is to hug the thigh of the mysterious strong man in front of him, not to mention whether the other party has a powerful elf, just rely on that terrible hand just now to defeat the super power of all of them in an instant. means, the opponent relying on his own strength is enough to traverse most of the area in this desert, as long as you are careful, it is not difficult to traverse the entire desert.

Moreover, now the other party is only showing the strength of the tip of the iceberg. Superpowers of this level say that they do not have a strong elf, and they will not believe it if they are killed. Therefore, the mysterious strong man in front of him is a sturdy big golden leg, as long as Holding on to this thigh, their hard life in this desert has come to an end, and a bright future is about to beckon to them.

Unfortunately, the fly in the ointment is that, from the current point of view, the mysterious powerhouse in front of him is not a good person to talk to. It can be seen from the fact that the other party can use mental power to torture and punish them. He was immediately killed by him, and after listening to the information given by the two of them, although the other party couldn't see the other party's face because of the mask, he inadvertently exuded a strong aura, and he could still feel the other party's goodness. The mood is still gone, and the eyes looking at them at this time also reveal a hint of coldness. Maybe the other party is considering whether to kill them, so the two are very uneasy at this time.


Just as the two thought, Ryuzaki Shinji was considering whether to kill the two, because the other party was a person from the Desert Fang and an organized person, although in a sense he had betrayed his own organization. , but the other organization has a Heavenly King-level existence. If they are released, if they are caught by the people of the Desert Fang, they may betray him for their lives, but it would be a pity to kill them. The desert is so big, it's not easy to meet one or two people. After learning that the existence of the King of Heaven is actively closing in, he also has the idea of ​​establishing his own power. Now his subordinates only need Christie. Na, the auxiliary staff, is almost a bare commander.

"Then there is a compromise." In the end, Ryuzaki Shinji made his own decision. With a flash of purple light in his eyes, Scorpio immediately obeyed and cut off the spider silk on the two of them with sharp double pliers, while Christie Na also received the order, and she let Roseredo out with a pale face, ordering her to use aromatherapy to wake up the comatose Mane Rock Wolfman, Ironclad Rhinoceros and King Nido, and give them a small amount of healing medicine.

"I originally wanted to kill you all, but I think you still have some use, now I'll give you a chance, I, Ryuzaki Shinji, don't need the weak, you fight each other, the one who survives is the one I want, hurry up Time, you only have half an hour to fight, and if there is no winner or loser after the time passes, then let's die together." After the remaining elves of the two recovered, Ryuzaki Shinji used telepathy. In response to the two orders.

Khad and Buga, who had a hint of joy on their faces, suddenly changed their faces when they heard it, and then moved away from each other in unison, with helplessness and increasing hostility in their eyes.

The two belong to the same organization. As long as one of them kills the other, the victor will have no way back. After all, no matter how tolerant an organization is, it is impossible to take in another person who killed his own companion. Ryuzaki Shinji This approach can not only select the strongest among them, but also force the winner to completely break with the previous organization, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Ryuzaki Shinji was not afraid of what tricks the two of them could come up with together, so he took Christina and a few elves to retreat to the shadows of the rocks and quietly watched the life-and-death duel between the two.

"Christina, this Kira egg will be taken care of by you for the time being. Can you complete the task I gave?" Looking at Christina, who dared not look directly at him, Ryuzaki Shinji handed the elf egg in his hand to The other party, and then said in a flat tone.

"Yes, I will take good care of it, and then give you a healthy Yukira." Christina was refreshed when she heard the words, her eyes showed joy, and she took the elf egg with a smile and said, she knew the dragon just now. Saki Shinji's so-called mental power was accidentally leaked, and it was a lie. The purpose was not only to frighten Kade and Buga, but also to warn her about the greed that she had previously given birth to. Now Ryuzaki Shinji is actually willing to let him go. Kira's egg is handed over to her to hatch, and the meaning of trust contained in it is self-evident.

"I'm looking forward to it." Ryuzaki Shinji nodded and replied, and then turned his attention to the two people who were already fighting to the death in front of him.


Ten minutes later, the result of the battle between Kad and Buga came out. This was a battle with little suspense. Although Kad's King Nido was seriously injured and his strength was not normal, he still had these two strengths that were relatively intact. The maned rock werewolf (mainly obeying Card's orders) is much better than Buga, who has only one iron armored rhinoceros left.

Even if Buga has tried his best, and even released the long-hidden Rumble Rock as his hole card, it still can't change the fate of defeat. After all, Card also has his own hole card. After the full state of the Overlord Flower was sent out, the outcome was already announced.

"Yanwu, don't blame me. This desert is like this. The weak can only be eaten by the strong. I don't want to die yet. The rock werewolf pressed Buga under his feet, and then said indifferently.

"Hahahaha, Yan San, you traitor, don't be too complacent, the relationship between Kira's egg is very important, Argus will never let it go, they will definitely find you, they will definitely, when the time comes, you guys People will also come down and be buried with me, hahahaha" Knowing that he would definitely die, Buga stared at Card in front of him with hatred, then turned to look at Shinji Ryuzaki with hatred, and then, like crazy Generally, insolent laughs.

The sound of "咻" broke through the air, and the next second, Buga's laughter stopped abruptly, and a small sharp stone wrapped in purple superpower pierced his head.

"It's noisy, Card. Destroy his corpse. Remember, it must leave no trace." After killing Buga with a small stone, Ryuzaki Shinji took Christina and a few small The elf went back on the road again~www.readwn.com~ At the same time, he used telepathy to leave such a cold-hearted sentence to Card, who was staring blankly at Buga's corpse.

When Buga died, he was also safe, but at this time, Card felt no joy in surviving at all, and some only had a heavy heart like a rabbit dying and a fox cooking.

"Yes, my lord." Card bowed his head and replied respectfully, and then began to order King Nido and Overlord Flower on the side to destroy the corpses of Buga and his elf.

A raging fire emanated from the mouth of King Nido.

The corrosive solution was sprayed from the flower cap on the head of the overlord.

In the end, all that was left was a pile of black ashes on the ground.

A gust of sand blew, a trainer named Buga from Fangyuan, his last footprint was gradually buried by the yellow sand.

To be continued...() "Pokemon Dark Giant" only represents the author's point of view. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. Only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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