Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 57: : unexpected guest

After this short episode of Huhu passed, Card also completed the task assigned by Ryuzaki Shinji, laying a lot of rocks on top of a section of rock wall in Iwatani, as long as Ryuzaki Shinji gave an order, he would. Signaled to King Nido and the two mane rock werewolves to retreat all these rocks into the channel below the rock valley. Alidos also arranged a large number of cobweb channels and cobweb traps in the air on both sides of the rock wall. With the second order, a large number of highly poisonous spider webs will fall from the sky, and then trap the unexpected enemy for a period of time. Now everything is ready, only the east wind.

After another ten minutes, some belated camels finally emerged from the other end of the rock valley. Three strong fire-breathing camels acted as pioneers and walked in front of the team to explore the way. They were closely watching the surroundings. Every move, and the miniature volcano on the back has been in an active state. Once there is any bellowing, it will immediately eject magma as a warning signal.

Although it's a little strange why the rock-type elves in the valley are so quiet on weekdays, and they didn't show up to obstruct them, the fire-breathing camels, whose three brains are obviously not big enough, didn't take it too seriously, and they didn't notice anything. After the danger, it will send a safety signal to the camel team behind, and then continue to explore the road ahead.

At this time, most of the fire camels were following their companions in front of them, and they did not notice the spider silks above their heads that glowed brightly in the sun. I just felt that the sun above my head was a little dazzling.

"It's actually in the center of the camel group, and the two quasi-king-level fire-breathing camels are still guarding him. This old fire-breathing camel is really old and mature. It's a pity, it seems that it can't be done by ordinary means. He took the dumb fire camel next to him." Looking at the group of fire camels advancing in an orderly manner, Shinji Ryuzaki shook his head secretly.

With the power of the cross-shaped bat, Ryuzaki Shinji was hanging in the air above the camel group at this time, but after clearly observing the power distribution of the group of fire camels, he immediately gave up letting Card and others attract the camel group. Pay attention, and then use teleportation to capture the idea of ​​​​the dazed camel.

The number of the entire group of fire camels is about 500, most of them are some dead fire camels, and a small part are fire-breathing camels. Now the power distribution of this fire camel into the rock valley is that a small part of the fire-breathing camels are distributed. Scattered into the camel group, like using these fire-breathing camels as a unit to manage and protect the rest of the dead fire camels, while the old fire-breathing camel as the leader lives in the center of the camel group, and then uses the strength of the two around him. The most powerful fire-breathing camels and the rest are scattered in the herd, and the fire-breathing camels command the entire herd.

It is also worth noting that the young fire camels in the camel group are in the middle of the camel group, while most of the powerful fire-breathing camels and fire camels are protecting the camel group like stars holding the moon. Around, once the camels in the middle section are attacked, they will get strong support quickly.

It's getting close, it's getting close, the camel group in the middle will soon enter the trap set by Ryuzaki Shinji.

But at this time, a group of unexpected guests appeared from the exit of Iwatani, intercepted the camel group in the front section, and began to attack the camel group fiercely.

"Rumbling" loud explosions came from the exit of the rock valley in front, followed by a large number of falling rocks and small fist stones, rumbling stones and rumbling rocks disguised as rocks fell from the rock wall due to the vibration of the rock valley. Falling down, some grumpy rock-type elves were furious, and immediately launched their self-destruction skills, blowing up the enemies who disturbed their sleep, and the scene suddenly turned into a pot of porridge.

"Don't do it yet, the situation has changed, you stand by where you are, I'll go and see what happened." Ryuzaki Shinji immediately responded to Card and Christina who were on standby at the top of the rock wall with telepathy, and then commanded The cross-hatched bat quickly flew to the exit of Iwatani.

A few seconds after the "Kaol" accident, the old fire-breathing camel in the center suddenly widened its dull eyes. At this time, there were still some dull appearances there, with a look of fire in his eyes, and the volcano that had been resting on his body became active. After getting up and shouting, a heavenly king-level aura erupted from his body, and a stream of hot magma erupted into the air from the crater.

The volcanic eruption of the old fire-breathing camels was like a signal and a booster, and the camels that had been rioting because of the attack of the front team quickly stabilized.

When the surrounding camels stabilized again, the old fire-breathing camels immediately took the two quasi-king-level fire-breathing camels by their side and ran to the team in front of the net quickly. He made way for the old fire-breathing camel and let him pass quickly. After he passed, some good fire-breathing camels and sluggish fire camels also joined the team that went to the front to support him.

At the exit of the rock valley, a big melee is in full swing. A group of men in white are directing a group of mane rock werewolves to besiege the flaming camels. Due to the terrain, the number advantage of the flaming camel group cannot be exerted at this time. , can only helplessly be blocked by these mane rock werewolves at the exit to carry out crazy output to them, and the rocks that rolled down from the two rock valleys also caused heavy losses to the camel group. Shi and Rumble Rock also attacked the flaming camels indiscriminately.

Although the fire-breathing camels at the front of the team also have the strength of the peak of the elite, they want to use their own strength to tear open the encirclement formed by the mane rock werewolf to break through for their companions, but they have a high degree of coordination and agility in these areas. The mane rock werewolf is just a moving sandbag in front of the daytime form. After dividing a few heads to contain and contain them, the remaining mane rock werewolves continue to neatly use various rock-type moves against those who are relatively weak. Fire camels start ~www.readwn.com~ In the face of stat-restrained rock-type moves, the fire camels with the fire-type attribute were quickly severely injured by rock avalanches, rockfalls, and rock-type moves by the mane rock werewolf. , and some even died of serious injuries.

"Hahaha, well done, really relieved, continue to work harder to annihilate all these **** fire camels, they are all your food today." The head of a strong man in white looked at the heavy losses ahead of the fire The camels laughed, their eyes couldn't help showing a trace of murderousness and pleasure.

The expressions of the other people in white at this time were similar to those of the strong men. The originally gloomy and aggrieved faces gradually eased a little, and they also showed a crazy look because of the wanton killing.

"Hmph, it's really disgusting. There's a way to settle accounts with that king-level fire-breathing camel that drove us away. What kind of skill is it to bully some weak elves." With some perverted expressions, a woman sitting on a rock had a look of disgust in her eyes, she simply turned her head away from these people, but the next moment, a roar from the rock valley made her quickly do it again. Good fighting stance.

"Bang", a sound of flame bursting appeared, and a rolling heat wave came. As soon as the woman in white turned her head, she saw a huge white column of fire flying out from the exit of the rock valley, directly tearing out the encirclement formed by the mane rock werewolf at the exit. In a huge gap, several elite-strength mane rock werewolves were directly burned into charcoal by this pillar of fire.

To be continued

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