Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 53: : Pass

In the desert, the relationship between fire camels and maned rock werewolves is like the relationship between sheep and wolves, but with a slight difference, the fire camels, which are compared to sheep, are much fiercer than ordinary sheep. With a little carelessness, the wolf is also likely to be killed by the furious sheep.

As soon as the two creatures who had been grumbling for a long time met, the fire camel, who had an absolute advantage in numbers, burst out the deep hatred for the maned rock werewolf in its blood, especially those who evolved from the dead fire camel. The fire-breathing camel immediately left the team, and then, like a bull seeing a red cloth, galloped towards the group of people in white riding on the maned rock werewolves.

"Kao!" After the leader of a fire-breathing camel whose strength was at the level of an intermediate quasi-king raised his forelimbs and let out an angry roar, when his sturdy feet stomped on the ground again, a crimson flame immediately covered his entire body. When he got up, the body on his body began to rise rapidly. A fiery speech spewed out from the volcano on his back. The scarlet flame covering his body instantly turned dark blue. With a sound of "swoosh", an afterimage remained in place and appeared again. At the time, it appeared less than ten meters in front of the man in white, like a fast-moving flame tank, this powerful fire-breathing camel instantly completed several charges in just a few seconds. It was able to attack with flames, and now a self-defeating impact galloped towards a group of mane rock werewolves.

In addition to the leader of the fire-breathing camel, he was also followed by dozens of fire-breathing camels that were also blazing with flames and charged up directly.

"Rumbling" more than a dozen furious fire-breathing camels were like locomotives running with all their strength. While the volcanoes on their backs were bubbling with lava, they stomped on the ground and flew at high speed. In an instant, the entire ground shook slightly.

Looking at these fire-breathing camels who attacked them like crazy as soon as they met, the faces of the white-clothed people turned pale, and some of the timid ones directly ordered the mane rock werewolves to turn their heads and run away. The mane rock werewolf, who was already exhausted, also burst out with unprecedented power at this time, and ran wildly at twice the speed when he came just now.

"Steady, keep the formation, bastards, come back, these stupid cowards, all of them, order the mane rock werewolves, use the rock collapse trick to stop them, and then retreat to the flank." The strong man as the captain called to his side first. Don't panic, but after discovering that someone had left the team without authorization, he immediately shouted angrily at the fleeing members behind him, but where would those people listen to him at this time, and still bury their heads and run away, he gritted his teeth and had to face the remaining members Members issue instructions.

After all, there were only a few people who escaped, and there were still no less than 20 people in white clothes. After these people heard the order of the strong man, the mane rock werewolf under him immediately performed a rock avalanche trick against the sand in front of him.

I saw that these mane rock werewolves quickly gathered together after listening to the order, and a large amount of rock energy emerged from their bodies, then gathered together, and finally skillfully combined to use the rock collapse trick. A giant rock composed of energy immediately rose from the sand in front of the white-clothed people, blocking the white-clothed people and the galloping fire-breathing camels.

"Bang, bang, bang," a huge crashing sound appeared from the giant rock, and a large number of fire-breathing camels that were too late to brake all slammed into the suddenly appearing giant rock, and immediately made themselves dizzy.

As an elite member of the Desert Fang that has been in the desert for a long time, the strong man is naturally aware of the reason for the anger of the fire-breathing camels. Facing the invisible group of fire camels in front of him, he naturally does not intend to bury himself and others here. , Taking advantage of the time when these furious fire camels were temporarily blocked by giant rocks, the strong man also chose to retreat strategically.

However, it is clear that these furious fire camels did not want to let go of a group of maned rock werewolves that suddenly appeared in front of them. Countless jet flames were sprayed from the mouths of a large number of fire camels. The giant rock created by the rock collapse stunt was burned red in just a few seconds. Then, billowing magma flowed out of the giant rock. After a while, the entire giant rock was burned by the jet flames of a group of fire camels. Melted, and then led by a fire-breathing camel leader, continued to use the energy-charged flame attack to pursue the fleeing mane rock werewolf.

"My God, these fire camels who usually seem so mild-tempered are so terrifying when they get angry. Electromagnetism, you really are still scheming. These people from the Desert Fang are going to be miserable by you, hahaha" Hiding aside and watching Seeing this, Daye of the play immediately patted the bad-looking Electromagnetic next to him, and then said with a big laugh.

Along the way, he was chased and killed by the minions of these Desert Fangs, and he couldn't fight back. This made Daye, who has always been carefree and happy, very uncomfortable. Now seeing the roles of these Desert Fangs' minions exchanged, he was actually turned around by them. A group of fire-breathing camels chased and killed them, and their embarrassed appearance immediately made Daye very happy.

However, Daye didn't laugh for long. Pikachu, standing on Electromagnetic's right shoulder, avenged his master. A well-balanced electric shock directly killed Daye.

"Okay, let's go quickly, we must return to the base as soon as possible, we robbed them of the pass to enter the ancient pyramid, these Desert Fang's minions will never give up." Electromagnetic picked up the Pikachu lying on Daye's body and tortured him. , and then said to the big leaf with a numb and sour face.

"Understood, these dogs are still immoral, digging the graves of other people's graves, obviously they already have so many passes in their hands, but they still have to take away what we loners have worked so hard to get. It's shameless. "Da Ye stood up from the ground in an instant, and said indignantly as he followed the electromagnetic to leave.

"That's something we can't do. The two of us still have to get a pass. Unfortunately, our strength is too weak. After last night's sneak attack, these Desert Fang people will not be as careless as before." Electromagnetic said helplessly.

"What are you afraid of, there are still more than two months before the latest trial starts, enough for us to search for the tombs of the ancients, and then find another pass." Daye said indifferently.

"Yes, we will definitely become kings of heaven." Looking at a strange stone in his hand, Electromagnetic couldn't help showing a hint of joy in his heart.

This stone is completely black and smooth. The front and back sides are engraved with the patterns of the sun and the moon. At this time, under the sunlight, the sun mark on the front is actually glowing red.

Yesterday, the two of them accidentally discovered the minions of this group of Desert Fangs. Because of the unpleasant friction between the two hairs, the two of them followed these people, and then wanted to destroy their good deeds, but they followed them all the way to a place. In the desolate Gobi, it was finally discovered that there was an ancient catacomb in the Gobi, and these people from the Desert Fang obtained a large number of ancient items from it, one of which was this strange stone in his hand.

In the evening, the two took the opportunity to capture a person who came out to release water at night, and then asked Pikachu to perform some sour electrotherapy to interrogate~www.readwn.com~ Finally, they got the real truth from this person that they came to this tomb. The purpose, they actually deciphered the method of how to enter the ancient pyramid from a desert ruins, and this strange stone in their hands now is the ancient people entering the ancient gold

Pass to the Pyramid.

And they also learned from the captives that the ancient pyramid guarded by many powerful elves is actually a temple used by the creator **** Arceus to store the original stone slabs, and this temple is actually a created temple. The different space created by the world **** is equivalent to a sub-plane. In ancient times, this temple was also the secret realm of trials used by Arceus to train ancient people and elves to select the guardians of the temple, as long as the people who successfully completed the trial It is possible to come into contact with the source slate with the elf.

Another point worth mentioning is that there are a lot of origin things derived from the origin slate in the secret realm. It can be said without hesitation that the stone in Electromagnet’s hand is the one they both want to lead to the Heavenly King. key to the road.

The two were talking while walking in the opposite direction of the Desert Fang and his group, and just when the shadows of the two overlapped with the shadow of a rock, Daye's shadow suddenly appeared abnormally twisted, waiting for the two of them. After the shadow was separated from the rock shadow, a pair of scarlet eyes suddenly opened in the shadow of the rock in the shadow.

"It seems that I have obtained incredible information. The master will be very happy when he finds out, hee hee hee" When the scarlet eyes appeared, a cloudy voice also appeared from the shadows.

To be continued

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