Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 50: : Fire Sycamore

After a dozen corpses were left behind, the remaining mane rock werewolves were amnesty at the call of the wolf king, and they removed the siege of Ryuzaki Shinji and others in a puff of smoke, and then followed the wolf king to evacuate from the battlefield.

Ryuzaki Shinji and the others were naturally relieved to see this. After quickly cleaning the battlefield, they also quickly evacuated this battlefield full of **** smells, and continued to move towards today's destination, Spitfire Basin.

During the remaining part of the journey, the wild elves still came out from the depths of the sand to sneak attacks from time to time, and Ryuzaki Shinji and others also saw their tricks. Under the leadership of the old horse Card, they cleverly avoided many along the way. They were in the territory of the Heavenly King-level elves, and then moved smoothly towards the Spitfire Basin. Finally, near noon, the figure of the Spitfire Basin appeared in front of them. To be precise, they saw the iconic things of the Spitfire Basin. .

About a kilometer away from the southeast of the Spitfire Basin, a rock with some severe wind and sand emerged. Ryuzaki Shinji and others are sweating and staying in the shadow of this rock. Among them, Ryuzaki Shinji and Christina are at this time. He was looking at an astonishing scene in front of him with a look of surprise.

"It's better to be famous than to meet. There is such a thing, this world is really incredible." Even though his throat was smoking at the moment, Ryuzaki Shinji still didn't care about drinking water and was caught by the amazing scene in front of him. Shocked.

"Yeah, it seems that because of the isolation of this central island, those species that have disappeared outside still exist here, I am absolutely not wrong, absolutely not, that huge tree is the fire tree. Fire Wutong, that is the place where the legendary little elf Hoo will stay and inhabit, my God, it is really as huge as the book says." Christina covered her small mouth with her small hand, She stared blankly at the front and said, with a wealth of knowledge, she immediately recognized the things in front of her.

On the horizon ahead, a huge fiery red tree canopy was covering the corner of the horizon. From a distance, the fiery red tree crown was like a huge flame that was burning, and every few minutes, a powerful burst of fire appeared. The fire energy spreads from the flaming tree canopy to the area within a few kilometers, and then the temperature in this area becomes hotter than other places.

On the fire-breathing basin, a giant tree that requires more than a dozen big men to hold hands to fully embrace is rooted in the center of the fire-breathing basin. The entire trunk of the giant tree, including the leaves, is fiery red, and its thick root system actually ignores it. The burning of the magma is rooted in the rolling magma below, and then the roots are used to transmit the continuous fire energy from the magma to every corner of the entire giant tree.

On the basin, a large number of fire-type elves are working hard to absorb the fire-type energy emanating from the fire phoenix tree. The closer the elves are to the phoenix tree, the rarer the number of elves, and the stronger the strength level is. , many of the strengths are firmly at the level of the king, and the number of fire elves that can come to the canopy of the sycamore tree is somewhat rare, but each exudes the mighty power of the champion, especially the one at the top of the canopy. A Vulcan Moth resembling a small sun, the mighty power of the champion pinnacle makes him look down on all the fire elves under the canopy like an emperor.

That's right, the fire tree, the fire phoenix tree in front of Ryuzaki Shinji and others, is the iconic thing of the Spitfire Basin. When any elf in the desert sees the canopy of the fire red tree, you have already come to the Spitfire. near the basin.

"Look, I didn't lie to you, it seems that it was right to let Miss Christina come over, and I recognized the identity of this giant tree at once, but I didn't expect it to be the legendary fire-type elf Phoenix King. The place where it inhabits is really amazing. As I guessed, that tree must have an incredible fire-type treasure. Since it has been inhabited by Ho-wang, it may be possible to obtain holy ashes from it. This kind of top-notch fire-type treasure." After hearing Christina say the name of the giant tree and some simple descriptions, Cad, who specializes in fire-type elf, immediately showed fiery eyes.

However, Card's fiery gaze only lasted for a few seconds and then dimmed. Since he came here several times, the colorless fire-type elf already knew that he could only think about it here. So far, he actually He didn't even have the experience of stepping into the fire-breathing basin, but when he thought that there was a fire-type treasure on the giant tree that was countless times better than the flame orb, and even the origin of the fire-type thing was very likely to exist, the greed in his eyes. There is no way to hide it.

It's not that Card doesn't want to enter the basin, but judging from his current strength, being able to be within one kilometer of the edge of the basin is already very impressive. Within one kilometer centered on the Spitfire Basin, a large number of people live. The fire elves, the closer they are to the elves in the fire-breathing basin, the stronger their strength will be. When Kade approached the range of one kilometer, they began to be frequently attacked by the high-level elite fire elves. , If he hadn't had sufficient research on various fire-type elves and knew their corresponding weaknesses, he wouldn't have been able to easily walk out of them so many times.

"For things like that, I advise you not to have any delusions for the time being. From the energy fluctuations from that tree, it can be seen that this divine tree named Huowutong is simply a fire-type elf. An open-hanging artifact that can promote their rapid increase in strength, such a divine artifact has long been owned, and there must be a large number of powerful fire elves living on that tree. Judging from the elves who frequently encounter high-level elites within the range of meters, the elves that can stay in the basin for a long time also need at least the strength of a quasi-king. As for those fire elves who can practice near that tree, Their strength can be imagined, without the strength of the king, it is impossible to approach, listen carefully, without my order, absolutely cannot act without authorization." Hearing Card's greedy but oversight thoughts, there are Seeing the greed deep in his eyes, Ryuzaki Shinji, who knew what was going on, immediately spoke to Card in cold words.

"Uh~, yes, Ryuzaki-sama." Ryusaki Shinji's words were like a piece of ice water, and he was a little hot in his heart at this time, and he suddenly woke up from his strong greed, and then Respectfully said to Ryuzaki Shinji~www.readwn.com~ You just need to remember, well, rest is enough, it's time to subdue that lazy camel you said, hurry up and finish Just leave, this place is too dangerous to stay for long. Seeing this, Ryuzaki Shinji nodded, drank the glass of water that Christina handed over, and said to Card.

Card was very willing to hear the words, and immediately took Ryuzaki Shinji and the others to a relatively empty sandy field that was a thousand meters away from the basin.

At this time, on this sandy ground, a large number of fire-breathing camels and fire-breathing camels were sitting densely.

At this time, these fire camels are absorbing the fire energy in the surrounding environment, which has become extremely rich due to the release of fire energy from the parasol tree. Seeing this, they will stay here for a long time before leaving.

"Looking like this, we have to wait for a while." Looking at the large number of fire camels ahead, Ryuzaki Shinji, who was in the shadow of a rock, said helplessly.

"That's right, it's too difficult to take action now, it's best to wait for the fire camel swarm to leave, that's the safest way, don't worry, Lord Ryuzaki, in about an hour at most, these fire camel swarms will be gone. It will leave in a different direction." Card said in a low voice to Ryuzaki Shinji.

At the same time, on the sandy ground a few hundred meters away from Ryuzaki Shinji and others, two dark-skinned youths were riding a flaming horse and moving quickly, and behind them, a group of people wearing pure white clothes Riding a head of mane rock werewolves to pursue them.

Under the sand and dust, these people riding the mane rock werewolves quickly approached the two young people riding the flaming horses.

To be continued....

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