Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 48: : Poison Fighter

On the other side of the sand, the battle between the scorpion and the bad frog is also unfolding like fire. At this time, the two elves who are the powerful attackers in the team are vaguely exuding the momentum of a quasi-king, especially The bad frog, the kind of momentum that represents the quasi-celestial king is already slightly obvious.

Now, during the period when Abo Monster is sleeping, the position of the main weapon attacker has been idle. Scorpio and the bad frog are both physical attackers, and naturally they are very peeping at this position. Although the relationship between the two is very good, in order to be the main force of the team The position of the physical attacker, the two are also secretly competing in private, and in the usual daily practice, they desperately want to overwhelm each other, and after the existence of Christina as a nurse, the two are gone. Concerns, naturally, the two elves are going all out to defeat each other in the daily duel practice.

Relying on the advantage of the flight system, Scorpio has always taken the initiative in the battle between the two. I saw that the Scorpion, who was wrapped in a dark brown rock-type energy, flew in the high air with various difficulties. The action evaded the sharp rocks hit by the bad frogs from the ground below, and while dodging and dodging, pieces of sharp rocks formed by the energy of the rock system surrounded him in a circular manner, and then on his Under the control, these rock blades are aimed at the bad frogs below at various tricky angles.

Pieces of sharp rock blades that came from the sky carrying the power of the sky were like kunai rushing towards the bad frogs on the ground. When the bad frogs saw this, their hands were immediately wrapped in a layer of dark purple poison energy. He got up, and at the same time he stepped on the ground with his right foot covered with the energy of the rock series, and a rock wall composed of the energy of the rock series immediately appeared in front of him.

"Bang bang bang~~" The sound of collisions came from the rock wall. In less than two seconds, the seemingly indestructible rock wall was shattered by a large number of sharp rock blades from Scorpio. At this time, the bad frog had already With the help of the rock wall to resist the rock blade and the time it took to temporarily escape the sight of Scorpio, he successfully avoided this wave of rock blade attack by the scorpion by digging a hole, and then appeared from the ground more than ten meters above the ground.

At this moment, the two arms of the bad frog were completely wrapped in a layer of deep purple energy, and then he stepped on the ground with his right foot covered with rock-type energy again, and another rock wall appeared, but this time, the bad frog However, the frog destroyed the rock wall by himself, and with a flash of light in his eyes, he instantly saw the weakest part of the rock wall, and then a powerful tile-splitting trick was shot from the weakest part of the rock wall. The wall suddenly began to crack every inch. When the bad frog saw this, his hands suddenly turned into countless afterimages. A loud cracking sound appeared, and the rock blocks that had not yet been able to fall from the rock wall instantly With a strong force, he shot towards the Scorpio in the sky.

In addition to the powerful strength of these rock blocks that have broken away, their surface is also covered with a layer of purple poison-type energy, and traces of white smoke and stench emanate from the rocks, which are obviously smeared. Corrosive and highly toxic.

Seeing that the bad frogs used the poison attack trick to smear these rocks with poison, the scorpion just smiled disdainfully, and then the double pincers, wings and scorpion tail were all coated with a layer of metallic luster, and at the same time used the alloy claws, rigid wings and iron tail tricks , and then without fear, rushed towards the poisonous rock that the bad frog hit with great force.

Like a tiger entering a flock, the scorpion directly descended against the poisonous rock rain against the bad frog. All the poisonous rocks that collided with him were smashed into pieces by his almost fully armed body, and the height of the fall became lower and lower. , Scorpio's whole body is bathed in a layer of cyan flight-type energy, and then the whole body suddenly rotates clockwise at a high speed, and the sword dance tricks are used one after another, and the flight-type energy on the body suddenly turns into a blue sword qi that scatters out of his body , In the end, the scorpion greeted the bad frog on the ground with a sharply descending Yanhui trick.

Seeing that the scorpion is carrying the momentum of the sky and wants to attack head-on, the bad frog does not choose to run away, and his hands are aimed at the three points on the body to increase the attack power, and the muscles of the bad frog suddenly swell up. The aura of his was rising steadily, and then, the icy aura gathered in his hands that were still wrapped in poison-type energy, and the bad frog wanted to combine the power of the poison strike and the freezing fist to confront the scorpion head-on.

A second later, Scorpio finally came, an afterimage passed by, and appeared in front of the bad frog in an instant. At this time, the eyes of the bad frog who were ready to go flashed, and the left hand guarded with a lot of ice energy. He blocked in front of him, and his right hand aimed at Scorpio's right-hand joint and slammed it out. It was too late, but it was too soon. The Scorpion in the eyes of the bad frog actually turned into an afterimage and swept over him. The shot actually failed.

The next moment, a strong sense of crisis appeared from behind. Scorpio actually made a beautiful maneuver at the critical moment and went around behind the bad frog with an incredible flying attitude to attack. The door behind the bad frog was wide open at the moment. In the three sword dances of Yan's return, he will definitely be defeated by Scorpion because of his fighting attributes.

Is it too late? No, the more the crisis is, the more calm the bad frog's heart is, the zen heart is still, the characteristic danger prediction is activated, and the sight in the eyes of the bad frog seems to slow down countless times, when the scorpion is close to hitting the bad frog At that moment, the bad frog seemed to have eyes on his back, twisted his body to the right, and successfully avoided Scorpio's Yanhui trick.

"Scorpion, scorpion, scorpion~~" Scorpio suddenly re-flyed high in the sky when he missed a shot, and then scolded angrily at the bad frog below with his right pliers, obviously to the bad frog just as if he was hanging. Shun felt very annoyed, and was scolding bad frogs for cheating at this time.

"Frog frog frog frog~~" Hearing Scorpio's unreasonable remarks, the bad frog looked at Scorpio with his hands crossed, and then calmly told him with a treacherous smile that he did not cheat, indicating that it was Scorpio's own food.

Seeing this, Scorpio was naturally furious, and once again descended rapidly from the air, attacking the bad frog aggressively, and the bad frog again took the attitude of attacking, staring at the Scorpio's attack with a serious face, and the two fought fiercely again. together.

Whether it is Scorpio and Bad Frog, both of them are already at the level of quasi-kings. If they want, as long as they evolve, they can cross the level of quasi-kings at any time, but in order to obtain stronger power and Without being surpassed by the other, both of them are eager to step into the level of the quasi-king in their current form. Gradually cracked, and it didn't take long for them to step into the level of quasi-celestial kings naturally.

"Well, yes, it seems that their state is very good, especially the bad frog, if there is no accident, he will be the first to enter the level of the quasi-king, it is really amazing intuitive dodge, at that moment all If he can avoid it and continue to develop it, this will become the strongest weapon for him to become a top powerhouse." Ryuzaki Shinji, who was watching the fierce battle between the two from a distance on the sandy ground, nodded and thought to himself.

Since the concentrated slams of the bad frogs with all their strengths overwhelmed the big rock snake at the peak level of the quasi-celestial king, the poison-type fighter seems to have awakened. , and now he has vaguely overwhelmed Scorpio, who he thinks is currently ranked second in strength in the team.

Seeing the bad frog in such a good state, Ryuzaki Shinji was naturally overjoyed, and he did not hesitate to give him one of the two remaining pieces of resurrection grass in his hand, so that he could quickly recover from the injury and join the ranks of exercise. , Under the powerful vitality of the resurrection grass, not only the hidden and dark wounds accumulated by the bad frogs using fighting skills for many years are healed, but also their own vitality and potential are improved to a certain extent.

Finally, Ryuzaki Shinji also instructed him to use his powerful fighting-type moves combined with his own poison-type energy, so a real poison-type fighter was born in this way, and today's bad frogs can fight for a long time. After the poison-type energy covers his hands, every melee attack of him will be accompanied by terrifying toxins. An opponent with a little bit of poison-type resistance will face severe poison as long as he is hit by him. threat.

The name of the poison fighter has now lived up to its name.

To be continued...

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