Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 49: : Desert Wolves

The time to concentrate on training always passed quickly. After the morning exercise the next day, Ryuzaki Shinji and others started today's schedule.

Since Ryuzaki Shinji has already promised to capture that spiritually sluggish camel for Card today, he will naturally not break his promise. He has set this goal as his main task today, and he will bring him directly after the morning exercise. With a group of people headed towards the Fire Spit Basin in the northwest.

Taking advantage of the scorching sun in the morning before hanging overhead, Ryuzaki Shinji and the others were moving much faster than usual. Even if there were wild elves who didn't know whether to live or die in the middle of the way, they would try to avoid fighting with them. , moving quickly in the direction of the Spitfire Basin without any hesitation.

Under the scorching sun, Ryuzaki Shinji and the others, all wearing sandy yellow coats, were walking towards the Spitfire Basin under the scorching sun. It was 9 o'clock at this time, and the sun was hanging above their heads as expected. In the direction of dozens of meters behind them, some green beasts are following behind them.

"The number of these rock-mane werewolves behind us has increased again. It seems that they must be repelled, otherwise they will be treated as weak and bullying objects, and more of the same kind will be gathered at that time. Christina, Card, get ready to fight." Using his mental power to perceive a group of Mane Werewolves that were still following them far behind, Ryuzaki Shinji secretly counted, and immediately found that the number of Mane Werewolves had increased again, so He almost immediately responded to Christina and Card beside him with telepathy.

"Yes, Lord Ryuzaki." Card and Christina said in unison, and then released their King Nido and Roseredo respectively.

"This is your first battle after evolution, you must do it beautifully, and end the battle quickly, Alidos." Ryuzaki Shinji also immediately released Alidos's from the Poké Ball.

"Ouch~~" The mane rock werewolves who followed Ryuzaki Shin and the other class finally stopped hiding when they saw this. After a particularly strong mane rock werewolf let out a loud wolf howl, some hidden dragon The mane rock werewolves in the sand around Saki Shinji and others came out one after another, and then surrounded Ryuzaki Shinji and the others.

Even in the daytime, the eyes of these desert wolves all over the desert are green at this time. Obviously, they just woke up hungry in the morning. Ryuzaki Shinji and others have now been defined by them as an appetizer this morning. .

There are more than 40 mane rock werewolves in total, most of them are in the daytime form, and a few are in the night form, and in the rear of the wolf pack, there are also a lot of rock dogs. Dogs, these little wolf cubs, like their parents, are all greedily staring at Ryuzaki Shinji and the others. With such a large number, they can barely count as a medium-sized wolf pack in this desert.

"Oops, this number is too much. For us so few people, so much power will be dispatched. Lord Ryuzaki, you must first capture the wolf king, otherwise, these highly cooperative wolves will be in the wolf king. Under the command of the king, the power will be several times stronger than usual, and even the quasi-king level elf will be killed by them." Card saw that so many mane rock werewolves appeared in the surrounding sand. , his face changed greatly, and he said to Ryuzaki Shinji in a panic.

As someone who has lived in this desert for a long time, Card, who also has a maned rock werewolf, is naturally very aware of how terrible these desert wolves are. Perhaps when there is only one, they are not as dangerous as one. The mountain kings with the characteristics of sand concealment, but once the number increases, their risk factor will increase by a geometric multiple. If there is still the existence of the wolf king, the combat power will explode in an instant.

The Fang of the Desert, where Card once stayed, was attacked by a large wolf pack with a wolf king. In that battle, although they successfully repelled the wolf pack, the number of casualties was more than half, especially It was a low-level person like him who was almost wiped out.

In the desert, even a Heavenly King-level elf is not willing to fight against a large wolf pack with a wolf king.

"Really? I don't think these puppies are so scary, Alidos, they spit out sticky nets on the surrounding sand, and there are still more of them. Bad frogs, Froggrass, you also come out to help. Hearing Card's somewhat frightened language, Ryuzaki Shinji looked at him with a frown, and then refocused on the elf. If it was a large wolf pack, he would definitely turn around without saying a word. Run, but in front of him is a barely medium-sized pack of wolves, nowhere close to making him troublesome.

"Ouch~~" The wolf king at the rear let out a howl.

In an instant, all the Mane Rock Werewolves in the front row immediately stimulated the energy of the rock system in their bodies, and then aimed at Ryuzaki Shinji and the others with sharp rock blades, while the Mane Rock Werewolves in the back row ran out from the back row one after another. In the process of running, some forelimbs and claws burst into flames, some big mouths condensed the energy of evil vices, and some heads showed a metallic luster. Under the cover of rock blades, they fiercely attacked Ryuzaki Shinji and others. come up.

The densely packed rock blades flew in, and the faces of Christina and Cade suddenly turned pale, and they quickly hid behind their little elves to avoid them, but there were rock blades in all directions, and they couldn't dodge at all. The lottery will appear soon, and these attacks are only the harassing attacks of the maned rock werewolves, and the maned rock werewolves who are rushing towards them are the real deadly attacks.

There is a saying that persimmons need to be soft and pinch, this guy is used to indicate that these rock-mane werewolves who come up to attack are more suitable. All rock-mane werewolves who rushed up deliberately avoided this and remained calm in the rock rain. The human beings attacked Card and Christina one after another.

"Damn it, King Nido, shoot with jet flames." Kad, who was hiding behind King Nido's huge body, said angrily, but unfortunately, King Nido's jet flames only hit a few of the heads that were rushing forward. The mane rock werewolf was then thrown to the ground by several other mane rock werewolves that rushed in from the flanks, and began to frantically bite King Nido.

Seeing that King Nido was restrained by several rock-mane werewolves, and there were a few days when the rock-mane werewolves rushed towards him, Card had to release the remaining two rock-mane werewolves in his hand to resist, but he did not agree with what he thought. As soon as the two mane rock werewolves in their hands saw that they were facing so many similar attacks, they immediately lowered their tails and let out a low cry for mercy, and did not resist at all.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Ryuzaki Shinji still stood up. These seemingly dense but insufficiently powerful rock rains were nothing to his elves at all.

I saw that the frog grass extended a large number of roots from its body and took root in the ground, while quickly waving eight vine whips that emitted this green light. In an instant, an iron curtain with heavy whip shadows protected Ryuzaki Shinji, at the same time. A large number of whirling flying leaves flew out of him, nailing all the mane rock werewolves who wanted to come up to the ground.

Alidos, on the other hand, is constantly moving fast in the surrounding sand. While moving, his mouthparts frequently spit out sticky webs on the surrounding sand. Although the mane rock wolves have a good response ability, they repeatedly avoid the spider webs. However, with the increase in the number of Alidos' sticky webs in the nearby sand, and the gradual formation of his huge cobwebs on the surrounding sand, some careless mane rock werewolves were suddenly stuck by the sticky cobwebs. In an instant, he couldn't move on the spot because he couldn't break free from the sturdy spider web, and the consequence of not being able to move was that he was bitten by a poisonous spider that suddenly appeared in the next second.

The bad frog obeyed Ryuzaki Shinji's order to support Christina, who had the weakest defense. Before the rock rain arrived, the bad frog appeared beside Christina in a flash, and then put the right foot with the energy of the rock system to the ground. Force a tower, a huge rock wall blocked the many sharp rock blades attacking from the front, and then both hands and feet turned into afterimages, which would shatter all the sharp rock blades that came from behind without falling. When some mane rock werewolves wanted to lean up, they directly used the tile-splitting trick to slam the mane rock werewolf's waist. Almost every mane rock werewolf hit by him fell to the ground instantly and could stand up. He was also highly poisoned, and he soon died like those who fell to the ground~www.readwn.com~ I watched a few of the mane rock werewolves pounced over by Ryuzaki Shinji's frog grass. The Flying Leaf Knives were all nailed to the ground, and Card reacted immediately, kicking each of the rock-mane werewolves angrily on both sides of him, who were still lying on the ground, and then took the two rock-mane werewolves who had regained their courage. Support King Nido.

A few minutes later, the mane rock werewolf's first wave of attacks was successfully repelled by Ryuzaki Shinji and others. Except for King Kadenido who was slightly injured, he exchanged a dozen manes for almost zero damage. The life of the rock werewolf.

"If you are acquainted, get away from me immediately, otherwise, I will kill you with my own hands." Ryuzaki Shinji took out the cross sword, pointed at the wolf king who was grinning at them in the distance, and then used electrocardiogram. Induction thought the other party said fiercely.

The maned rock werewolf (night form), who is a group of desert wolves, heard the words, his scarlet eyes suddenly radiated a dazzling red light, and then stared at Ryuzaki Shinji who pointed his sword at him. At this moment, he was very unwilling. , but at the same time, he also felt a fatal threat from the current human being who was originally threatening.

As a wolf king, he naturally understands his responsibilities. In the end, he made a wise decision not to gnaw on this unexpected hard bone in front of him, as if he wanted to remember Ryuzaki Shinji's appearance fiercely. After staring at Ryusaki Shin for twenty seconds, he let out a howl of retreat, and then quickly disappeared from Ryuzaki Shinji's sight with the remaining Mane Rock Werewolf and Rock Dog.

To be continued......

Thanks for the 100 starting point coins for the passing De time, and the 100 starting point coins for the screaming snail. Thanks to Tianyi Yu ol for the 2000 starting point coins. Thanks to the book friends for their support of this book.

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