Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 41: : Solutions to drinking water problems (Happy New Year to everyone)

Ten minutes later, the dinner time was over, Christina and Card also took their elf back to their rooms to rest, and Ryuzaki Shinji also brought the satisfied Dairubi and so on. A group of elves returned to their rooms.

In the room, a group of elves surrounded Ryuzaki Shinji. At this time, Ryuzaki Shinji was telling them the summary and evaluation of today's battles.

"Okay, that's the end of today's summary. Now, except for the frog, everyone else must continue to follow the daily training plan. If I find someone lazy, then everyone can't eat breakfast tomorrow, remember Stay, you are now life-and-death partners, and you must always supervise each other." Ryuzaki Shinji said to the elves, and after he finished speaking, he returned to his stone **, and then took out Dark Lugia the super power orb for evening meditation training.

Seeing that the powerful master was still working so hard, the elves didn't have any complaints. After they shouted at each other, they spread out according to the places where they usually communicated at night.

Dairubi returned to the stone gate and lay on her stomach. After closing her eyes, she began to concentrate on controlling the evil and fire energy in her body. A pale black flame immediately wrapped her whole body, and as the duration prolonged , the color of the flame gradually deepened, but after maintaining it to a certain extent, the flame that had become dark black turned back to light black again, and such a cyclical stage kept appearing on Dairubi's body.

Due to the fact that Dairubi has just absorbed a large amount of fire energy from the flame orb, the fire energy in his body has been greatly improved at this time. He has been able to reach a relatively balanced state with the evil energy, and he does not know the reason. Since he woke up after absorbing the energy of the flame orb, a black flame only the size of a thumb has been in his body. The intersection appeared, and as he gradually let the two energies continue to fuse, the black flame became darker and darker as the fusion increased.

Although Darubi also felt that the black flame was also very scary, the feeling of being connected by flesh and blood made him feel no threat. The only pity was that no matter how he urged, the black flame just ignored his orders. Ignore it, still quietly stay at the intersection of the two attribute energies, and then slowly absorb the fire and evil energies, but there is one more thing that makes Darubi feel that the black flame will not harm him, Whenever the black flame absorbs the energy of the two attributes to a certain saturation and cannot continue to absorb it, the black flame will burst out with a black flame, and then these black flames will walk through his body meticulously. After the black flame swam over his body once, he felt that his physical fitness had slightly improved.

Since the black flame is harmless to him but beneficial, Darubi will naturally not interfere with the black flame's absorption of the energy of the two attributes in his body. Judging from his current situation, the black flame is currently absorbing the energy of the two attributes. It is far inferior to the speed at which he absorbs energy from the outside to replenish himself. Therefore, he can rest assured that the black flame will continue to grow in his body.

On the other hand, Froggrass continued to concentrate on exercising the deep-rooted skill. As he evolved from Froggrass seeds to Froggrass, and after obtaining the Miracle Seed, a grass-type treasure, his control over this grass-type recovery move changed. It has become more handy. Before, at most four roots could be extended from the plants on the back, but now it has directly increased to twelve, and the roots have become thicker. Similarly, the roots can penetrate into the ground below. The depth has also become higher.

At this time, twelve green roots formed by grass-type energy grew from the plants on the back of the frog grass. After a period of time, the twelve green roots began to flash faint green at the same time. Light, every time the green light appears, a green healing light also appears on the body of the frog grass. At the same time, a drop of crystal clear dew drops from the purple-red flower bud, and after a while, the wonderful frog. Where the grass was, it was soaked with water droplets that flowed from the buds.

"Very good, very good, it seems that various abilities have been greatly improved after evolution. You have now successfully exercised the deep-rooted move to a high level. Let's pause for a while, water is in the desert. But it’s very precious.” Shinji Ryuzaki, who was a little distracted and observed the little elves while meditating, noticed the current state of the frog grass, and immediately ended the meditation, and told him to use telepathy to deal with the frog grass. .

After the frog plant has taken a deep root, it can completely soak the sand under the feet in just a few minutes, which shows that the roots of the frog grass have successfully penetrated into the flowing water layer of the ground below. That is to say, the frog grass has preliminarily achieved the effect that Ryuzaki Shinji had envisioned when he exercised his deep-rooted skills. The frog grass can now become a water feeder that can move in the desert, as long as the frog grass can be deeply rooted. This move Going a step further, Ryuzaki Shinji can perfectly solve the huge problem of water shortage in the desert today.

"Tanai Tana~~" Froggrass nodded when she heard the words, and then lifted the green roots on her body.

At this time, Ryuzaki Shinji and Scorpio had already come to her, and then, with the help of Scorpio, a elf with ground attributes, soon, a 4m long, 2m wide and 1m deep. Rice's pothole appeared in Ryuzaki Shinji's room. When the pothole was formed, Ryuzaki Shinji covered the pothole with a huge plastic sheet.

"Fanax, you can continue to practice deep-rooted skills in this pothole now. When you fill the pothole with water, your training tonight will be over." Ryuzaki Shinji gently touched the Froggrass head, and said.

"Tanai Tana~~" The wonderful frog seed nodded obediently, then walked into the pothole, and stretched out twelve green roots from the body again, and then penetrated into the earth outside the pothole. After a minute, a drop of Drops of water left on the frog grass and fell on the plastic film covering the pothole. A few minutes later, a small puddle appeared. If you continued to follow this If the speed goes down, it will take up to an hour for the frog grass to use its deep-rooted skills to fill the entire puddle with groundwater buried deep in the ground.

"If it is successful, then it will save the time of fetching water from the nearby oasis, and it will also be able to liberate the restriction that it is impossible to go deeper into the desert due to insufficient drinking water. In this way, I will have more confidence to explore this desert, and sure enough , the most reliable helper in this magical world is the elves, as long as I can use all kinds of elves flexibly, I can survive anywhere." Looking at the puddles that gradually formed under the feet of the frog grass, Ryuzaki Shinji couldn't help it. said with a sigh.

After the process of water supply from the underground was smooth, Ryuzaki Shinji also ordered the surprised Scorpio to go back to training, and then returned to the stone bed to continue the meditation training tonight.



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