Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 46: : The Rise of Alidos

The long accumulation of the silk spider has finally paid off. From the actual operation of Alidos just now, we already know how terrifying the increase in her strength is. The permeability and toxicity have been greatly enhanced, and her spider silk can now not only be used as a means of smashing the prey, but also become a terrible weapon for him to kill the prey. Since the spider silk of Alidos is now strong enough to pierce the hard Rock, not to mention the soft flesh of the elves.

Once stabbed by Alidos' spider silk, unless the elf is stronger than Alidos, he can't escape easily. Even if he can break free from a spider silk of Alidos, he can use poison energy to touch Alidos. The behavior of touching the spider silk and then destroying the rock pillar shows that the spider silk that pierced into the elf is also obviously hiding a violent toxin. As long as Alidos is willing to use the poison energy in his body to trigger the hidden toxin in the spider silk, little The elves will also be immediately poisoned by the spider poison of Alidos. If there is no treatment for a long time, they will also be unable to escape the death hunting of the poisonous spider.

In addition to the spider silk becoming more powerful than ever, Alidos continued to show some moves that he automatically comprehends after his evolution, many of which possess powerful moves such as the cross poison blade, mental strength, and immobilization technique. Ryusaki Shinji was most surprised by the mental strength and immobilization method.

As a Poison-type elf, it is quite remarkable that Alidos can learn the super-power-type ultimate move of mental strength, which is quite remarkable, although in theory, many elves can learn this trick. , even some human beings who have undergone spiritual practice can learn this trick, such as superpowers like Ryuzaki Shinji, or some eminent monks who have undergone assiduous spiritual practice in Chengdu Lingling Pagoda, but in fact they are not supernatural. Ability elves have innate powerful mental power as a precondition for using this trick, most elves have to go through years of spiritual practice before they can perform this trick, and Alidos can perform this trick in extreme Learning this trick in a short period of time means that Alidos' natural spiritual power is much stronger than that of ordinary non-superpower elves.

If strong mental thoughts can make Ryuzaki Shinji feel that Alidos is very good, then the immobilization method makes Ryuzaki Shinji admire Alidos, and Alidos's status in his heart has been directly improved by several grades. Ryuzaki Shinji has a detailed understanding of many poison-type elves, and it is impossible for Alidos to learn the technique of immobilization. Like her own genetic grid move, immobilization is a genetic skill, and Alidos can There is only one possibility to learn this skill, that is, in the process of evolution, the gene segment with the immobilization technique is accidentally activated, so that she seems to have learned the terrifying technique of immobilization, just like the pool room.

The immobilization method in the real world is not as simple as the one in the game that only seals the moves used by the enemy for a few rounds. It is as powerful as the gravity technique in the real version. A move that cannot move for a certain period of time. In the real world of elves, the immobilization method belongs to the most typical skill of rich and handsome. Except for the unique few elves who can rely on their own powerful talents and lucky genetics, This move is impossible to learn through words and deeds, and the elf with the immobilization technique is destined to be a very good controller. Yes, just relying on one immobilization technique can make Alidos among the first. The throne of the famous team controller. After all, it is clear at a glance whether a stable hard controller or an unstable soft controller is weaker or stronger.

From now on, Alydos is no longer the orb spider who was almost useless without spider webs. In addition to the owner's decent frontal combat ability, she has also become an irresistible member of Ryuzaki Shinji's team. Missing controller.

Ryuzaki Shinji has already tested his whole body. With the help of Alidos's mental power that is twice as strong as that of ordinary elves, he casts the immobilization technique on him. The lasting effect is only about 0.07 seconds. Few, but in fact, the masters are skilled, and if you slow down 0.01 seconds, it is possible to decide the outcome of life and death. If Alidos uses the immobilization technique on those elves whose mental strength is not as good as his, he can at least move the opponent in place for 2 seconds. No, in a fierce battle, if one party cannot move within 2 seconds, what is the difference between that and a direct sentence of death?

Therefore, after the successful evolution of the silk spider, it is like turning over a serf to sing, which is considered to be a fortune. With the immobilization technique, she is destined to be in an almost unshakable position in Ryuzaki Shinji's team.

"Okay, very good, very good, I didn't expect that you could actually learn the movement of the fixed body method. In the future, your training program will be to improve your mental strength, and then concentrate on enhancing the strength of the fixed body method. Don't worry, you are exercising. In this aspect of spiritual power, I will do my best to help you, even if you do not have the attributes of super power, I am confident that you will have three to four times the spiritual power of ordinary elf." I have personally tested Alidos's After the immobilization method, Ryuzaki Shinji said to Alidos with a smile, and the joy in his eyes could not be concealed at this time.

"Squeaky~~" Hearing Ryuzaki Shinji's unabashed admiration, Alidos was also very happy, and suddenly made a crisp cry.

Compared to Ryuzaki Shinji who was laughing, Card and Christina on the side looked a little stunned. Mental strength lifted a large stone from the ground, and finally saw her use a strange immobilization technique to shock Ryuzaki Shinji in place. Both of them couldn't turn their heads, obviously they were only one in the team. The soy-sauce elf has evolved into such a powerful elf at once. Christina, who has seen the evolution of the seeds of the wonderful frog, is fine, and Card, who has seen the evolution of the elf of Ryuzaki Shinji for the first time, has already I was so shocked that I couldn't speak.

As a trainer with a certain amount of elf knowledge, Card and Christina naturally know how powerful an elf with immobilization is, just like a **** with gravity Just like the elf of the skill, as long as it is used well, it is definitely not a dream to defeat the weak and the strong, and they are envious in addition to envy.

"Lord Ryuzaki, your ability to cultivate is so powerful that you can turn corruption into magic. I believe that under your cultivation, your elves will become elves that can stand on their own." Seeing Ryuzaki Shinji at this moment Overjoyed, Christina who was beside her immediately said to Ryuzaki Shinji with a smile on her face.

"Yes, yes, Alidos is really amazing, congratulations to Ryusaki-sama, you have obtained another powerful elf." Hearing Christina's flattering remarks, Card suddenly woke up and immediately used some blunt horse-beating skills. Said to Ryuzaki Shinji~www.readwn.com~ Hearing the good words of the two, Ryuzaki Shinji didn't say anything, just smiled and nodded to the two of them, and then focused on the man under him again. On this venomous spider.

"Fortunately, I didn't choose to give up her at that time. Otherwise, I would have missed a powerful controller today. Now, in the absence of the two elves with powerful field control ability, Gotha Duck and Double Bullet Gas, and I have regained a powerful controller with the immobilization technique. As long as both Scorpio and Frog are successful enough to advance to the quasi-king, my strength can basically be restored to about 70% of the previous level. At the same time, I am improving the strength of these two people. Now, when the time comes, I should have the ability to explore freely in this desert, I really look forward to it, hehe~~" Ryuzaki Shinji raised his head and thought to himself as he looked at the scorching sun still hanging high in the blue sky.



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