Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 37: : Fire Orb

The temperature of the temporary residence continued to rise, and the space that was only more than 10 degrees Celsius suddenly reached more than 40 degrees Celsius. All these changes came from the fiery red orb in Card's hand at this time.

The size of the orb is only the size of a baby's fist, but it is such a small bead, but it contains astonishing fire energy, just like a fire burning in the orb, the amazing heat is constantly radiating from the orb to the surroundings. Come out, this is obviously a flame orb of immeasurable value. Just like the second-hand poisonous orb of Ryuzaki Maya, it is a priceless treasure that is enough to provide a trainer with great help on the road of specializing in a certain type of elves.

After a few seconds.

With a sound of "pop~", Card, who was wearing thermal insulation gloves, finally couldn't bear the temperature of the orb. He let go of it and placed it on the dry rocky ground, and then quickly took off the thermal insulation gloves exuding high temperature.

At this time, Dairubi, who was on the side, rushed up immediately, trying to eat the fire-red orb on the ground.

"Stop it!" Card, who was shaking his hand, was in a hurry when he saw Darubi's action, but it was too late to stop it.

Fortunately, just as Darubi was about to pounce in front of the orb, a strong and powerful hand grabbed his neck and lifted his entire body.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Looking at the angry master in front of him, Dairubi lowered his head and lowered his ears in a low voice, his short tail swaying slightly from side to side, looking pitiful.

"This is the first time. When the dinner is cut in half, go check it yourself." After glaring fiercely at Dale who was pretending to be pitiful, Ryuzaki Shinji put him back on the ground, and then turned to him. said sternly.

Hearing the words, Dai Ruby immediately felt a pardon, and immediately ran away. Before leaving, he reluctantly glanced at the fiery red orb on the ground, almost turning his head three times in one step, and finally at Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes that gradually turned cold. Then, he reluctantly walked in the direction of Christina.

"I'm sorry, it's my lax discipline, I'll teach him a lesson later, it seems that what you said before is not false, if you have the help of this diluted rare flame orb, you are indeed specializing in the fire element. It will be twice the result with half the effort on the road." After Dairubi had completely left, Ryuzaki Shinji turned his head and said to Card, who was now terrified.

"Lord Haihan, this flame orb is an heirloom of my family. I can't lose it even if I die." Card said nervously to Ryuzaki Shinji, but his eyes and tone were very firm. , holding his left hand tightly.

In fact, when Card took out the flame orb, he had expected this scene. As a quasi-king-level trainer who used to specialize in fire, he could naturally see the fire of wearing Ruby in the second-hand Ryuzaki. What an outstanding talent, and after all, the flame orb's temptation for the fire-type elves is too great, the degree of temptation is like a famous gourmet who has tasted many gourmet food suddenly encounters a peerless food that has never been eaten before. Pay a huge price for this treat.

The same is true for Dairubi. Although it is a dual-attribute elf with fire and evil elements, it is still an elf specializing in fire energy. As Dairubi, who has been a foodie since childhood , Flame Orb is a peerless food for him, and the temptation is definitely the top.

"Don't worry, as long as you don't betray me, I won't rob my subordinates. Although the flame orb is precious, it is nothing to me. Take that gadget back in your hand, I think. Killing you is just a time to move a finger. You have no chance to fight back. However, since you have a flame orb, I believe that you are a trainer specializing in fire elves. , but, even if you are my subordinate, if you want me to help you obtain a fire-type elf with excellent talent, it is absolutely impossible for it to be free, and you must pay if you want to get it." Ryuzaki Zhen Er said flatly to Card, who was showing a tough attitude at this time, and the purple awns in his eyes lit up slightly.

Although Card's movements were very secretive, Ryuzaki Shinji still found a gadget that the opponent took out of the glove and quickly hid in his left hand when he took off his gloves. If he was right, Card was hiding in the The gadget in his hand should be something that can detonate the flame orb, which is what he naively believed at this time to be safe.

"It's terrifying, this man is really terrifying, hateful, he completely ate me to the death." Hearing Ryuzaki Shinji's plain words, Card couldn't help but a fine layer of sweat appeared on his head , There are factors that are affected by the temperature of the flame orb, but most of them are scared out by Ryuzaki Shinji. As Ryuzaki Shinji said, the reason why it dares to take out the flame orb is naturally to protect it accordingly. At this time, a dark red stone in his hand is a kind of saltpeter rich in potassium nitrate. As long as a little powder of it is crushed and sprinkled lightly on the flame orb, the energy of the flame orb will immediately be completely He was inspired, and at that time, those who dared to **** the flame orb from him would be dragged and buried together by him with the energy of detonating the flame orb.

"Your Excellency is joking, how dare your subordinates do anything to you, if your Lord wants this flame orb, I will give it to Kad immediately, and I will never have the slightest complaint." Kad said with an ugly smile. , and then took the initiative to take a few steps back in the direction of the flame orb, and then, he bowed his head to Ryuzaki Shinji.

Seeing Card's awareness of current affairs, the corners of Ryuzaki's mouth under the mask slightly curved, but the cold light in his eyes was even more cold and hard, and he had the means of detonating the flame orb in front of him, then he was a true The ticking time bomb, and there are also a lot of careful thoughts, it is not guaranteed that it will detonate at some point.

"Humph! You'd better not play tricks in front of me. If there is another time, I will kill you. Anyway, you don't have any fire elf in your hand, so this flame orb can be temporarily placed with me. , My Dairubi just lacks a treasure that can further enhance his flame power. Of course, as the price of temporarily borrowing the flame orb, I will promise to help you catch a fire elf with excellent talent~www.readwn.com ~How about it, what do you think about the conditions of this exchange?" Ryuzaki Shinji said to Card, and in the end Ryuzaki Shinji put away his killing intent, after all, talents are not easy to get, although the guy in front of him is very careful, but As a trainer who has the ability to come to the central island, Card is undoubtedly a valuable talent. Ryuzaki Shinji is confident that relying on his strength, he can always suppress the opponent steadily, so that he does not dare to change his mind.

Card was relieved when he heard the words, and his heart that had been floating up and down finally calmed down. Although the flame orb could not be retrieved for the time being, he also got the promise of Ryuzaki Shinji. Holding it in his hand, even if Ryusaki Shinji chooses to kill him and then forcefully take the Fire Orb, there is nothing he can do. The current result is relatively good.

At the same time, Card also secretly felt very grateful for the generosity shown by Ryuzaki Shinji this time, thinking that he was indeed following the right person this time, and if it was Argus, the leader of the Desert Fang, the other party would definitely Kill him without hesitation, and then take the Fire Orb as his own.

"Thank you, Ryusaki-sama, I have no opinion." Card bowed to Ryuzaki Shinji, and then said respectfully.

"That's good, you can go down, by the way, there are three people here now, and the space of the temporary residence is also a bit narrow, you are just like Christina, you can expand your own room in this huge rock, eat. When the time comes, I'll let Christina call you." Seeing Card nodding in agreement, Ryuzaki Shinji also issued an eviction order.

To be continued...

Thanks to the book friend 20180213215256646 for the 100 starting point coin reward, and the dark giant (not me) for the 100 starting point coin reward, thank you for your support.

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