Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 40: : Dinner time (Happy New Year's Eve to everyone)

After finishing Darubi's affairs, Ryuzaki Shinji also took advantage of the time before dinner came, sitting on a chair and closing his eyes for a while.

From early in the morning until now, in addition to the high-intensity training and battles carried out by the elf, he is a trainer who is carrying out the highest-intensity battles. In addition to using mental power to detect nearby dangers at any time, he must also In the battle, the battle of the elves is analyzed in an all-round way, and in the end, the command and battle of several elves must be taken into account. Even if he is a superhuman with spiritual power beyond ordinary people, he still feels a little overwhelmed. In addition to physical factors, the feeling comes from the spiritual level.

Time gradually passed, and the night once again enveloped the entire hot desert, and the night desert began.

In the expanded temporary residence, Ryuzaki Shinji and the others are all surrounded by a newly expanded room for eating. At this time, they are happily tasting Christina's dishes. I have to say, this A female medical trainer who has been self-reliant since she was a child has this amazing talent in cooking, which may be the reason for her extensive family knowledge. She has an excellent understanding of the edible parts of various elves. Since she can use some vegetables and fruits and Pixie ingredients make for a delicious meal.

Christina made a very rich dinner today, and the ingredients mainly came from an iron-clad rhinoceros, a dozen pangolins and a dozen black-eyed crocodiles.

For Shinji Ryuzaki, who usually only uses fire to cook elf food and then smears some salt on it, Christina's elf dish today is very delicious, and she can't help eating the whole braised rhino leg. Gotta be clean.

However, what surprised Ryuzaki Shinji was that this female medical trainer was a big foodie who could eat more than her. When she was eating, her usual **** image disappeared without a trace. , I actually ate a portion of braised pangoat and a portion of the forelimbs of a steamed iron armored rhino by myself, and finally made a cup of special fruit with some different tree fruits as dessert.

Card doesn't know if he hasn't had a full meal since he came to the island, and he turned into a hungry ghost and launched a fierce attack on the rich food in front of him. Card's elf and Card The situation is similar. The two maned rock werewolves, King Nido and Overlord Flower in his hands are all gobbling up the elf food that Christina has prepared, and while eating, he shows a moved expression.

"Tanai Tana~~" Froggrass looked at the mane rock werewolf who was crying while eating, with a look of sympathy on his face. Seeing that the other party quickly finished eating his portion of food, he still didn't know what to do, so he used the vine. Whip handed over half of the fruit salad he had eaten to Duofang. He had the nutrients provided by the miracle seeds and the energy produced by photosynthesis in the desert. In fact, he could almost consume calories without using external food. Eating is just to satisfy his usual appetite.

However, the maned rock werewolf didn't seem to be interested in the fruit salad that the frog grass gave him. He shook his head at the frog grass to express that he didn't need it, and then he and the other maned rock werewolf who had finished their food found a leisurely place to relax. Place to lie down and rest.

Seeing this, Froggrass only took it back and tasted it for herself. After all, the fruit salad made by Christina was much better than the fruit that Ryuzaki Shinji usually washed and served to him, but she just wanted to use the vine. The whip took the rice bowl back, and a dark shadow swept across the rice bowl of the frog grass. In an instant, the remaining fruit salad on the rice bowl disappeared.

"Kacha Kacha Kacha~~" Dairubi smashed and ate the hard fruits and vegetables with ease. After absorbing the energy of the Fire Orb, he became more hungry than usual, and usually only needed to eat Two pangolins would be enough, but now after eating two braised pangolins in one go, he only felt half full, and his body was still honestly urging him to get more nutrition, just as he saw his little brother was half full. He didn't eat dinner and wanted to give it to an outsider, but in the end, the outsider didn't appreciate it, so he had to reluctantly help the frog grass to eat the rest of his dinner.

"Tanai Tanai~" Seeing that Dairubi ate his food without asking, the frog grass immediately felt very dissatisfied, and immediately screamed at Dairubi, and the two rattan weaves were even from the body. Reached out and whipped Derubi violently.

Fortunately, Dairubi also always pays attention to the movements of the frog grass, and when he takes an attacking stance, he flexibly avoids the vine whip attack of the frog grass. The demon immediately overturned the Scorpion's rice bowl behind Dairubi, and the iron-armored rhino meat mixed with violent venom fell to the ground after eating only half of it.

"Scorpion scorpion~~" Scorpio saw that her delicious dinner was so spoiled, she immediately became furious, and yelled at the culprit, the culprit, the frog grass, no matter what, her tail bounced. Into the air, and then a turn attack to attack the frog grass.

"Tanaitanai~~" Fana frog explained to the scorpion that was rushing over, but obviously the scorpion didn't stop, and still rushed straight forward. In the end, Fana frog had to release some yellow powder from the bud. , use the paralysis powder to deal with the rushing Scorpio.

But at this time, Darubi, who was the culprit, came to make trouble again. He kept cremating the trick to burn the paralyzing powder of the frog grass, and then showed a smile of successful trickery.

Fortunately, He Shi Lao also appeared at this time, and the frog appeared beside the frog grass like a lightning, and then rescued it, and the silk spider also tied the scorpion's scorpion tail with a spider silk, so that he could no longer move forward. Flying a little distance, then, the silk spider and the frog came to the bulging Scorpio and comforted them, and at the same time handed the rest of their food to the Scorpion to eat.

"Scorpion scorpion~~" Scorpio's anger disappeared immediately after seeing the two companions' actions, and then he was a little embarrassed and waved his hand with pliers to express his refusal.

In the end, the Scorpion, the Froggrass, the Frog and the Orb Spider surrounded the troubled Darubi, all of them looking at him with sullen faces.

"Woooooo~~" Seeing this, Darubi suddenly cried out begging for mercy with his tail tucked.

"Electricity~" The electric firefly flying in mid-air for everyone's shutdown and lighting sighed, then raised his hands and looked at Darubi and the others like an adult looking at his little butt.

"Mr. Ryuzaki, Dairubi seems to be in trouble again, do you want to go over and mediate?" Seeing Dairubi surrounded by a group of elves, Christina confronted the man who was still concentrating on meditation training after eating. Ryuzaki Shinji said.

"Don't pay attention to them, they are companions fighting side by side, nothing will happen. By the way, in the future, Dairubi's food will be increased by one-half, and now he is in a state of rapid development, this you You should pay more attention, and your craftsmanship is very good, the dinner is very delicious, I will leave the cooking to you in the future, Christina." Ryuzaki Shinji closed his eyes and responded to Christina with telepathy.

"Okay, I'll pay more attention next time, thank you very much for your compliment, Ryuzaki-sama." Hearing Ryuzaki Shinji's compliment~www.readwn.com~ Christina suddenly smiled, and then in the big milk tank With the help of , lowered his head and continued to wipe the egg of Kira carefully with a handkerchief.

"..." Card, who was on the side, could not hear the communication between the two, so he had no choice but to continue to work hard to eliminate the things in front of him.

Sure enough, all the elves of Ryuzaki Shinji just punished Dairubi a little bit, and they also took out a part of the food for Dairubi who was not full.

In the end, Darubi, with several bags on his head, happily ate the food of the elf in front of him.

"Electric~~" Electric Firefly shook his head when he saw Dai Ruby's appearance, and then sighed again with his hands up.



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