Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 61: : Impulsivity and regret

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A few minutes ago, Sinor was alone in a temporary underground space at the exit of Iwatani. She is now in a very bad condition. She has been severely traumatized both physically and mentally. Naturally, her mood is also Terribly bad.

The sudden and powerful enemy smashed their members of the Desert Fang at once, and the old fire-breathing camel's powerful overheating trick directly crippled their entire team. The intuition developed in battle has become one of the lucky few who survived. As for how many people are still left, she does not know.

But even if he barely survived, Sinor still feels deep despair about the future. The fire power of the old fire-breathing camel is too terrifying. Even if he is not touched, with the terrifying high temperature that accompanies it, he can make An ordinary human was killed in an instant, and Sinore also obtained a very precious few seconds of escape time by using an elite-level Mari Luli with the characteristics of thick fat. She struggled to let the strongest elf Desert Dragonfly in her hand. It was only by taking her deep into the sand that she escaped the fate of death, and the price was very huge. Mari Luli sacrificed for her, and she herself was severely burned.

Women are very vain creatures. How to obtain beautiful appearance is their eternal pursuit. Therefore, beauty is almost equivalent to a second life for a woman, especially for those beautiful For a woman who is a young woman, she often regards her face as more important than her own life. Sinoer is a very beautiful woman. Although she is not the top one, she still cannot hide her beauty. glamorous.

It's a pity that the fire of the old fire-breathing camel has burned her face as life in the past, which made her heart ashes. If she hadn't known that there was still room for recovery, perhaps she would have long been desperate.

Resurrection grass, as long as she can find this sacred healing artifact that can heal all wounds, she can restore the beauty of the past, and Sinor currently knows that Orina, the leader of the desert rose, has a two-leaf resurrection plant in her hands. Grass, so she has not yet reached the point of despair.

But here comes the problem. Desert Rose and her organization, Desert Fang, are mortal enemies. As an elite member of Desert Fang, she is naturally well known by Desert Rose people. Now she doesn't even have the conditions to join. How can I get the resurrection grass from the leader of the desert rose? This daunting problem has always troubled Sinor, who was healing in the underground space.

"It's all good things done by those idiots, otherwise how could I suffer this kind of crime for no reason, Oss, if you are not dead, I must kill you myself, and those who participated in the besieging fire The camel guy, by the way, and that **** fire-breathing camel, everyone should be damned!" Sinoer thought through gnashing his teeth as he treated the burn with burn medicine and clean bandages, the hatred in his eyes almost condensed into substance. .

Just when Sinor was thinking about how to get the resurrection grass from Argus, the desert dragonfly guarding her gave her a warning call, and she immediately recovered from her thoughts, and then followed the habit she had cultivated for many years. , quickly prepare for battle.

"Is it Os? No, it's impossible, these bullying guys must have escaped far away, by the way, the tokens (passes) of those ancient people, if I can get these tokens, maybe I can still borrow them In exchange for the resurrection grass from Orina, and being able to join the desert rose smoothly, it really kills two birds with one stone, Os, it seems that you must die, and I need to borrow your head." Through Os, I think of ancient times. The person's pass, Xi Nuo's eyes suddenly lit up, and then the catalogue thought fiercely, and even the movement on the ground was instantly forgotten, and he fell into his thoughts again.

Although Sinor is going to overwhelm Oss in terms of strength, because Os is Argus' confidant, Os is the leader of this team searching for the tombs of the ancients, and she has just joined Desert Fang. The person in the near future is the vice-captain, so now all the tokens of the ancients are in the hands of Os.

"Squeaky~~" The slight cry of the desert dragonfly interrupted Sinor's thoughts again, making her have to refocus on the current situation.

With the help of the desert dragonfly's powerful perception ability in the desert, Sinor knew that the person who suddenly appeared on the ground had not left, and gradually approached the ground beneath her, and finally stood motionless on the ground above her head.

One minute passed, two minutes passed, and three minutes passed, but the person above his head still did not move half a minute. At this time, Sinor also knew that he had been exposed.

Finally, when the desert dragonfly beeped that the other party was going to force her out, West Nolton had no time to let the desert dragonfly take her out of the underground space, and then let the desert dragonfly make a sandstorm with all his strength, so as to avoid being attacked by the enemy as soon as he came out. attack.

As soon as Sinor flew off the ground, a pale mask immediately caught her attention. To be precise, it was a strange eye revealed on the pale mask that caught her attention. She felt that she had a feeling of being completely seen through by the other party, and the powerful power revealed by the owner of the eyes also made her feel a huge threat.

Immediately afterwards, the mysterious person with a pale mask in front of him said her name at once, and also asked her for the token to come down.

Although Sinoer was a little shocked to know her name from this mysterious person who had never met, and she also felt a powerful threat from the mysterious person, but now the tokens of those ancient people are the life-saving straw for her to restore her appearance, Sinoer simply wanted to Without thinking, he simply refused to answer and used the prestige of the Desert Fang to intimidate the mysterious masked man.

But the next moment, Sinor regretted the decision he just made in a hurry.

Sinoer suddenly sounded. The mysterious man hadn't said anything just now. The voice in her ear was her and the sandstorm from the beginning to the end. A terrible guess suddenly appeared in her heart. There was also a layer of cold sweat.

"How is it possible, could this person be a superpower?" Sinoer thought, staring blankly at the mysterious man wearing a white mask in front of him, as if to confirm her guess, that one eye with murderous intent The moment she made a threat, an abnormal purple awn erupted.

In an instant, the surrounding environment changed dramatically, and the sandstorm created by the desert dragonfly using the sandstorm skill was instantly lifted, and a black mist shrouded everything around, accompanied by a gloomy laughter, one that made her feel. The peculiar ghost Stone with a deadly threat appeared in her eyes just after the voice of the mysterious man.

"Let me ask you again, where is the pass? Tell me everything you know, otherwise, I will let you feel the torment of your soul." Ryuzaki Shinji once again used telepathy to respond to Sinor's cold tone.

To be continued.....

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