Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 42: : Electric Firefly and Scorpio


The lights in the room are on all the time. That's the credit of the electric fireflies. In the recent battles, the electric fireflies have appeared less and less often. Usually, they are mostly used as lighting, but Ryuzaki Shinji also He has never given up on the cultivation of electric fireflies. Like Dalubi, there are no means or treasures in Ryuzaki's second hand that can promote the rapid progress of electric fireflies, so that this electric firefly with insect attributes is still Maintain the level of elite peak.

I saw the electric firefly meticulously maintaining the fluorescent light on the tail, and at the same time, a milky white light radiated from him, and finally small bullets of fiery light condensed from the two tentacles on his forehead. However, the electric firefly does not seem to be very good at manipulating the energy of the grass-type attribute of the light bomb. It only lasted for less than ten seconds, and the light bomb made a "snap" sound, and the light particles scattered everywhere. Seeing this, the insect had no choice but to sigh, and then proceeded to start the next gathering of light bombs.

The main training items of Electric Firefly are still trying to maintain the duration of the Firefly skill and shorten the activation time of the Firefly skill. Since there are not many battles involved, the Electric Firefly has nothing to do and continues to exercise in the Poké Ball. A natal move, with the deepening of the relationship with Darubi and other elves, Electric Firefly gradually began to accept these, which made him look a bit naughty elves.

Electric Firefly has long known that he is not the type suitable for fighting, and he chose the path of being a good support early. For this reason, even if his strength once belonged to the middle and lower levels in the shipwreck cemetery, he still He was like a fish in water in the cemetery of the sunken ship. With his innate mischievous heart, he had the capital to become a top assistant, plus fireflies, baton, help these obvious auxiliary means, Electric Firefly is already an excellent support these days.

Unfortunately, with the enhancement of the combat level and the gradual separation of his own strength by his companions, the auxiliary ability of the electric firefly seems to be absent now, and only when he encounters a strong enemy again, his sense of presence will be stronger. To this end, Ryuzaki Shinji also began to let the electric fireflies exercise some skills that can participate in normal combat, such as the sunshine flames that asked the frog grass for advice during the day.

Because the electric firefly does not have grass-type attributes, it cannot quickly gather light through its own chlorophyll like the frog grass. However, the grass-type energy has the property of absorbing nearby light, so the electric firefly can also use the body. A small amount of grass-type energy is used to cast Sunshine Flame.

The main energy of the grass-type ultimate move, Sunshine Flame, is all kinds of light, which are then emitted through the absorption and guidance of grass-type energy, and the firefly of the electric firefly is naturally a type of light, so , Electric Firefly can also use Sunlight Flame through its own fluorescent light.

It's just that the light used to be strong and weak. When the light is more intense, the gas storage time of the natural sunlight flame will be shorter. After the firefly trick is used twice, the fluorescent light at the tail of the electric firefly will be driven to the maximum. At that time, although the fluorescent light was not as intense as the sunlight, it could also provide conditions for the electric fireflies to quickly gather light, so even at night, the electric fireflies could rely on their own fluorescent tricks. Let's cast the Sunshine Flame.

The only pity is that there is a huge gap between sunlight and fluorescent light. The flames of sunlight displayed by electric fireflies with the help of their own fluorescent light are naturally far less powerful than the flames of sunlight displayed with the help of sunlight. But fortunately, the electric firefly uses its own fluorescence to gather light faster than the frog grass gathers light through sunlight in the case of non-sunny days. Electric fireflies only need 1 second at most. Although it is insufficient in power, it increases the frequency of attacks accordingly.

At present, the electric firefly is only the entry threshold for the training of the new move Sunshine Flame. It can barely be used successfully during practice, but it will take a long time to practice freely in the battle.


On the other side, deep underground in the temporary residence, the whole body was bathed in khaki light. Scorpio was also working hard to cultivate the ground energy in his body. At this time, his face was very heavy, and a kind of emotion called unwillingness came from his eyes. After a period of time passed, an aura similar to that of a quasi-celestial king radiated from his body, but soon disappeared without a trace.

Scorpio is the only peculiar elf with the two attributes of ground and flight except the legendary elf Land Cloud. He is not only immune to ground-type moves, but also immune to electric-type moves, and can restrain him. There are only water elements that can cause double damage to him and ice elements that can cause quadruple damage. In this desert, there are almost no elves with these two attributes to restrain him. Therefore, Scorpio is very suitable for the desert environment. fighting.

The fact is also true, Ryusaki Shinji let Scorpio fight a lot more than other Pokémon on this day. Of course, the reason is naturally due to this factor, but more is that Scorpio is already on the verge of promotion. The threshold of the king is approaching, and Ryuzaki Shinji wants to make the elf who is fighting in the desert become a powerful elf that can stand on its own as soon as possible.

In this day, Scorpio has continuously fought with various wild elves, especially after the battle with the big rock snake, and the experience of surviving several times has greatly stimulated the potential to fill in. According to the current situation , the invisible barrier that prevented Scorpio from stepping into the quasi-king level has been loosened a little. Now it is only necessary to continue to accumulate the energy of the ground system and the flight system for a period of time, so that these two energies can completely fill the whole body. At that time, the Scorpio You will be able to reach the level of a quasi-celestial king naturally.

Judging from the research of today's elf scholars, the evolutionary conditions of Scorpio are very simple, similar to the Ibrahimovic family. He does not need to accumulate a lot of energy by himself~www.readwn.com~ It can evolve into The new form of elf, Scorpio only needs a treasured item called sharp teeth, and then let Scorpio carry it at night, he can successfully evolve into the final form of gliding Scorpio.

Of course, Ryuzaki Shinji does not approve of this behavior of using foreign objects to stimulate the evolution of the elf. Once the elf evolves into a new form, its own strength will indeed be improved accordingly, but from Ryuzaki Zhenji Second, from the experience of elf cultivation, it is only after the elf has completed the maximum accumulation of energy in its own stage that it evolves, so that the potential of the elf can be stimulated to the greatest extent.

As for the cultivation of Scorpio, Ryuzaki Shinji also implements his own cultivation methods. Since Scorpio can successfully enter the level of the quasi-king after entering the state of drug addiction, it shows that the potential of Scorpio has not been fully tapped. The strength can be further improved in the form at this stage.

When the scorpion is successfully promoted to the quasi-king, that is the moment when Ryuzaki Shinji prepares to let the scorpion evolve.

To be continued.....() "Pokemon Dark Giant" only represents the author's point of view. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only Committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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