Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 39: : Hellhound's Flame

With a sound of "Boom~", a fiery red flame erupted from Dairubi's body, and the entire temporary residence of Ryuzaki Shinji was instantly reddened.

The temperature of the fire-red flame was not particularly high at the beginning, about a hundred degrees Celsius, but after just ten seconds, its temperature had soared to nearly a thousand degrees Celsius. He had to open his own superpower shield to resist the terrifying heat from Darubi.

As Darubi, who was bathed in flames at this time, he was absorbing the fire energy released from the flame orb with his eyes closed, but it could be seen from the grinning expression on his face, He is enduring great pain.

In the past two minutes or so, the flame on Dairubi's body gradually changed from fiery red to light blue, and the light blue flame finally broke through the barrier of thousands of degrees Celsius and entered the field of thousands of degrees Celsius. The color of the flame gradually deepened, and the temperature of the flame also increased by one level. At this time, Ryuzaki Shinji had to step back a distance to avoid the terrifying high temperature.

It seems that it has reached the limit that Darubi can endure, and the skin of his whole body is burned red by the flames. If it is not for the excellent fire resistance of his own owner, it may have already burned with the flames.

"Hurry up and spit it out, this is an order." Ryuzaki Shinji, who was beside him, flashed purple awns in his eyes, and said sternly with his telepathy to Darubi, who was still unwilling to let go of the meditation when he reached the limit.

Darubi heard the words, opened his eyes with black flames, and after more than ten seconds, he finally spit out the flame orb in his mouth.

A black flame was released from Derubi's mouth, and the rock wall hit by the black flame was instantly burned red. These black flames were like maggots in the tarsus, and the melted rocks were called the ones that continued to burn vigorously. After more than ten seconds, a magma pool the size of a small puddle appeared, and black flames were spewing from the magma pool.

In the magma, a bead that released a milky white flame was slowly emerging from the magma. Surrounded by the black flames in the magma, the flame orb's energy seemed to be stimulated, even though it had come out of Dairubi's body, The terrifying fire energy is still being released continuously, and the white flames around it are extremely high in temperature, and the heat wave spreads around the body. A magma pool intertwined with flames of two opposite colors appeared in Shinji Ryuzaki's temporary residence.

"Zizzi~~" A wisp of white smoke emerged from Dairubi's body. Although the flame orb had been spit out, the temperature on his body was still in the range of thousands of degrees Celsius. The color flame gradually disappeared, and a layer of red fire energy replaced the dark blue flame to wrap his body.

"Woooooo~~" Under the envelope of this fire energy, Dairubi began to let out a painful low-pitched cry, as if he was being tempered by the power of flames. At the same time, Dairubi's whole body began to overflow. Silky-smelling black substances, and these black substances obviously have strong heat resistance. Even at the high temperature of nearly a thousand degrees Celsius on Dairubi's body at this time, they still appear in a liquid state.

After more than ten minutes, the layer of fire energy on Dairubi's body was completely covered by the black substance overflowing from his body, and Dairubi also seemed to be using all his strength. , and then passed out because he was too tired.

On the other side, the long-lasting black flame on the magma pool also seemed to be gradually extinguished because the fuel was exhausted. The flame orb also stopped releasing the fire energy in the body as the black flame was extinguished, and the milky white flame gradually disappeared.

"What a disobedient guy, but perseverance makes me admire. You should also feel the strange changes in the seeds of the wonderful frog. If you don't work hard, you will be left behind by your little brother." Ryuzaki Shinji still maintained the super shield, walked slowly to Dairubi's side, then squatted down and touched Dairubi's small head and said softly.

Although it is not clear what these black substances floating on Dairubi are, Ryuzaki Shinji also probably realizes that this is the impurity tempered in Dairubi's body. If it is always covered by these impurities, it will be very difficult There was a possibility that it would re-infiltrate, so he took out an iron basin and a clean rag directly from his body, filled the iron basin with water, and then carefully wiped Darubi's whole body with a wet towel.

A few minutes later, a small white dog with all its hair shaved appeared in front of Ryuzaki Shinji, but a few seconds after Ryuzaki Shinji completed the wiping work, the burnt black hairs on Dai Ruby's body started. It began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon, a small black dog with dark and shiny hair reappeared in front of Ryuzaki Shinji.

Ryuzaki Shinji saw that Dai Ruby's breath was stable and there was no major problem, so he put it away with the Poke Ball, and then came to the temporary residence step by step, which was still exuding a good high temperature. Next to the lava pool.

"What the **** is going on with that black flame? Even though it has been separated from Darubi's energy supply, it seems that it can continue to burn with rocks as fuel, and it also causes a strong threat to the flame orb, and has to release a large amount of energy. The fire-type energy of the fire energy to fight against it, and finally gave me a feeling of extreme danger from so far away. If I didn't feel wrong, it was a feeling of being burned by it. Could this be Dailu? Is it the result of a high degree of fusion of fire-type energy and evil-type energy in the body? If this is the case, can Dairubi be able to control this terrifying power?" Looking at the gradually cooling lava in front of him Ike, Ryuzaki Shinji thought silently.

Just as Ryuzaki Shinji was standing in the magma pool that was about to cool down, he heard a "snap~", and a black flame of spark suddenly splashed out of the magma pool, and then landed on a small stone next to him. Then, the small stone was immediately burned by it, and a trace of black flames began to emerge, but the size of the small stone was still too small, and was quickly burned into a ton of coke by the black flame, and the black flame also looked like It is generally exhausted, and the stones around the small stones can no longer be burned, and they begin to gradually extinguish unwillingly.

However, just as the black flame was gradually extinguished, Ryuzaki Shinji threw a **** pangolin forelimb to the side of the black flame.

In an instant, there was a sound of "Boom~", and the flame that was about to go out was like being poured into a glass of gasoline, and the entire forelimb of the pangolin was immediately wrapped and burned.

A few minutes later, a pile of black ashes remained on Zhengtai's entire forelimb, but the black flame was still attached to the rock surface and continued to burn. After another ten minutes passed, the black flame was gradually extinguished. Driven ~www.readwn.com~, but Ryuzaki Shinji did not want to stop his experiments, and continued to experiment with black flames with various substances. In the end, Ryuzaki Shinji was deeply impressed by this peculiar black flame. The flames shook.

"It is unbelievable that it is a vicious and terrible flame. Experiments have shown that the fuel of this flame is actually life energy, and once it is infected by it, unless the life is completely burned out, it can be used to use water at any time. The effect of confrontation is also minimal, and I don't know if it can be extinguished by other means. Although it is not clear whether Dairubi can completely control this flame in the later stage, it is undeniable that Dairubi already has a It is enough to make him the capital of the top powerhouse, and the hellhound that burns all the vitality is really looking forward to it." Looking at the Pokeball with Dairubi in his hand, Ryuzaki Shinji took a deep breath and said with a sigh .



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