Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 54: :track

When the fire camel community became a little out of control due to the mane rock werewolves of the Desert Fang members, Ryuzaki Shinji and others were also secretly waiting for the opportunity to hunt the target.

Now the orderly evacuation team has become like a mess of porridge. The members of each fire camel community are intertwined with each other, and it is already in a situation where it is difficult to distinguish which fire camel belongs to which fire camel community.

Especially those young sluggish camels, because of their crowding and their petite systems, as soon as the scene got out of control, they were immediately separated from their parents, and then screamed helplessly on the sand, trying to use their voices to come to the rescue. Find your own parents.

What's more serious is that from time to time a grumpy fire-breathing camel gets angry because he is pushed, and immediately attacks the fire camels around him who are pushing him, and the scene that was a little out of control suddenly becomes more chaotic. , At this time, even the desperate calls of the fire camel leaders, trying to prevent the scene from getting out of control would not help.

However, it was a pity for Ryuzaki Shinji and others that the sluggish camel that Card wanted to conquer was quickly protected by the old fire-breathing camel leader when the scene was a little out of control, and this wise head The leader of the fire camel also let the two quasi-king-level fire-breathing camels around him immediately command the camel group, and began to quietly evacuate in the direction that still maintained order. When other fire camel groups were facing out of control, the old fire-breathing camel The group of fire camels led by , has successfully withdrawn from this chaotic scene.

"Jiang is still old and spicy. This fire-breathing camel is not simple. Maybe its original strength should be at the level of a king, but because of his age, his strength will decline to the peak level of a quasi-king." Looking at the old age The fire-breathing camels deftly led the group of fire camels to withdraw from the chaotic situation, and Shinji Ryuzaki, who was standing on a huge rock and observed the group of camels, sighed.

"My lord, they are about to completely evacuate from here, so why don't we leave as soon as possible?" Watching the spiritually stunned camel gradually leave his field of vision, the man in front of him was still indifferent. , Card on the side said anxiously.

Ryuzaki Shinji didn't answer immediately after hearing the words, but turned his head to look at the two culprits who caused this chaos. At this time, they were quietly evacuating the fire camel colony as if they had nothing to do with them.

As for the two figures who were quietly leaving, Ryuzaki Shinji naturally would not admit it wrong, it was his two previous companions on the Temple: Daye and Electromagnetic.

"It seems that the two of them lived quite well in this desert. They even dared to offend the powerful Desert Fang. What is the reason for so many members of the Desert Fang to come and hunt them down? I really want to. I know." Although he used to be a companion, Ryuzaki Shinji didn't care about the so-called affection, and was still thinking rationally about the reason why the two were chasing and killing. As for the rescue in the past, he didn't think about it at all.

Seeing that Daye and Electromagnetic were leaving at this time, Shinji Ryuzaki's eyes flashed with purple light, and then, the shadow under his feet began to twist, and then a group of shadows separated from his shadow, and finally this group of The shadow quickly disappeared in front of Ryuzaki Shinji and the others against the ground.

Although he really wanted to directly reject Card's request this time, Ryuzaki Shinji decided to help him catch the sluggish camel and then make another plan, so he had to let Ghost Stone follow Daye and He Electromagnetic two people.

Since Ryuzaki Shinji wants to establish an organization, then he must establish his own prestige. Now he has done a good job in the aspect of prestige, but he still has no achievements in the aspect of trust. He used to be a loner, naturally. The promise can be regarded as a piece of toilet paper, which can be thrown away anytime, anywhere, but it is different now. If he really wants to build an organization, he must do what he says, otherwise why would the people under him work for you? , Only Wei has no faith, and his subordinates will do things in a positive and negative way, so he only has to help Card catch that stupid camel once, and do it beautifully.

"Don't worry, according to your previous information, the group of stagnant camels will pass through a small rock valley in the east, which is the best place for us to ambush. At their current speed, they want to reach and completely pass through. Iwatani will take at least 30 minutes. We can get there before that. Look, are those people your former companions? Do you know who they are? And why did they chase the two just now? Personal?" After Ghost Stone left, Ryuzaki Shinji turned his head and said blankly to Card.

Hearing the first half of Ryuzaki Shinji's words, Card's originally uneasy heart suddenly calmed down. He was really afraid of Ryuzaki Shinji and gave up catching him because of the false information he had previously reported. Camel, but when he heard Ryuzaki Shinji's question in the second half, his heart immediately rose. He is not blind, and naturally he saw his so-called companions before. The white clothes are really bright. but.

"Sir report, I naturally know the people from the Desert Fangs. The two leading men, the man's name is Oss, from Hezong. They were originally from the alliance, but they were abandoned by their own people a long time ago. Now they are The elite figure of Desert Fang, whose strength is at the level of a quasi-king, has a large sword ghost at the peak level of a quasi-king. The woman is called Sinor, from Fangyuan. She was originally a loner and was defeated by Argus. , the strength is also at the level of the quasi-king, and he has a desert dragonfly at the peak level of the quasi-king, which is one point stronger than Oss~www.readwn.com~ Among the remaining people, some of them are the same as before I am also at the bottom, and the highest strength is the level of the peak of the elite. As for the second question of the adults, I am very sorry, the small is really unclear, because I was only at the bottom of the relationship before, I can contact The matter about the secrets inside the Desert Fang is also very superficial." For the first question of Ryuzaki Shinji, he answered very well, but for the second question raised by Ryuzaki Shinji, he really had some I was in trouble, and suddenly said with a slightly embarrassed expression.

"Yeah, I see, then it's better we don't have contact with them for now, I'll help you finish the capture of the chamomile, and then go meet them for a while, Christina, don't look, we should go. ." Ryuzaki Shinji heard the words to the enemy, and then said to Christina beside him.

Ryuzaki Shinji is not surprised by Card's answer. As Card said, he is just a low-level soldier, and his ability to know things is extremely limited. Being able to answer his first question is already enough for him to observe normally. carefulness.

"Okay, Ryuzaki-sama." Christina heard the words, and immediately turned her eyes away from Daye and Electromagnetic, and then responded to Ryuzaki Shinji, although she really wanted Ryuzaki Shinji to help him. People, but gradually understanding Ryuzaki Shinji's character, she finally gave up this somewhat excessive request secretly.

A few minutes later, a space crack that was gradually healing appeared on the huge rock where Ryuzaki Shinji and the others were, but Ryuzaki Shinji and the others had disappeared, leaving only some messy footprints.

To be continued

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