Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 55: : unknown sphere

At the top of a rock valley, suddenly, a purple space crack appeared on the rough rock surface. Then, a purple energy shield came out of the space crack that opened in an instant, and a dazzling purple awn spread all around. After a flash, Ryuzaki Shinji, Card, Christina, and a few guardian elves appeared on the solid rock face.

Ryuzaki Shinji's continuous teleportation took Card and Christina across countless terrain obstacles. It turned out that Koiwa Valley, which took at least 20 minutes to reach by taking a shortcut by fast walking, was in a short period of time. Within minutes, Ryuzaki Shinji took them to the final destination of the hunting target with his now terrifying super power cultivation base.

"It's amazing, is this the real strength of the man in front of me? My choice was right, as long as I am attached to this man, my safety in this desert has a huge guarantee, grandma, Maybe I can really go back to see you alive, and come back with the glory of revival." Looking at the thick back of the man standing in front, Christina slightly clenched her pink fist, and thought firmly.

"This is the style of the top superpowers. Humans can be as powerful as superpower elves. It's incredible. This man is definitely not enough to offend and betray. The ends of the earth will die sooner or later." Card on the side was so shocked that he couldn't speak, and looked at Ryuzaki Shinji blankly.

The space journey in just ten seconds gave him a deeper understanding of the power of Ryuzaki Shinji himself. Card can now be sure that as long as Ryuzaki Shinji is willing and a little careful, the entire desert can be He is vertical and horizontal, with such terrifying superpower strength, even if he can't beat it, it is only a matter of thinking to leave. It is conceivable that a superpower who can evacuate safely anytime and anywhere and has powerful power, there is no one. People and forces are willing to provoke, because once they can't kill the other party, they will face the pervasive superpower attack of the other party.

"Come out, Alidos, get ready, and make the sky above the road below your home ground. Your role in the next hunting operation is very important." Without wasting time, after arriving at Iwatani, Ryuzaki Shinji released Alidos, and then let him start the spider web trap on the upper part of the only road in the rock valley.

Alidos nodded, then climbed down the rock wall, and then spit out a sticky spider silk against the opposite rock wall. The performance began, weaving back and forth between the two rock walls at an astonishing speed, the spider silk in the mouth and the spider silk in the buttocks were quickly woven together in Alidos' superb web-weaving technique, and soon, a small part The mid-air between the rock walls was covered by a huge cobweb of Alidos, and the scope of this cobweb was still expanding.

"Kad, let the two maned rock wolves in your hands prepare as well. Let them use the rock avalanche trick to create enough rocks on a small section of the rock wall. This hunting operation relies solely on the spiders of Alidos. Silk is far from enough, after all, those camels are all fire attribute, Alidos' spider web is easily broken by them, it is necessary to rely on the power of the rolling stones to attract the other party's attention, and then take the opportunity to hunt the target." Taking advantage of Alido's As he was weaving the spider web quickly, Ryuzaki Shinji also instructed the deep Kade.

"Yes, I'll do it right away." Card said respectfully immediately after hearing the words, releasing the two mane rock werewolves in his hand, and then along the rock wall, let the two mane rock werewolves use the rock energy in their bodies to create Some huge rocks come out.

However, the arrangement work of Ryuzaki Shinji and others was not carried out very smoothly. Some rock elves living in the rock valley were awakened because of their arrival. Some small fist stones, rumbling stones and rumbling rocks began to remove the rock camouflage, and then attack them.

A dazzling white light lit up from the severely injured Long Longyan. Unfortunately, his big self-destruction has not been fully launched. A purple fist wrapped in poison-type energy and fighting-type energy hit the rock on the outside of his head. The armor was shattered, and then his stone head was also shattered, and the self-destruction that lost control of Rumble Rock was stopped immediately.

"Hmph, I didn't expect that we have such a big bomb under our feet. Thank you for your hard work, bad frog." Seeing that the bad frog successfully stopped Long Longyan's self-destruction, Ryuzaki Shinji nodded and praised him.

"My lord, I think it's better for us to find out the rock-type elf that is disguised as a rock near us. Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be an accident when we hunt." Christina wiped her forehead with a handkerchief. Sweat, and panted.

In this wild elf attack, in addition to some of the more difficult rock-type elf being dealt with by bad frogs, Ryuzaki Shinji also deliberately exercised her combat ability as a medical trainer, and specially let her and her Luo Sledo was the main force in this defensive battle, and Christina was also entrusted by Ryuzaki Shinji, relying on Roseredo's restraint in attributes, and successfully repelled all the incoming rock elves.

"That's true, come out, cross-shaped bat, and help me find the remaining rock-type elves around." Ryuzaki Shinji nodded in agreement, and then put the fork that has been in the pokeball for a while. The bat is released.

A white light was released from Ryuzaki Maya's second-hand middle and high-level ball, and in the next second, a thin and haggard cross-shaped bat appeared in the air.

"Zizzizizi" finally saw the sun again. The cross-shaped bat that was just released by Ryuzaki Shinji looked at the blue sky and everything around him with a moved face. His eyes couldn't help but get wet, but he still couldn't help it. After being moved, he was frightened by a cold look, and immediately released an investigation sound wave to carry out Ryuzaki Shinji's order.

"Hmph, count you as wise, otherwise I will consider trapping you in the Poké Ball for another month, so that you can continue to feel hungry. Remember, my order must be executed immediately." The next moment, a sentence The cold voice from Ryuzaki Shinji's telepathy appeared in the heart of the cross-shaped bat, which made his heart suddenly tremble.

Because of an act of escaping at night, the bat experienced the most painful and tormenting period since its birth this week. For a whole week, he was trapped in a small Pokeball, and Ryuzaki Shinji also seemed to have forgotten him, not to mention food, not even a drop of water was given to him, he persisted in hunger and torture for a week, but fortunately his survival was very strong, plus the accumulation of delicious food and drink in the past. The fat that came down held up, otherwise he would have starved to death in the Poké Ball.

Rewards and punishments are clear. This rule has always been one of Ryuzaki Shinji’s guidelines for training elves. The bat’s escape behavior made him completely untrustworthy for this quasi-king-level vampire bat. He just thought that he was still useful for a week~www.readwn.com~ Otherwise, Ryuzaki Shinji killed this vampire bat himself a long time ago. After all, he really let this vampire bat die. If he escapes, the temporary residence he has carefully created will be completely dismantled. This vampire bat is quite a vengeful guy. If he doesn't turn his head and returns with a large group of wild elves, he is disgusting. He is simply crazy.

People say dreams.

This time, the cross-shaped bat can be regarded as desperate to serve Ryuzaki Shinji. He knows that if he doesn't take the opportunity to show a little bit, he will be trapped in the Poké Ball by Ryuzaki Shinji again, and the next time he comes out I don't know when.

Soon, with the full help of the bat, Ryuzaki Shinji and Christina quickly found out the rock-type elves hiding around, and knocked them back or eliminated them one by one.

"Is the last one in this stone? Bad frog, break the stone." Following the instructions of the bat, Ryuzaki Shinji and Christina came to a nearby stone about the size of a car. , and then Ryuzaki Shinji ordered the bad frogs around him to force the elf out of the stone.

When the bad frog heard the words, his eyes flashed, and he directly hit the core of the stone with a trick of splitting tiles, and the entire rock structure was immediately destroyed and began to shatter.

next moment.

A sound of "gululu" sounded, and a round, dusty spherical object jumped out of the stone, followed by several yellow tentacles sticking out from the spherical object.

To be continued

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