Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 44: : The abnormality of the 10-footed chamomile and the silk spider

After more than ten minutes, Dairubi also basically understood the flame compression path and some rules of the second step of the energy storage flame attack. However, because the proficiency and the control of fire energy are not high enough, the current flame compression is ten times. At most one or two successes. All in all, what Dairubi lacks now is a lot of repeated practice. As long as the number of compressed flames or the control of fire energy is improved, the second step of accumulating flame attack is basically completed. .

Of course, Ryuzaki Shinji's requirements for the elf in his hands are naturally the highest level. He asked Dairubi to reduce the time spent on the first and second steps of the energy storage flame attack to 2 seconds. , he will continue to teach Dairubi the release action of the third step of the energy storage flame attack.

After all, if this move is to be really used in battle, the activation time of the move must reach the level that you can send and receive it freely, otherwise, will the powerful enemy give you so much time to activate the move? Once there is a flaw, he will be chased and beaten by the enemy, and finally he will be defeated and killed.

At present, the minimum time it takes for Dairubi to complete these two steps is more than half an hour, and it can be said that it is impossible to achieve the goal required by Ryuzaki Shinji.

"After all, you have to eat one bite at a time. Your future training program is this. If I find out that you dare to be lazy, I will cut your dinner in half, and the snacks you usually eat will also be deducted. On the contrary, if you keep working hard If you do, dinner and snacks will be increased accordingly." Ryuzaki Shinji said with a serious face to Darubi, who was showing his pleading eyes.

As soon as he heard that as long as he worked hard, dinner and snacks could be increased, Darubi, who was pretending to be pitiful, suddenly turned a straight face, and the black flames burned from his body again, and his whole body was suddenly full of energy.

"Woooooo~ (I will work harder than anyone else for delicious dinner and snacks! Darubi let out a long howl to cheer himself up.

"Hahaha~, as expected, only food can make this snack food motivated." Seeing Dairubi's energetic appearance, Ryuzaki Shinji couldn't help being amused by Dairubi's foodie attributes. At this point, Ryuzaki Shinji couldn't be more clear about how this elf, who had shown a strong greed since birth, inspired his fighting spirit.

After dealing with Darubi's affairs, Ryuzaki Shinji also went to communicate with Card, who had been waiting for a long time.

"How, are you sure? If so, let's set off tomorrow." Ryuzaki Shinji said to Kadi with a respectful face.

These days, with the help of Christina's medical trainer, the elves in Card's hands have been restored to health one after another, and Card, who has regained his full strength, has not been idle these days, for the sake of Ryuzaki Shinji Given the promise, he has been out these days looking for some fire-type elves with outstanding talent.

As a person who has lived in this desert for nearly two years, Kade naturally knows the terrain of this area well. More than 10 kilometers away from the northwest of the Gobi, there is a small basin that erupts underground flames from time to time. In the area with the most concentrated fire elves, the number of elves that use fire as their main food, such as stagnant camels and fire-breathing camels, is even more astonishing.

These days, Card has gone out early and returned late to this fire-breathing basin to find the fire-type elves with outstanding talent, but the fire-type elves with outstanding talents are so easy to find, if it is the king-level fire-type elves Descendants of the elf, then the aptitude is naturally not without words, but the problem is that the current Ryuzaki Shinji does not have the ability to face the king-level elf for the time being, even if he is found, Ryuzaki Shinji will not Help him get a fire-type elf and go to fight with a king-level elf, so he is also very wise to choose the target of his elf selection on which inferior powerful elf is, and he doesn't know. He followed up with Shinji Ryuzaki and moved on, and he actually let him accidentally discover a very spiritual dead camel from a small group of dead fire camels.

However, this fire-breathing camel is a descendant of a fire-breathing camel that is at the peak of the quasi-celestial king, and this fire-breathing camel is also the leader of a large group of fire-breathing camels. The entire clan group he belonged to is held in his hands like a baby. Although the strongest of this clan group is the level of the peak of the quasi-kings, Kade wants to subdue himself by his own strength. Undoubtedly, in the end he had to use the promise given by Ryuzaki Shinji to ask for help from Ryuzaki Shinji.

"Yes, my lord, I'm ready. According to my observations in the past few days, that stagnant fire camel group will leave the fire-breathing basin as usual, and then go to the nearest oasis to replenish its water. At that time, there will be no With the help of other dead camel groups, our chances of getting the target will be greatly improved, and the route they will pass is here..." Card, who had already prepared his answer, suddenly eloquently put himself in these days. The collected information is reported to Ryuzaki Shinji.

In order to successfully obtain this spiritual dead camel, Card did his homework and spent almost a week observing the movements of this dead fire camel group.

"Well, as a fire-type elf, you can actually give the word "full of spirituality" to a dead fire camel, it should also be a very interesting elf, I really want to take a look, no problem, Since I promised you, I will promise you to get him." Ryuzaki Shinji has a very good impression of this subordinate who can share with him the secret fire technique in his hand. After listening to Card After the detailed information was narrated, Ryuzaki Shinji smiled slightly, then patted Card's shoulder with his hand, and said in a positive tone,

The impression that the stagnant camels give to humans is undoubtedly stupid or cute, but in fact, it is the same. Only when they evolve into fire-breathing camels with completely changed characteristics and irritable personalities, will they give people a different impression, and this dumb fire-breathing camel can make Card, a fire-specialized trainer. Because the family is full of spirituality, it is obviously different from others. In addition, it is the direct descendant of the fire-breathing camel at the peak level of the quasi-celestial king, and its talent potential is not too bad.

"Thank you, sir, I will definitely work harder to serve you." Hearing the affirmative tone of Ryuzaki Shinji, Card was overjoyed, and immediately bowed to Ryuzaki Shinji, and then respectfully greeted Ryuzaki Saki Shinji said.

Immediately after ~www.readwn.com~, the two continued to discuss tomorrow's actions, but when the two of them were halfway through their discussions, Christina, who was on the other side of the sand, rushed over angrily.

"Lord Ryuzaki, go and take a look at the silk spider, her condition seems to be a little wrong." Christina said anxiously to Ryuzaki Shinji, not wanting to stop and rest.

When Ryuzaki Shinji heard the words, his face changed suddenly, the purple awns in his eyes instantly flourished, and then a teleportation brought the two people to the vicinity of the two rock pillars where the silk spider was conducting daily training.

As soon as Ryuzaki Shinji arrived, the silk spider that was twitching on the sand suddenly stopped twitching like a reassurance pill. At the same time, countless white rays of light were released from her body.



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