Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 56: : Natural Juicer

Several yellow tentacles stick out from the spherical object, one of which has a pair of small squinting eyes, which should obviously be the head of this unknown elf. The anger of being woken up by a sudden interruption in his sleep, an aura no less than the peak of the elite erupted from his body. Without further ado, a large net covered with unknown liquid suddenly spit out from the tentacles with squinting eyes, and then Covered in the direction of Ryuzaki Shinji and the others.

"Is this a sticky net? Bad frog, use the freezing wind to blow it back." Seeing this unknown elf use his skills, Ryuzaki Shinji immediately instructed the bad frog to take the most correct response, although The sticky net used by the other party is somewhat different from the sticky net used by Alidos, but he still roughly recognizes this skill, and also understands the horror of this skill. will be greatly hindered.

The "frog" bad frog immediately took a deep breath when he heard the words, the bulge around his mouth swelled to the maximum, and then he released the condensed cry in his mouth in one breath.

"Huhuhu" a burst of exhalation like the arctic cold wind was suddenly released from the bad frog's mouth.

The liquid on the sticky net of "Lie Lie Lie" was instantly frozen into ice in the face of the cold wind, and the entire net was quickly frozen, and on the way to freezing, the bad frog used the freezing wind to blow it back to the unknown elf on the body.

With a "slap" sound, the sticky web that was frozen into ice suddenly shattered.

At this time, the unknown elf was also covered with a layer of frost because of the freezing wind of the bad frog, and the whole appearance became a little sluggish, and the movement of the tentacles that had been shaking all the time also became sluggish, obviously the freezing wind This ice-type move does a lot of damage to him.

"It's nothing special, bad frog, solve him and use the trick of splitting tiles." Seeing that the unknown elf was suddenly turned into such a wilted appearance by the freezing wind of the bad frog, Ryuzaki Shinji also immediately Pursue the victory and let the bad frogs use fighting skills to solve the opponent.

The bad frog heard the words, and his right hand, which had been wrapped by a layer of poison-type energy, suddenly burst out with fighting-type energy, and with a kick of his legs, it turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the unknown elf, and then he made a move to split tiles. The front side is split in half.

However, just as the bad frog was about to approach the unknown elf, the squinting eyes of the unknown elf revealed a trace of light, and then, all tentacles retracted into the dusty spherical shell, and then the entire spherical shell began to Rotate rapidly at high speed.

The sound of "clang" sounded, and the bad frog's right hand slashed on the high-speed rotating spherical body, and the spherical body seemed to have nothing at all. The next moment, the bad frog was hit by a spiral collision of the spherical body and flew for a distance.

When the bad frog was knocked away, the unknown elf also stopped spinning at high speed, and a few pink energy filaments flew out from his body, and then quickly touched the bad frog.

As soon as the "frog" bad frog was touched by the energy light filament, it immediately felt that half of the power in his body was divided, and the momentum on his body was greatly weakened.

Contrary to the weakening of the bad frog's aura, the aura of the unknown elf suddenly increased significantly, and the original sluggish color was full of energy at this time.

"Lord Ryuzaki, be careful, this elf should be a pot, and the energy beam he used just now should be his best at using tactical skills, and the power is equally divided. Because the racial value of the pot and special attack is only ten points, After he has used the power to divide the bad frog equally, it is equivalent to that during this period of time, the physical attack and special attack of the bad frog were stolen by him, and the double defense of Huhu is 230. His resistance The fighting ability is very strong." Christina, who was watching the game, immediately said to Shinji Ryuzaki, who was frowning at the moment, after discovering the problem.

"Equal division of power, it turns out to be this skill, it's a bit interesting, don't worry about the bad frog, the loss of power is only temporary, as long as you defeat the enemy, you can get it back again, although the other side is very tall, and has gained half of your power, But there is still a huge shortcoming in terms of speed, the opponent is just a sandbag, let’s fight him at a distance, and use sludge bombs to kite him.” Hearing Christina’s explanation, Ryuzaki Shinji’s eyes suddenly lit up, and then said to him. Using telepathy to deal with the bad frog with a worried look on his face at this time.

As soon as Ryuzaki Shinji finished speaking, Huhu's offensive had already arrived. After gaining the general strength of a bad frog, he relied on his powerful defense and the gesture of reducing the opponent's strength by half, and directly used a high-speed rotation with a rolling trick. He quickly rushed up in the direction of the bad frog and rolled all the way down. In fact, his body also climbed steadily. With his small body, he showed the might of a big truck rampage. Deep scratches appear.

After hearing Ryuzaki Shinji's words, the panic on the bad frog's face suddenly calmed down. Facing the amazing power of the pot at this time, he didn't foolishly choose hard steel, and he directly stretched his legs. Pushing to avoid the rolling trick of the pot, and at the same time spit out several sludge bombs at the pot from the mouth in mid-air.

After the "bang bang bang" the bad frog avoided, the stones behind him were immediately devastated, and were directly smashed into pieces by the body of the pot, and even the sludge bomb spit out by the bad frog was also smashed by his high-speed rotating body. All bounced off, and then, Hu Hu made a sharp turn and rammed towards the bad frog again.

"It seems that the sludge bomb can't break through his high-speed rotating body. Although there are some merits, the way of fighting is too simple. The shell that seems to be both offensive and defensive is actually full of flaws. Power breaks the defense, just use invisible power to penetrate his body, bad frog, use the wind of freezing again, this time to freeze him." After seeing the pot rolling and high-speed rotation showing a powerful offensive and defensive ability, Ryuzaki Shinji also immediately changed his combat strategy, directing the bad frog to use the freezing wind to deal with the pot again.

Although Huhu makes up for his weakness in speed by rolling tricks, it obviously has shortcomings. Every collision is almost straight, and it is difficult to temporarily turn a corner, which is a difficult steering action, and bad frogs also follow Under the order of Ryuzaki Shinji, he fought with the kettle by the way of fighting. Under the action of the freezing wind again and again, the frost on the kettle was accumulated more and more, and the rolling action became more and more. Slowly, the icy cold air ignored his proud defensive body and acted directly on his somewhat fragile body, and finally an ice lump appeared on the rocky ground full of scratches and a thin layer of frost.

"Bad frog, go get your strength back and solve it with the trick of splitting tiles." Taking advantage of the scorching sun above his head, before he could help Huhu get out of trouble, Ryuzaki Shinji instructed the bad frog to carry out the trick to Huhu trapped in the ice. last blow.

However, Christina stopped him at this time.

"Wait a minute, sir, can you give me this juju? Juju is a very rare elf, and it also has the reputation of a natural juicer. As long as the tree fruit is distributed in his body, it will soon be able to Obtain high-purity juices, because these juices are made by mixing the body fluids secreted by the jugs, their nutritional value is several times better than ordinary juices, and they can also be used in place of ordinary healing agents, thus killing him it's too

What a pity. ' Christina said to Ryuzaki Shinji, her face begging.

As a medical trainer, Christina really understands the value of Juju. Juju made from tree fruit is very popular among trainers. It not only has high nutritional value, but also has a certain healing effect. It is very good for cultivating elves, so they are generally willing to spend a lot of money to buy them.

It can be said unceremoniously ~www.readwn.com~ In the eyes of ordinary medical trainers, a pot is equal to an inexhaustible small gold mine. In the sparse rocky area, it is rarely discovered by people, and because the number is very rare, it is very difficult to obtain. Otherwise, Christina has long wanted to obtain a pot. After all, she also has several in her hands. A healing recipe that uses the juice produced by the jug as the raw material.

"Well, no problem, the strength of this pot is not bad, it is also good to let him increase your self-protection ability." Since his own treatment trainer asked, Ryuzaki Shinji naturally did not mean to block. , directly agreed to Christina's request. These days, this medical trainer has improved his team's food very well, and he has also worked diligently to heal his elf after training, so as long as It's not too much of a request, he will choose to agree,

"Thank you, my lord." Christina agreed without thinking about Ryuzaki Shinji. She smiled sweetly, and at the same time, took out a friendship ball from her body.

"Go, Poké Ball." Christina made a rather middle-of-the-road stance, and then threw the friendship ball in her hand to Hu Hu.

A red light flew out from the opened friendship ball, and directly sucked the pot into the Poké Ball with the ice that covered him.

With a "boom", after the Poké Ball was shaken a few times, the pot was subdued by Christina.

To be continued

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