Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 59: : departure and return

At the top of Iwatani, Ryuzaki Shinji and his party gathered again, and after more than ten seconds, Alidos was dragging a white cocoon and moving quickly here along the transparent spider silk.

"Thanks to the great assistance of a group of members of the Desert Fangs at the exit of Iwatani, this hunting operation went very smoothly. Card, according to the agreement, this sluggish camel is now yours, and you must regain strength as soon as possible." Wait for Alido After he brought back the sluggish camel, Ryuzaki Shinji said to Card, who was already excited by the side.

"Yes, Lord Ryuzaki, I will definitely do my best to serve you in the future." Card was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately knelt down on one knee to Shinji Ryuzaki and said respectfully.

Ryuzaki Shinji nodded when he saw Kade's appearance, and the purple awns in his eyes were slightly bright. The next moment, Alidos was ordered by Ryuzaki Shinji, and he cut the layers of spider silk with a cross poisonous blade. Then, let the dazed camel that was still in a coma out.

As soon as he saw that the stupid camel brought back by Alidos was the one he had been thinking about all these days and nights, Card's expression became even more excited, and he quickly took out a long-prepared friendship from his body. The ball comes out, then use the Friendship Ball to put the Dummy in.

Without much struggle, the temporarily unconscious slugger was easily subdued by Card with a friendship ball.

"It's great, I finally conquered the daze." When Card successfully subdued the daze, this usually dull man had an expression on his face like a young trainer who had just debuted. The family looked very excited and childish just like when they first got the elf.

It's no wonder that the talent of this fire-breathing camel is really nothing to say. Although Card didn't see the old fire-breathing camel easily slaughtering the Desert Fang and others, the powerful heat wave coming from the Iwatani exit can be seen. Out, the strength of the old fire-breathing camel is so powerful, since this fire-breathing camel is his descendant, the talent is naturally not low, and judging from the spirituality he usually shows that is not the same as the general fire-breathing camel, he Its talent potential is likely to be higher than that of the old fire-breathing camel, otherwise it will not be protected by the old fire-breathing camel and a group of powerful fire-breathing camels almost inseparably.

After all, a talented elf is too important for a trainer, just like a chef with superb cooking skills, if he doesn't have enough good ingredients, no matter how good his cooking skills are For those who can't cook top-notch food, a talented elf is a precious ingredient for a trainer. The trainer's duty is to cook this precious ingredient into a top-notch food. Then let this little elf show his best side.

Therefore, this spiritually sluggish camel is a life-saving straw that can quickly restore his strength to the peak for Card, who has all the fire-type elves in his hands. Card has a wealth of The fire-type elf training experience and various precious fire-type moves training skills, and then has the fire-type treasure in his hands, the flame orb, he is confident enough to be able to quickly make this outstandingly talented slugger in a short period of time. Grow up and then become an important cornerstone for him to continue moving forward.

While he was excited, Card was once again convinced of Ryuzaki Shinji, and this time, in addition to being deterred and attracted by the powerful strength displayed by Ryuzaki Shinji, he also added a trust, Ryuzaki Shinji. Er was able to give him this stupid camel, which was enough for him to confirm that Ryuzaki Shinji was not a leader who likes to swallow alone, and is worthy of his following.

Card's gradual return to his heart, Ryuzaki Shinji, who has a soul spy, naturally sees it. Now the main force in the team is still him. If he doesn't encounter a strong enemy as usual, he can be as stable as Dinghaishenzhen. Keep the overall situation, but once he encounters a powerful enemy whose owner can contain him, it will be difficult for him to keep the two subordinates around him.

Especially the healing trainer Christina, the other party will definitely concentrate firepower to attack her, so now, he not only has to work hard to improve his own strength, but also to improve the strength of his subordinates accordingly. With the help of this lazy camel to recover a certain strength, the pressure on his shoulders can be reduced a lot.

During this hunting trip, Christina unexpectedly obtained a pot with strong defense and auxiliary abilities, while Card successfully obtained a dead fire camel with amazing potential. It can be said that today’s harvest is very rich.

"Okay, it's time to go. This dumb fire camel, the future leader of the tribe, was taken away. The group of fire camels below will definitely not give up. Come, we have to get out of here as soon as possible." Before the excitement on Card's face disappeared, Ryuzaki Shinji said to the two people beside him, and then, a purple light flashed in his eyes, and a purple space crack suddenly appeared in him. on the right.

Card and Christina naturally nodded in agreement, and after a while, the two and a group of elves disappeared into this small rock valley by teleportation together by Ryuzaki Shinji.

Shortly after Ryuzaki Shinji and the others left, the two quasi-king-level fire-breathing camels followed the smell of the fire camels to the top of the rock valley where Ryuzaki Shinji and the others were just now, but they found that the smell was interrupted here. And after there was no sign of the fire camels in this row, the two fire-breathing camels immediately fell into a rage, and then, the entire rock valley was burned into a sea of ​​fire by the group of fire camels that were also in a violent rage.

On a sandy ground a few hundred meters away from the east of the small rock valley, under the shadow of a huge desert cactus, a purple space crack suddenly appeared. Immediately after, Ryuzaki Shinji took Christina, Card and others to a safe place. Land in the shadow of this cactus~www.readwn.com~ Well, with such a long distance, those fire camels can't find us, and it's almost noon, so let's take a rest here. ” Ryuzaki Shinji said to the two of them, and then let the cross-shaped bat lying on his back use ultrasonic waves to scout the vicinity.

The two nodded when they heard the words. Then, Card consciously took up the work of guarding the surrounding area, bringing two maned rock werewolves to guard the vicinity, while Christina took out various small kitchen utensils and elf ingredients from the space bag. Start cooking today's lunch with the cooperation of the big milk tank.

"Your performance is not bad this time, hurry up and drink it, this is your reward." Ryuzaki Shinji took out a large blood bottle containing elf blood and an iron basin from the space bag, and then put the blood bottle in the space bag. Blood poured into the basin.

As soon as "Zizzizizi" smelled the extremely familiar blood, the cross-shaped bat was shocked, and immediately flew out from behind Ryuzaki Shinji, then lay on the edge of the basin and greedily sucked the blood inside, starving for nearly a week When he came out, he was pulled out by Ryuzaki Shinji as a flying tool. His physical strength had fallen to the lowest point. If he didn't take energy, he would really starve to death.

When Ryuzaki Shinji and the others were about to prepare to eat, a shadow that moved quickly against the ground appeared from not far away, and after a few breaths, the strange shadow disappeared into the shadow of the cactus.

At this time, Ryuzaki Shinji, who had been meditating with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his purple eyes.

To be continued

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