Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 43: : Charged Flame Attack

Time flies, a week has passed like this, because the food is temporarily quite abundant, and the frog grass successfully solved the water problem in the desert, Ryuzaki Shinji has been in the Gobi most of the time these days Conducting training exercises for a group of elves.

On a sandy ground outside the Gobi, a sturdy Dairubi was spewing black flames at a huge rock with full force. He saw a black column of fire with a diameter of only 0.3 meters spewing out of the Cerberus' mouth. And when the demo was hit by black flames, the whole rock quickly burned red, and the rock surface that was in contact with the flames was burned into a large hole, and billowing magma flowed out of the hole. Two minutes later, this huge rock was It was melted by Derby's black flame.

During this period of time, Ryuzaki Shinji let Dairubi absorb the fire energy of the Fire Orb several times. Finally reached a state of balance of power. After the two attribute energies were maintained in a highly balanced state, the fusion degree of the blue-black flames that Dairubi sprayed again was as high as 70%, not only breaking through the one thousand degree Celsius mark in temperature, but also The time spent in fusion and condensation has also been shortened to about 2 seconds. Now, this new jet flame move has been named Hellfire by Ryuzaki Shinji.

The reason why Ryuzaki Shinji named it Hellfire is naturally based. After several battles between Dairubi and wild elves, he found that the hellfire sprayed by Dairubi has a powerful burning ability. , also contains the terrible ability of burning vitality. Once any creature is hit by this kind of flame, it will have a very high probability of entering a state of burns, and it also has the negative effect of serious injury, which greatly reduces the self-self of the burned creature. Healing ability, therefore, it is most appropriate to call this terrifying flame Hellfire.

"It seems that the first effect has been seen, but we need to continue to work hard to achieve 100% fusion of the two attributes." Ryuzaki Shinji, who was on the side, saw that Darubi easily melted a huge rock, facing the Darube nodded and said.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Dairubi was very happy when he heard the words, he immediately ran to Ryuzaki Shinji's side and swayed his short tail wildly, the meaning of asking for a reward was written directly on his face.

"No, it's still time for training. Now that the fire-throwing training is almost over, it's time to start the next training program. Listen to me, Elf, although your special attack output ability is very good, and with the cheating skills, you have more Good physical output ability, but if you gain it, you will lose it. Your defense ability is the biggest shortcoming today, especially the physical defense ability is the fatal weakness. These are innate factors, so they cannot be changed. I Next, I will teach you how to cover up this weakness to the greatest extent possible." Ryuzaki Shinji squatted down and patted Darubi's small head, and said softly with telepathy.

"Woohoo ~~" Although I didn't understand what the director said, when he heard the owner who had taught him a new thing, he immediately screamed happily, and immediately held his head to hold Ryosaki Shinji from the second. Hand indicates want to learn.

"If you want to minimize the damage you face, it is natural to successfully avoid the enemy's attack, and if you want to avoid the enemy's attack, the first thing is to have excellent motor nerves, you already have this, the second point It is the speed of fast movement. Only when the speed is faster than the enemy can successfully evade the opponent's many melee attack skills. The third point is physical strength. When fighting, a high concentration of spirit and a large number of evasive actions will be more than usual training. Exhausting physical strength, only sufficient physical strength can maintain the smoothness of movements." Ryuzaki Shinji said carefully and carefully.

But it is clear that Dairubi only half understands what Ryuzaki Shinji said, and he has been thinking hard with a bitter face, his eyes are confused.

"Hey~, it really makes you realize that it's still too difficult. Forget it, you little guy can just do what I want. The next move you're going to train is called Accumulating Flame Attack (the famous nitrification). Charge), which is also a fire-type move, but one move is a fire-type physics skill, which is not suitable for attacking the enemy as a special attacker, but the advantage of this skill is that it can cover the whole body with flames. It is perfect for defending, and at the same time improving your own speed. It is perfect to make up for your lack of defense and to increase your evasion ability. Listen, this move can only be used to defend or avoid enemy attacks in the future. Absolutely It can't be used to confront the enemy head-on." Ryuzaki Shinji tapped Darubi's dull head with his hand and said.

The technique of accumulating flame attack was actually obtained by Ryuzaki Shinji from Kade, a trainer who claims to be specializing in fire elves. After some talk about the training experience of fire elves, Ryuzaki Zhen Er got his wish and obtained the skill of training Nitro Charge from Card. Similarly, Ryuzaki Shinji did not intend to take advantage of his men, and directly lent the poisonous orb in his hand to Card for a few days. He went to cultivate the strongest elf King Nido at this time.

According to Card's experience in cultivating fire elves, the first step of the energy storage flame attack is to cover the whole body with the flame inside the body, the second step is to compress the flame outside the body, and the third step is to compress the flame to the extreme The flame power is released, so as to obtain an amazing explosive power in an instant.

The first step in the entry of the accumulating flame attack is not difficult for Dairubi, who can only freely spill the flames out of his body. In just a few seconds, Dairubi has already initially mastered the starting action of the accumulating fire attack. .

But from the second part, Dairubi began to encounter difficulties. The flame outside the body was more difficult to control than the fire in the body. After spending more than half an hour and failing many times during the period, Dairubi finally Reluctantly compresses the flame outside the body, and the maintained state is very unstable, and it is easy to let the flame covering the body fly around again.

Because the second step is not proficient, Ryuzaki Shinji has not let Dairubi perform it yet. From Card's experience, we know that when the compression action of the second step is not fully mastered, he rashly starts the second step. The three-step release action is likely to cause the use of the move to fail and cause the elf to suffer serious backlash.

"Don't be discouraged, it's already very good to have such a performance at the beginning, you are also clear, your ability to control the energy of the fire element can only be regarded as barely passable, and it is still far from free control. You can use this trick to hone your fire-type energy control, and when you successfully complete the energy-storing flame attack, you will not be far away from freely controlling fire-type energy." Ryuzaki Zhen Er touched the somewhat discouraged Dairubi's head and said.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Derubi lowered his head and hummed to Ryuzaki Shinji in shame. The two-step action made him completely understand that his ability to control the power of the fire element was still in its infancy.

Recently, Dairubi has become a little proud because he has mastered the new move of Hellfire, so he has become a little proud. Today, Ryuzaki Shinji let him practice the highly difficult fire-type move of the energy-storing flame attack. It's not that he wants to kill his arrogance, it turns out that the effect is very good.

"What makes a good performance? You can achieve this level when you just started to practice the energy-storing flame attack. It's just a monster. It would be great if that Dairubi belonged to me." Assisted on the side. After hearing Ryuzaki Shinji's words~www.readwn.com~ who was practicing with Ryuzaki Shinji and Dairubi, Card couldn't help rolling his eyes and complaining in his heart. At the same time, he not only had such an excellent elf for Ryuzaki Shinji and envious.

Over the past period of time, Card has fully understood the strength and potential of Ryuzaki Shinji. Under his training, all the elves in his hands are very powerful, which makes him regain some sense of ordinary elves that he usually ignores. New understandings, such as the silk spider that will use the spider silk to make all his elves play around, and at the same time, Ryuzaki Shinji has deliberately attacked the strongest elf King Nido in his hands several times. After giving pointers, he was completely convinced by a leader who acted justly and acted domineeringly.

"I'm really looking forward to the time when this man soars into the sky. At that time, I can also ascend to the sky." Looking at the flame orb back in his hand, Card thought blankly.



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