Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 60: : Sinor

Ghost Stone finally returned, and at the same time brought back a very important piece of information for Ryuzaki Shinji.

"It turns out that it is no wonder that Daye and Electromagnetic are chased and killed by these Desert Fang people. That is to say, those Desert Fang people still have the trial tickets of the ancient pyramid. The members of the Desert Fang of the pass were not burned to death, or else, like Daye and the others, I would have to go to great lengths to find the tombs of the ancients buried in the desert." After listening to Ghost Stone's report, Ryuzaki Shinji narrowed his eyes and thought, and after some thought, he immediately stood up from the ground.

However, when he was about to set off to find the remaining members of the Desert Fang, Christina had already prepared lunch, and the elves were also very tired from the long journey and repeated battles in the early morning.

"I'm so sorry, Christina, let's postpone the lunch time for a while. We have more important things to do now. Let's pack up and leave immediately." Although it was a bit disappointing, Ryuzaki Shinji still made the most important thing so far. The right decision, the pass is related to the things of the heavenly king, which is more important than a meal, one can imagine.

"Okay, Ryuzaki-sama." Christina heard the words, although she was a little surprised, but she didn't ask much, and quickly put the prepared lunch back into the space bag.

Card on the side also did not ask any questions wisely, and came to Ryuzaki Shinji's side and waited for the order.

Seeing the two of them acting like this, Ryuzaki Shinji nodded, and then shared the information obtained from the ghost stone with the two, and immediately brought the two back to the original Iwatani at the same time. the exit

When Ryuzaki Shinji and the others returned to Iwatani, it had been more than an hour since they left Iwatani.

At this time, the fire camel had already left, and the appearance of this rock valley had also undergone major changes. A strong burnt smell lingered in the rock valley, and the entire rock valley seemed to be painted with a layer of black, everywhere. It is the trace of being burned. Obviously, the group of fire camels who could not find the stagnant fire camels vented their anger in this rock valley, and the entire rock valley and their anger turned into a sea of ​​fire.

"Have you left? Damn, those people's footprints have been buried in the sand." Ryuzaki Shinji didn't care about Iwatani being their scapegoat at all. I am feeling a headache because the footprints of Desert Fang and his party have disappeared.

"My lord, I didn't find anything on my side. It seems that they have all evacuated. They were very careful when they left. My two maned rock werewolves could not find any smell left by them." Card returned from the east. His face was reluctantly facing Ryuzaki Shinji reporting.

"Lord Ryuzaki, on my side too, the sandstorm is so strong that their footprints are hidden by numbers." Christina, who came back from the west, also shook her head and said.

In the end, when Ryuzaki Shinji spread his mental power to search the area within 300 meters of the other party, but to no avail, his face under the mask suddenly became very ugly.

"Zizzizizi" Fortunately, at this time, the forked bat lying on Ryuzaki Shinji's back seemed to have found something, and immediately flew from his back into the air, and then fell on the sand more than ten meters away on the right side. , and then pointed to the ground with his wings to signal Ryuzaki Shinji.

"I just said how could some severely burned people run so fast. It turned out to be hidden under the ground. You did a very good job this time, cross-shaped bat. I will reward you when I go back." After the bat acted like this, Ryuzaki Shinji, knowingly, immediately probed the neglected underground, and immediately found a member of the Desert Fang who was hiding underground for cultivation.

This member of the Desert Fang also seemed to know that she had been discovered. When Ryuzaki Shinji was about to let Scorpio use an earthquake to force her out, she immediately came out of the ground with the help of the power of the elf.

With a sound of "bang", a scattered sand burst out from the ground where the bat just stopped. In an instant, a slender dragon-shaped figure flew out from the sand. This dragon-shaped figure just came out of the ground. , a sandstorm quickly formed with her as the center, and then quickly spread around. Then, a breath of the quasi-day king peak was released from the slender figure.

"The desert dragonfly of the quasi-king's peak level, it seems that you are one of the leaders of the team of Desert Fang members, Sinor, then Sinor, can you tell me where the passes in your hands are?" Staying in front of the desert dragonfly, who was controlling the rolling yellow sand and its imposing aura, Shinji Ryuzaki's eyes suddenly lit up. He resisted the sand and took a few steps forward, and then asked the black-clothed figure standing on the desert dragonfly. road.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but since you know that I'm Sinor, a member of the Desert Fang elite, why are you blocking my way~www.readwn.com~ Which faction do you belong to, and why do you appear? Here, do you want to do the right thing with our Desert Fang?" Even if he was alone, Sinor, who stayed on the desert dragonfly, was still very strong, not only did not answer Ryuzaki Shinji's question, but also directly Bring out the prestige of Desert Fang to deter Ryuzaki Shinji.

Different from the usual outfits of the members of the Desert Fang, Sinor was dressed a bit strangely at this time. The white clothes on her body disappeared, replaced by a black cloak, which directly covered her whole body tightly. Even his face was covered by a black veil.

"Oh, I'm still so stubborn at this time. Since I don't want to speak, it doesn't matter. I'll get it myself, Ghost Stone, show black eyes, but don't let them run away." With a strong appearance, Ryuzaki Shinji was too lazy to talk to the opponent, so he directly let the strongest ghost in his hand, Stone, come out to fight against the opponent's desert dragonfly.

"Hee hee hee, no problem, dear master." As soon as Ryuzaki Shinji finished speaking, the shadow under his feet suddenly opened a pair of scarlet eyes, and then a strange-looking ghost Stone came from Ryuzaki Shinji's Out of the shadows.

As soon as Ghost Stone appeared, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped, a layer of black mist was released from his body, and the mist of curse was activated.

At the same time, a scarlet ghost eye opened from the desert dragonfly, and an invisible beam force suddenly locked the desert dragonfly, preventing her from escaping 100 meters away from the ghost stone.

To be continued

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