Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 47: : Whirling Leaf and Firebomb

The strong rise of Darubi and Alydos made the other elves of Ryuzaki Shinji feel happy, but also felt a strong pressure. And ** frog also redoubled their efforts to exercise their ability.

Unconsciously, under Ryuzaki Shinji's running-in in the past few weeks, these six little elves who were originally estranged from each other have formed a deep friendship. While encouraging each other, they are also secretly competing with each other. It is precisely because of the existence of this healthy competition that their strength has been able to make a huge leap in this period of time. Of course, a large part of it comes from the fact that they have already been connected with countless wild elves. After the battle, the life and death test they experienced is also the catalyst for their strength improvement.

On the sandy ground where the electric firefly and the frog grass were practicing against each other, "咻咻咻咻~~" sounded a burst of air, and I saw countless green swirling flying leaves flying out from the body of the frog grass, and then on the frog grass. Under the control of the swirl leaves, the flying leaves blazed towards the electric fireflies in mid-air from all directions. Judging from the loud air-breaking sound produced by the rotation of these swirl leaves, the frog grass is definitely going all out, releasing a little water. no thought.

Facing the densely-packed flying leaves of Froggrass, the electric firefly was not panicking at all. No matter how fast the spinning flying leaves were, it seemed that they couldn't surpass the speed of his moves, and a violent tremor echoed from him. Appeared on the body, and then, a large number of shadow clones separated from him, and at the same time, a dazzling fluorescent light was lit from the taillight of the electric firefly. In an instant, all the shadow clones were bathed in white light at the same time, and then a flash. Egg-sized fiery light bullets flew out from the middle of the two tentacles above their heads like a cannonball.

"Boom bang bang~~" A slight explosion sounded in the air, and the flying blade of Fana japonica collided with the sunshine flame (improved version) of the electric firefly. Time is in equilibrium.

After the frog grass successfully used the deep-rooted skills to solve the problem of Ryuzaki Shinji and others drinking water in the desert, Ryuzaki Shinji began to modify the training of the frog seeds. As a crucial tank player in the team, he will be deeply rooted and both A frog grass that can exercise to a certain height, he has basically completed the training of the most important part of the recovery ability, then the next step is to stabilize his output ability.

Due to the huge defect of being unable to move once the frog grass uses deep-rooted skills, his main output ability comes from his long-range attack skills. At present, the most convenient long-range strike skill used by the frog grass is undoubtedly the vine whip. When he was in the seed stage of Frog Frog, his one-handed rattan whip had been honed to the extreme, and after he evolved into Froggrass, the number of rattan whips that could only be used at first has now increased to eight. The frog grass whipped down the vine with one hand. It was a terrifying scene called the heavy whip shadow. It has been able to whip the same enemy violently at least six times in one second within the maximum range of the vine whip.

Unfortunately, the power of the rattan whip is still too low, with only 45 points of physical power, and it also has the weakness of limited attack range. Before the grass-type ultimate move with 120 physical power, her rattan whip output ability was still a little weak, so Ryuzaki Shinji decided to let him hone the Flying Leaf Knife, the Flying Leaf Knife, which is more powerful and has a wider attack range. Not only does it have a physical power that is 15 points higher than the rattan trick in power, but it also crushes the rattan whip in terms of attack range and number of attacks. The most rare and valuable thing is that the Flying Leaf Knife also has a chance to hit the key point by 1 level. , it is conceivable that the number of successful critical hits is quite impressive under the attack of the densely-packed Flying Leaf Knife. Once a critical hit is struck, the power of the Flying Leaf Knife will directly rise to the physical power of 110, and the output is simply unnecessary. Too explosive.

After nearly a week of special training, there are as many as 20 flying leaves within one second of Rana japonica. Move the grass energy in the five leaves to use the skill of the Flying Leaf Knife. In addition, Ryuzaki Shinji specially let him add the power of gyration to the Flying Leaf Knife launch form, which further raised the Flying Leaf. Although the power and flying speed of the fast knife were a little unaccustomed at first, with the efforts of the frog grass, this difficulty was quickly overcome, and the flying blade fast knife has been well transformed into a whirling flying blade.

As the contact opponent of the fast-moving frog grass, the electric firefly is the most recent pressure on him. In the past, relying on his strength and mischievous heart characteristics a little higher than the frog grass, he used the shadow clone to greatly improve the evasion ability. He is quite easy to dodge the various skills of the frog grass, and can eat one-third of the lunch of the frog grass every morning, but since the frog seeds evolved into the frog grass , the gap between the strengths disappeared immediately, and he was also slightly suppressed by the frog grass, so he was hit by the flying blade of the frog grass several times, and his lunch was also exploited recently. sharp.

For this reason, so that Froggrass did not think about his predecessor and his own lunch, Electric Firefly had to work harder to train his attacking moves. Finally, after unremitting efforts, he finally made the move of Sunshine Flame. The grass-type big move has been successfully mastered, and it has also developed its own sunshine flame. Because it does not have these substances of chlorophyll, the electric firefly has given up using sunlight as the light source to condense the sunshine flame, and instead uses its own relatively mild and easy to use. The controlled fluorescent light is used as the light source to replace the sunlight. Although the power of the electric firefly's sunshine flame is also greatly reduced due to the difference between the two light sources, the electric firefly can make the sunshine flame instantaneously as compensation. Degree.

While using the firefly trick, a skill that has been deeply rooted in the bone marrow, while using the spontaneous firefly to use the sunshine flame, this is the new weapon mastered by the electric firefly today, even if the power of the sunshine flame is reduced due to the light source. With the special attack blessing of the ultimate move, Electric Firefly can still use most of the power of the grass-type ultimate move, Sunshine Flame, to full use~www.readwn.com~ Because of the switching of the light source of Electric Firefly's Sunlight Flame and Because the way he releases the flames of sunshine is different from ordinary people, Shinji Ryuzaki named the flames of the electric fireflies, which he changed beyond recognition, as firefly bullets.

Since possessing the stunt of the firefly light bomb, the output ability of the electric firefly in the desert has been greatly improved, coupled with its own mischievous heart characteristics and various proficient auxiliary moves, the individual combat ability It has also made a qualitative leap. After Ryuzaki Shinji’s actual combat training, Electric Firefly has now been able to defeat the same level of ground-type wild elves alone.

Like Alidos, Electric Firefly has now gotten rid of the embarrassing situation of sitting on the bench before, and one step ahead of Alidos, he was successfully listed as a standing battle elf by Ryuzaki Shinji.



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