Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 38: : Balance of Power Theory

Card obeyed Ryuzaki Shinji's order and bowed and left. After Kad opened the stone gate and left the temporary residence where Ryuzaki Shinji was, the purple light flashed in Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes, and he used telepathy to deal with the fact that he was hiding in the corner. Darubi in the shadows calls.

A few seconds later, Dairubi came to Ryuzaki Shinji frantically, shaking his short tail frantically at Ryuzaki Shinji, while staring straight at the already drooling eyes. A fire orb that burns the rock red.

When Card took out the flame orb, Ryuzaki Shinji already had the intention to let Dairubi absorb the inflated fire-type power. According to the current situation, the power in Dairubi's body is already in an unbalanced state. This is also something that can't be helped. The elves in this desert are either ground or rock.

Especially in the face of the elves of the rock type, even if the environment is in a sunny state due to the scorching sun, it is still difficult for Dalubi's slightly immature flames to hurt them, and Ryuzaki Shinji can't be in a short time. The means and treasures to enhance the power of Dalubi's fire element, so Dalubi is almost at a disadvantage in the battle with wild elves in the desert, and in order to overcome this kind of restraint between attributes, Dalubi also has to put himself Focus on the training of evil-type moves.

This is how the fraud skills came into being. In normal times, Darubi rarely uses the skills of the fire element to fight against the enemy. Generally, he uses the wave of evil and the shadow ball for guerrilla warfare, and finally uses the fraud skills for the final harvest. In the battle with the fire-breathing camel in the oasis, this huge weakness was exposed again in front of Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes, even if the new flame formed by the fusion of evil and fire power was still not the match of the fire-breathing camel.

What is the reason why the Darubi flame is inferior to the fire-breathing camel? Ryuzaki Shinji also thought about it. The answer he came up with was two points. The first point was that Dairubi's opponent, the fire-breathing camel, had a much longer tempering time for its own flame than Dairubi. The second point was that Dairubi can't well fuse the energy of these two different attributes, and the new type of flame that cannot be highly integrated is not powerful enough. The first point is the opponent's factor, which cannot be changed, and the second point is obviously itself. factor, which can be changed.

So what is the reason why Darubi can't combine the two attribute energies well? Ryuzaki Shinji found it from the battle in which he used guerrilla tactics to defeat the fire-breathing camel. Obviously, the ratio of the two forces in Dairubi's body has been seriously imbalanced, and the evil attribute has begun to suppress the fire attribute. The weak fire-type energy is naturally unable to fight against the evil-type energy, so naturally there is no fusion. The fusion of the two attribute energies not only requires the elf to have a high degree of control over its own power, but also requires the two attribute energies to be in the same position. A relatively balanced state is the only way to achieve a highly integrated state relatively perfectly.

As Shinji Ryuzaki, who once manipulated the body of Gotha Duck to fuse three different attribute moves, the importance of the balance between this kind of power is very clear. The reason why two different moves can be fused is because of his own The control of energy is naturally extremely important, and the second is the relative balance between the two energies. The reason why Ryuzaki Shinji and Gotha Ya can over-control and integrate two or even three different types of moves, among which natural It is due to the vast spiritual power obtained after the fusion of the two spirits, followed by the fact that the attribute energy in the Gotha Duck's own body has reached a relatively balanced state.

The attribute energies in Godard Duck are divided into three types, namely the main attribute water energy (mysterious water droplets are always on Goda Duck), the superpower energy that is also cultivated, and the ice energy derived from water energy, of which water energy The rich and powerful inclusiveness is the key point to maintain the balance of the three energies. It is precisely because of the inclusiveness of the water system energy that the relatively domineering and silent ice energy can be well controlled, while the energy of the super power system is related to the creature itself. Unlike other attribute energies, which need to absorb external energy to strengthen themselves, super-power type energy can only be obtained through spiritual power cultivation. It belongs to a kind of spiritual power, so it is not in conflict with water and ice energy.

It is the relative balance between the three attribute energies, coupled with the terror control ability brought by its powerful mental power, that Godard Duck can freely display various powerful combination machines, so it is not without basis that the power is strong , If the three powers are in an unbalanced state, even if Ryuzaki Shinji and Goda Ya have a strong mental power after spiritual fusion, their strength will drop by several levels.

And what about Derby? As an elf who was just born less than a year ago, his control over his own power is far from meticulous. With environmental factors, his own attributes and energy are also in an unbalanced state. It is indeed a very difficult thing to highly integrate the two attribute energies.

For these situations, Ryuzaki Shinji, the trainer who has trained Darubi up to now, naturally understands it, but he is also a clever woman who can't cook without rice. After all, most of the resources in his hands are suitable for cultivating Poison and Supernatural. For ability elves, there are almost no training resources needed for fire and evil, because Ryuzaki Shinji has poisonous orbs and dark Lugia super orbs. The owner of the elves has a huge advantage, which is why the frog grass is now coming from behind.

In addition to the poisonous treasure, the Poison Orb, Ryuzaki Shinji also has a resurrection grass obtained from Jun Shalan. Both treasures are very suitable for the properties of the frog grass itself, and the frog grass is also very hardworking. It not only absorbs the poison-type and grass-type energy given by the two treasures, but also successfully achieves a relatively balanced state of the two attribute energies. The largest energy contained in it is then an important reason for successful evolution.

Now, Kad's flame orb appears in front of Ryuzaki Shinji like charcoal in the snow, so that the depression he was worried about about the training of Darubi before was swept away~www.readwn.com~ I know you are now It is very urgent to catch up with the pace of the frog grass, but the food still has to be eaten one bite at a time. Now the evil energy in your body is almost the only one, and if you suddenly absorb too much fire energy, if you can't control it well These two energies, when the time comes, the two energies will get out of control, and then you will explode and die. So my order is to absorb little by little, and definitely not rashly, is that clear? "Regardless of whether Darubi could fully understand what he meant, Ryuzaki Shinji still used his telepathy to teach Darubi in his harshest language.

For this elf born from his hands, Ryuzaki Shinji also did his best to cultivate it, and his attention was no less than that of the main elf such as Abo Monster and Double Bomb Gas, if not for his strength at this time. The weakening is very strong, and the external environment is also extremely bad. The situation he is facing is very serious now. He will never let Darubi absorb the very risky method of the flame orb to improve his fire energy. After all , the fire energy is notoriously violent, if you are not careful, the absorber will be backlashed by it, which will cause you to be injured or die.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuubi nodded, and then made a firm cry at Ryuzaki Shinji.

"Then let's start, remember what I said, spit it out immediately if you can't stand it anymore, there is still a long time in the future, so you don't need to rush for a while." Ryuzaki Shinji touched Dai Ruby's head and said softly.

After Ryuzaki Shinji's thugs left above his head, Dairubi immediately thrust the flame orb on the ground into his stomach.

In an instant, a fiery red flame erupted from Dairubi's body.

To be continued.....

I wish you all a happy holiday and an early divorce.

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