Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 58: : The clam and the sandpiper compete for the fisherman's profit

When the fire-breathing camels arrived with a group of powerful clansmen, the fire-breathing camels and the fire-breathing camels in the front section had already suffered more than half of the casualties, and most of them were lying on the spot with serious injuries, and the surrounding sand was covered by the fire camels. Their blood was stained red.

Watching his clansmen being brutally killed by these damned mane rock werewolves, the old fire-breathing camel as the leader was furious, and the volcano on his back emitted thick volcanic ash. In an instant, a white flame erupted from his entire body. , the temperature of the flame instantly soared to as high as four or five thousand degrees Celsius. For a time, the temperature of the area around ten meters of the old fire-breathing camel suddenly rose, and the sand under him was instantly melted, and a huge magma pool quickly The ground appeared under him, and finally, a white column of fire with a diameter of ten meters spurted out of his mouth, and then swept across the many mane rock werewolves in front.

When the old fire-breathing camels arrived with a group of subordinates, the headed strong man in white realized that something was wrong. He originally thought that they were a group of ordinary small fire camels without the guardian of the king, but now it seems that it is a big mistake. What's wrong, the breath of the fire-breathing camel with gray hair is a little unusual at this time, but it has just experienced being chased by a fire-breathing camel, and now the old fire-breathing camel has the familiar power of the king. But it is real.

These people in white who wantonly slaughtered fire camels were the members of the Desert Fangs who chased Daye and Electromagnetic. In order to calm the anger in the group of fire camels led by the aged fire-breathing camels, these members of the Desert Fang, who are used to being domineering in the desert, decided to take action against these fire camels who shot them for no reason and caused the target to escape. revenge.

I thought it was just an ordinary small fire camel colony. They took advantage of this terrain to slaughter these fire camels. The one in front of them was even more terrifying than the one that chased and killed them before.

"Quick, let all the mane rock werewolves work together to block the opponent's big move, and then retreat immediately." Seeing the old fire-breathing camel's unrecognizable appearance, the strong man in white immediately commanded the same panic. said his subordinate.

Although he felt his heart block again because he saw the king-level fire-breathing camel, these members of the Desert Fang who have been fighting wild elves for many years have not yet completely lost their fighting consciousness. The mane rock werewolf in the hands of the immediate command, once again used the same old tricks to use the joint rock avalanche method to buy time for them to escape.

The mane rock wolves, who felt the deadly threat, also gathered together without delay. When the old fire-breathing camel unleashed its ultimate move, they were the first to successfully use the rock avalanche. A huge rock immediately closed the exit of the rock valley. With the giant rock blocking the old fire-breathing camel, these members of the Desert Fang also skillfully mounted the maned rock werewolf, then turned their heads and ran.

But this time they miscalculated. The strength of the old fire-breathing camel who was caught in a rage was not comparable to those of the fire-breathing camels that had not reached the heavenly king level. A jet flame with a temperature of 5,000 degrees Celsius was used, and the giant rock that blocked his attack seemed to be Like a piece of tissue paper, it was lightly touched by this white flame pillar, and a large hole was immediately burned out, and then the flame pillar that penetrated the huge rock accurately hit an unfortunate member of the Desert Fang. He was able to let out a scream, and he was burned to ashes along with the mane rock werewolf under him. Then, the giant pillar of flame swept across, and the entire rock was directly melted, and those who were slightly touched or approached by the giant pillar of flame. The members of the Desert Fang, they were like being poured into a barrel of gasoline and touched by sparks, the whole body was instantly ignited, and then quickly burned to a pile of ashes.

Finally, with the sound of "bang", the jet flame of the old fire-breathing camel was still changing at the last moment. When a trace of abnormal black appeared inside the flame pillar, the compressed flame pillar suddenly burst like a flame bomb. When it opened, countless white meteor fires fell from the sky, completely covering the members of the Desert Fang who wanted to avoid, and the exit of Iwatani instantly turned into a sea of ​​white fire.

The old fire-breathing camel's overheating trick, which burst out with anger, directly crippled this elite team of Desert Fang, and there were not one in ten remaining people, and all those who survived were severely burned.

The might of the king is so terrifying.

"It's really a miscalculation. I didn't expect this fire-breathing camel to hide so deeply. The power of such an amazing move is close to the peak level of the intermediate king. Fortunately, these fools appeared unexpectedly. The end will be the same as these fools in front of you, but unfortunately, time is not forgiving, you are still old after all, fire-breathing camel." Watching the terrifying power of the old fire-breathing camel and the tragic state of the members of the Desert Fang below , Ryuzaki Shinji, who was at high altitude, sighed.

After the old fire-breathing camel used this amazingly powerful overheating trick, the aura on his body quickly slumped, and he fell directly from the heavenly king level to the elite level. The volcano on his back was also rapidly cooling down, and then, The old fire-breathing camel lay down in the shallow magma pool directly below him with soft limbs. It seems that he paid a considerable price for using this trick.

Seeing the leader in such a weak state, the surrounding fire-breathing camels and sluggish fire-breathing camels immediately surrounded the aged fire-breathing camels with anxious expressions, even ignoring the pursuit of the enemy. Some powerful fire-breathing camels began to fight against each other. As the aged fire-breathing camel spit out a flame, and then let the aged fire-breathing camel be wrapped in flames, and the temperature on the aged fire-breathing camel surrounded by the flames of many fire-breathing camels gradually curbed the downward trend and began to slowly decrease. rebounded.

"Is this a competition between mussels and sandpipers for the fisherman's profit? Anyway, now is a good time to hunt for the target. Let's do it. Be quick." The powerful fire-breathing camels seemed to be extending the life of the old fire-breathing camels by instilling the pure fire energy in their bodies into his body. State Card and Christina said.

As soon as Ryuzaki Shinji finished speaking, there was another sound of rocks rolling down in Iwatani, and Card and Christina had already started.

Because the old fire-breathing camels mobilized their strength to go to the front section for support, the mid-section camel team's garrison strength dropped to the lowest point in history. The strongest fire-breathing camel at present is a high-level elite fire-breathing camel. The fire-breathing camel, who was full of sluggishness, was quietly taking the fire-breathing camel by his side, and then looked worriedly in the direction of the camel team ahead.

Suddenly, a large number of rocks rolled down from the rock walls on both sides, and the young stagnant camels in the middle section of the camel team suddenly became a little panicked. The llama immediately stepped forward and used various tricks to smash the rocks that rolled down from the rock wall~www.readwn.com~ But there were too many rocks, and they couldn't completely stop them. , Some young ram camels were hit by the rocks that rolled down from the rock wall at high speed, and the frightened young ram camels fled around desperately, and the incident of pushing each other happened.


At that time, Alidos, who had been staying on the spider, finally took action and obeyed Ryuzaki Shinji's order. She had been watching the spiritually sluggish camel in the dark all the time. When there were no guards by her side, she immediately fell from the spider along the spider silk, and then spit out a sticky sheet from her mouth to grab the target with precision.

After being entangled by the Alidos spider, the stagnant camel struggled as hard as it could, and an orange flame burst out from the whole body instantly. Doss protruded an orange flame.

However, the struggle of the dead fire camel was only in vain. He was too different from Alidos in strength. In the end, Alidos stunned the dead fire camel with a relatively small cross poisonous blade, and then used a large number of spiders. Silk wrapped around him, and then, along the spider silk on his hips, he took the dead llama off the ground together.

It took no more than a minute for Alidos to take the shot to the end. When the other fire camels reacted, Alidos disappeared into the sky with the dead fire camels that were trapped in cocoons by heavy spiders.

After a few minutes, the sound of fury echoed throughout the valley.

To be continued

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