Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 36: : Cornerstones and Positioning

Ignoring, ignoring, or ignoring, since the Buga was cleaned up, Card quickly followed Ryuzaki Shinji and the others, but along the way, Ryuzaki Shinji didn't say a word to him, even his eyes. He didn't even look at it, he was completely ignoring him. If he hadn't asked the beautiful secretary-like woman beside him to give him some pure water and food every once in a while, he would have thought that Ryuzaki Shinji had abandoned him. .

However, along the way, Card also got some information from Christina's mouth. He learned that Ryuzaki Shinji and Christina just came to this island not long ago, and Ryuzaki Shinji actually owns these four now. After the shocking information of the king-level elves, his loyalty to Ryuzaki Shinji was further improved. Argus, who had two king-level elves, could live very well in the desert. Isn't the leader of the Heavenly King-level elf able to run amok, and it is easy to directly occupy a small oasis.

Ryuzaki Shinji naturally doesn't know about Card's current thoughts. Even if he knows, he just dismisses it. While Card is secretly observing him, Ryuzaki Shinji is also using his obscure mental power to him. Make a careful observation, and then secretly locate the position of the new minion in the team.

Along the way, the sneak attacks of the wild elves continued one after another, and Ryuzaki Shinji did not intend to give up these opportunities to continue training the elves. Training, and the newly joined Card also worked very hard to express himself. After realizing the intention of Ryuzaki Shinji to temper the elf in his hand, he also cooperated with the elf in his hand to stop the wild elf from escaping during the battle. .

Originally it was only a two-hour journey, but it took Ryuzaki Shinji and others five hours to return to the Gobi, their temporary residence.

"Sir, are we going to break through this Gobi? I remember that there should be a very powerful dragon-type elf living here recently. Look, the wild elf around don't dare to approach here, I think we should take a detour. Let's go." Looking at the familiar Gobi in front of him, Card immediately ran to the front and said worriedly to Ryuzaki Shinji who was slowly entering the Gobi.

"It doesn't matter, just go in." He didn't intend to explain Kade in detail, and just left such a sentence and continued to walk in the direction of the Gobi.

"This..." Watching Ryuzaki Shinji and Christina enter the Gobi, Kade gritted his teeth and followed the team with the two fidgety Mane Rock werewolves.

Soon, Card followed Ryuzaki Shinji and the others into the temporary residence.

Ryuzaki Shinji let the elf go down to rest, and then handed the food obtained today to Christina for processing, and then began to focus on the new team members. Christina was positioned by him as the team's logistics staff, so the new join The Card also had to locate his position as soon as possible, and for this, he also needed to obtain some useful information from the other party.

"Let me introduce myself first, I'll be Ryuzaki Shinji, as you can see, I'm a superpower, since you choose to be my subordinate, you only need to remember one thing, that is Obey me unconditionally, and in exchange, I will give you the resources to survive or even become stronger." Ryuzaki Shinji sat on the chair and said to Card, who was shocked at the temporary residence at this time.

"Yes, Ryusaki-sama, I will definitely work hard for you." Card nodded excitedly and replied, and then he couldn't help but put his eyes on the golden scale in the temporary residence.

When Card saw the golden scale exuding dragon might in the temporary residence, he realized that this whole Gobi was the territory of Ryuzaki Shinji, and his face couldn't help showing surprise.

You must know that the base of the Desert Fang where he was before was nothing but a leaky cave, and was attacked by a large number of wild elves every day, especially at night, some lone king-level wild elves would also come to them from time to time. These outsiders launch attacks, and it is almost difficult to fall asleep peacefully every night. If you are not careful, you may be killed by wild elves in the middle of the night.

All in all, the wild elves in this desert are full of hostility to them outsiders, and they want to kill them quickly. Therefore, it is difficult to get a relatively safe place to rest in the desert.

In contrast, the Gobi, which seems to be occupied by powerful dragon-type elves, is actually an illusion created by the man in front of him with this mysterious scale in front of him. The comparison between the two places is simply the difference between heaven and hell. A place is enough to become a powerful cornerstone for the rise of a new force. After all, a stable and safe rear is too important. It is no wonder that this strong man who has just arrived in the desert in front of him has not decreased but increased in strength in such an environment, and Quickly adapt to the harsh environment of the desert, the role of this stable rear is very important.

The reason why it has been difficult for him to regain his former strength is that it takes time to cultivate the elf, but largely because the elf he retrains will soon die in the confrontation with the wild elf. After all, Only the strong are eligible for adequate rest, and the bottom-tier members of the Desert Fang must fight the incoming wild elves at night, so as to obtain sufficient rest time for other strong members.

In this way, a vicious cycle begins. The strength of the lower-level members is almost getting weaker and weaker, while the middle and high-level members are getting stronger and stronger. Simply put, the powerful rule of the Desert Fang is to sacrifice the lower-level members to cultivate the middle and high-level members. The members at the bottom, the bottom members want to take the lead, unless the individual talents are particularly outstanding, and they can become stronger and stronger in the harsh environment, otherwise they will not be able to climb up in their lifetime.

"I hope so, well, let's get to the point, I don't raise useless people!! Everyone in my team must know their position, the elf you currently have are the two-headed rock werewolf, Nido King and Overlord Flower, I can see that except Overlord Flower, the other three elves should have been subdued by you recently. Judging from your overall strength, you are just a trainer who barely entered the advanced elite level. Forget it, the chance of surviving alone in this desert is zero, so what position do you think you can play in my team?" Ryuzaki Shinji stared at Kad with his one eye glowing purple. eyes said coldly.

Card was asked by Ryuzaki Shinji, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his body. In just a few hours, the man in front of him was able to figure out his details, and he also gave such a sharp question. , he knew that if he couldn't submit a satisfactory answer, he would most likely be killed by the cruel man in front of him, as can be seen from the tone of the sentence "I don't raise useless people" .

A few minutes later, Card finally organized the language in his mind and began to evaluate himself on Ryuzaki Shinji.

"Lord Ryuzaki, as you said just now, I only recently started training Maneyan Werewolf and King Nido, and the Overlord Flower is the elf who has been following me. I was originally a fire expert. Trainer, but before I entered this island, most of the main elves in my hands had already been sacrificed for me, and now there is only one elf that is used to connect the waterproof system. If you can help me catch one If there is only a fire-type elf with good potential~www.readwn.com~ I have the confidence to cultivate him into a elf who is good enough to be the team's toughest player in a short period of time. Therefore, my self-position is to be a combatant in the team. , I can also be the trailblazer of the team." Card said nervously to Ryuzaki Shinji, when he asked Ryuzaki Shinji to help it catch a fire-type elf with good potential, his face Even more ashamed, after all, as a trainer specializing in the fire element, he doesn't even have a fire element elf in his hand, which is really unreasonable and not convincing at all.

Sure enough, Ryuzaki Shinji bluntly stated his distrust of his Card.

"Hehe~, a trainer specializing in fire doesn't even have a fire elf in his hands, and you want me to help you catch fire elf, are you kidding me?" Ryuzaki Shinji was cold Staring at Card coldly, he said.

Card saw that Ryuzaki Shinji didn't believe him, and felt the murderous intention displayed by the other party at this time. He knew that if he didn't bring something to prove that what he just said was true, Ryuzaki Shinji would kill him. , In the end, Card gritted his teeth, took out a thick thermal insulation glove from his space bag, and then took out a fire-red orb from the space bag that caused the temperature of the entire temporary residence to suddenly rise.

At this moment, Darubi, who had been dozing off in front of the stone gate, immediately jumped up from the ground and stared greedily at the fire-red orb in Card's hand.

To be continued...

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