Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 52: : Big Leaf and Electromagnetics

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Time went back to a few minutes ago, on a sandy place a thousand meters away from Ryuzaki Shinji and others, two young men riding flaming horses were being chased by a group of men in white riding on mane rock werewolves.

Although the two young men rode the flaming horse and pulled the man in white behind him for a long distance at the beginning, the flaming horse was 7 points worse than the maned rock werewolf (daytime form) in terms of speed and race value, and also because of the wind and sand. The reason that caused a slight sandstorm temporarily, some of the mane rock werewolves living in the sand were even faster, and they have been biting the two of them tightly behind, if it wasn't for the mane rock werewolf's load-bearing capacity and instantaneous explosive power is far inferior to the flame horse , I am afraid that these men in white riding on the mane rock werewolves have already caught up with the two young people riding on the flaming horse.

"Damn, these guys are really chasing after them, hey, is it there? The flame horse has maintained such a speed for nearly 10 kilometers, and will soon enter a state of exhaustion. At that time, the two of us will be It's all over." The red-haired afro-haired youth riding in front of him said anxiously to the short-haired yellow-haired youth behind him.

"Come on, let the flaming horse turn right, we will soon be able to reach the place where the group of fire camels rest, and then we will be able to take the opportunity to escape while these fire camels are mixed with the maned rock werewolves behind us. "The yellow-haired youth seemed to have not heard the shouts of his companions, but kept paying attention to the things around him. When he found that the canopy of the parasol tree had appeared in front of him, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then he immediately exploded his head at the red-haired man. The young man said loudly.

"Ok, leave it to me, the flaming horse will be able to rest soon, please, burn your last strength, and run to the sand road on the right." Hearing the words of the yellow-haired youth, the afro-haired youth immediately became excited. Said to his own flame horse.

"叏法~~" Hearing the words, the flaming horse immediately let out a long cry, and then the muscles of the limbs swelled again, and the speed suddenly exploded, and the man in white who was riding the mane rock werewolf was chased by the man behind him. Take a long distance.


That's right, the two people who were riding on the flaming horse to escape at this time were the members of Electromagnet and Oba, who were members of Ryuzaki Shinji who were on the Shrine. Like Ryuzaki Shinji, they were also randomly teleported. They went to the desert, but because they had two elves, Electric Firefly and Sweet Firefly, who were supposed to be spouses, and because the teleportation distance between the two was not far away, they quickly took advantage of these two worms. The abilities of the Pokemon are brought back together. (Sweet Firefly emits an aroma that electric fireflies like very much, and this aroma can drift over very long distances, and then use these aromas to induce electric fireflies.)

It is worth mentioning that the injuries they suffered on the Shrine before were miraculously healed when they regained consciousness on the sand, even the injured elves in their hands.

The two were originally traveling companions all over the world, and they were no strangers to this desert environment. With their almost flawless cooperation and powerful combo skills, they could even meet a king-level elf in the desert. They can also leave calmly. Therefore, the two people who are familiar with how to survive in the desert quickly adapted to the rhythm of the desert, and their strength is also steadily improving. Today, Daye already has two quasi-king peak elves in his hands, They are Vulcan Moth and Flaming Monkey, and Electromagnetic also has two quasi-King peak level elves, Pikachu and Roentgen cat.


The distance between the two men and horses was getting farther and farther. Finally, the men in white, who were riding the mane rock werewolf, could not sit still. The two men in white, who were obviously the leaders, immediately tried their best to block Daye and the two of them.

"Damn it, you want to run away after stealing what our Desert Fang likes, dream, stop them for me, Vulture Na, don't be afraid, use the strongest divine bird blow." A man chasing behind the two Seeing this, the strong male man in white immediately asked a vulture Na, who had been guiding them in the sky, to block the two in front.

"The game of cat and mouse should also be over. The three-headed gophers, together with the other gophers, used quicksand **** to trap them." A woman with long brown hair on the side of the strong man saw With a flash of cold light, the three-headed gophers, who had quietly caught up with them, besieged Daye and Electromagnetic.

"唳~~~" After hearing the call of the brawny man, a vulture with wings spread in the sky, her eyes flashed, and she immediately let out a long cry. She folded her wings and began to descend rapidly. Emerging from the body, the last layer of energy coat composed of wind energy energy wraps it, and a mid-level quasi-celestial king's aura bursts out of his body instantly, and then rushes towards Daye and the two with a terrifying air pressure.

Just when Vulture Na was rapidly descending from the sky, a few dozen meters from the direction of the flame horse, a quasi-king-level three-headed gopher emerged from the sand, and there were more than a dozen elite-level gophers with him. Gophers, as soon as these gophers appeared, they followed the order of the brown-haired woman and began to create a quicksand vortex. Under their exquisite sand control ability, a huge quicksand vortex with a diameter of fifteen meters quickly appeared in the sand. on the ground.

"Hmph, the little quicksand whirlpool is like trapping us. The flaming horse is watching you. Let them see your terrifying jumping ability. Electromagnetic, the guy above your head will ask you." In the vortex of quicksand, Daye's face not only did not panic, but showed excitement. First, he gently patted the flame horse under him and shouted with blood, and then said to the electromagnetic behind him.

"No problem, Pikachu, please." Electromagnetic nodded and said to Pikachu on his shoulders.

"Pika Pika~~" Pikachu also nodded in response, and then, a layer of black lightning coat covered his body, and then a small black electric ball condensed above his tail.

"Soul law~~" Hearing Daye's words full of flames, the heart of the flame horse also burned instantly, the flame mane on the four feet suddenly increased in flames, and the whole body suddenly turned into an afterimage and galloped rapidly. When he was about to approach the quicksand vortex, he jumped, and in the surprised eyes of the man in white behind him, he jumped directly across the giant quicksand vortex with a diameter of fifteen meters.

However, when the flaming horse crossed the quicksand vortex created by the three gophers and gophers, the vulture Na in the sky had already attacked with a powerful sky power, and a huge cyan energy giant eagle galloped.

Just at the right time, Pikachu, who was lying on the electromagnetic shoulder, also completed the preparation for charging. An electric ball that was compressed to the extreme was exuding the power of terrifying thunder, and tiny black lightnings surrounded the black electric ball.

"Pika Pika~~" In the end, the electromagnetic Pikachu hit the electric ball with a steel tail at the energy giant eagle that came flying from behind him.

"Boom~~" A muffled thunder sounded, and I saw a black lightning flashing from the energy giant eagle. Immediately afterwards, Vulture Na, whose whole body was scorched black by electricity, slowly fell from the air.

Vulture Na's Divine Bird Slam vs Pikachu's Electric Ball, Pikachu won.

"Damn, don't let me catch up with you, UU reading www.uukanshu.com or you will be basked to death in the sun!" Seeing her own Vulture Na was defeated because of her attribute restraint, she was still chasing after her. The strong man suddenly split his eyes, and then roared at the two people in front of him.

Faced with the roar of the strong man, the two naturally didn't care. After the flaming horse jumped over the quicksand vortex and moved more than ten meters, they finally saw the fire camels that were evacuating from a distance.

"Very good, put away the flaming horse, and then find a place to hide." Looking at the group of fire-breathing camels and dead fire camels walking at a steady speed in front, the nerves that had been tense electromagnetically finally loosened, and immediately responded Da Ye said.

There was no problem with Daye, and immediately let the exhausted Flaming Horse stay behind a rock on the side of the camel group's moving direction, and then hide with Electromagnetic.

After more than ten seconds, the chasing men in white immediately met the fire camels, and when the camels saw the maned rock werewolf riding under the white man, their eyes immediately turned red, some strong fire-breathing camels. Even out of the queue, it rushed towards the Mane Rock Werewolf fiercely.

In an instant, the scene became very chaotic.

To be continued.....

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