Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 51: : Aged fire-breathing camel

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In fact, in less than an hour, these fire camels that stayed on this wide sandy ground began to leave one after another.

Like a sauna, it may be very comfortable at first, but after a long time, except for those with strong willpower and resistance, most people will retreat in spite of difficulties. The fire-type energy released is no ordinary fire-type energy. The fire-type energy extracted from the magma by the parasol tree is countless times more violent than the fire-type energy between heaven and earth. If the fire energy is absorbed into the body, it must spend a lot of elves and time to re-quench, otherwise it will be rashly inhaled, and the body will explode and die when the weight is too large.

In addition to the relatively strong strength of some of these fire camels, most of them are elves who are not at the elite level. Therefore, most members of the fire camel community can no longer absorb more fire energy at this time, and it is time to leave .

Obviously, these fire camels gathered here to absorb fire energy not once or twice, and they were very orderly when they left. Naturally, those who left the first time were the fire camels with the existence of king-level leaders. Called and led by these fire-breathing camel leaders, a large number of dormant camels and a small number of fire-breathing camels withdrew from the sand without haste, and then followed the footsteps of the head camels and went to the nearby oasis for drinking news.

"It's so spectacular, so many fire camels and fire-breathing camels are moving fast together, and the power generated is not weaker than those of the Kentaro community and the flaming horse community in the plain." Looking at the many fire camels in front of them, the sand and dust were billowing. Leaving from the sand, Christina, who had come to the top of a boulder, said in amazement.

"Yeah, once the number of these elves increases, their power cannot be underestimated." Card on the side nodded when he heard the words, and then said in amazement, such a scene has been seen a lot in the past few days. times, but every time I see it, I can't help but feel a sense of insignificance.

From the giant rock, the field of vision is very wide, and most of the fire camel colonies in front of you can be seen clearly.

"Boom boom~~" The sound of rhythmic footsteps was transmitted from the traveling fire camel community. At this time, the fire camels in the sand, led by the head camels, turned into strips of light yellow sand. Torrents left the sand in all directions. At the forefront of these torrents of sand and dust, some fire-breathing camels also gave instructions to their companions behind, and flame pillars erupted from the craters on their backs. It was as vivid as a locomotive whistle blowing.

"The reason why these elves, who have always been at the bottom of the desert, have been able to exist in this harsh desert, is not only due to their strong reproductive ability, but also due to their good teamwork ability. , even a king-level elf would have to shy away from a camel group of this size at this time. Card, our catching mission this time is not easy. One, we have to set up an ambush in advance to reduce the difficulty of capturing this time, can the information you mentioned before still be used?" Ryuzaki Shinji turned his head and said to Card, who was carefully watching the movement of the camel group.

Compared with Christina and Card's amazement at this time, Ryuzaki Shinji looked at the fire camels in front of him with a dignified expression. From their rhythmic evacuation, it can be seen that these fire camels are also some very orderly elves. Perhaps the strength of the individual is not strong, but as Card just said, once the number increases, the power it forms is also very terrifying, and it is so orderly that it is a small fire camel community, the power it forms. No less than one or even a few Heavenly King-level elves.

"Yes, Lord Ryuzaki, according to my observations in the past few days, because the fire camel community is relatively small, it usually leaves the last few, and they pass by our place every time. The place, I have found their position, look, it is the position on the lower right corner of the front, there is an old fire-breathing camel, and the very lively fire-breathing camel next to him is what I want to get The one." Card said to Ryuzaki Shinji with an unnatural expression, and then pointed to the camel group in front of him.

Following the direction indicated by Card's hand, after a careful observation, Ryuzaki Shinji also saw the fire-breathing camel and the dead fire camel that Card said.

The leader of this small group of fire camels is obviously very old, and the brown fur has turned gray. Even the tough and sharp eyes that belonged to the fire camels have become a little dull, but if you observe carefully , you will find that it is a pair of eyes full of vicissitudes and wisdom.

Although the fire camel group led by the old fire-breathing camel is slightly inferior to the average medium-sized fire camel group in number, it is not far from the medium-sized fire camel group, and its overall strength is not weak. The ratio of camels is much higher than that of other common medium-sized fire camel colonies.

What is even more surprising is that the left and right of the old fire-breathing camel are guarding his two fire-breathing camels like door gods. In terms of strength, they are actually at the level of the quasi-kings like the old fire-breathing camel, you know. , This level of fire-breathing camels already have the qualifications to lead the camel group alone, but they have not challenged the old and frail leader to seize the leader's position, and they still look loyal.

At the feet of this old fire-breathing camel, a petite fire-breathing camel was playing on the sand. He was very active. After a while, he spit out the small stone under Lai Shaohong's feet. Then he kicked and flew into the group of other fire camels. He jumped on the body of the three fire-breathing camels, and then jumped back and forth, and then ran to the nearest camel. Beside a few dumb fire camels, pulling these dumb little friends to play with him, those small eyes are just different from the general dumb fire camels, and they look like thieves.

However, it is clear that this unusual fire-breathing camel is very popular with the fire camels, and he only looks at his naughty behavior with doting eyes, especially the old fire-breathing camel. The pampering eyes never leave this agile, sluggish camel.

"No wonder you are so optimistic about him, he is indeed a very potential little guy, even my trainer specializing in poisons has the idea of ​​​​conquering, but the three fire-breathing camels around him are not like you. It's easy to deal with as they say, obviously they are some pretty tricky guys, especially the old fire-breathing camel. Don't look at him now that he is very old and a little stupid, and he can be convinced by his old body. The two fire-breathing camels around him are the same as the quasi-king level, his strength is not as simple as you said, look at it more carefully next time, or I will kill you~www.readwn.com~ Understand!" Long After carefully observing the fire-breathing camel and the dumb fire camel, Saki Shinji turned his head and glared fiercely at Card, whose face was pale at this time.

"Yes, Ryusaki-sama, this subordinate is wrong, please blame." Feeling the terrifying power radiating from Ryuzaki Shinji at this time, Card felt that his head was about to explode, and he immediately singled Kneeling on the ground, he lowered his head and said to Ryuzaki Shinji.

It's a pity that Ryuzaki Shinji didn't seem to choose to let him go because of his submissive appearance. Card still felt that his head was being bombarded by a heavy hammer, just when he felt that his head was about to split, that kind of The terrible mental pressure suddenly disappeared.

"Remember, there is no next time, stand up quickly, we have guests." A word from Ryuzaki Shinji's telepathy transmission appeared in Card's heart.

When Card stood up again, Ryuzaki Shinji had already walked a distance with Christina, and at the same time, some angry roars appeared in his ears. He turned his head and looked at the fire camel group below. The camels that were originally orderly The group was already chaotic at this time.

Some familiar men in white appeared in his eyes.

To be continued.....

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