Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 62: : The **** is dangerous, and the chess is 1 chip away.

On the sand, the sound of dragon roars continued to sound, and I saw a slender and robust desert dragonfly continuously rolling up the sand in mid-air, and then controlling the layers of sand waves to roll over the tiny figure suspended on the ground. Go away, and while controlling the madness, a pure dragon-type energy is released from the mouth. In an instant, an energy dragon composed of dragon-type energy seems to be attacking with wild sand, and it is suspended in the sand. The ghost on the ground, Stone, swooped down fiercely.

"Be stubborn, Ghost Stone, transform into a figure, and then sneak into the shadow of the other party against the ground." Seeing that Sinoer first attacked for strength, the coldness in Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes suddenly became stronger, and his mind moved. , a purple superpower shield shrouded it, and then said to the ghost Stone in front of him with telepathy.

"Hee hee~~, I got it." Ghost Stone laughed when he heard the words, then turned into a shadow and moved quickly towards the shadow of the desert dragonfly under the sun, directly dissolving the powerful offensive of the desert dragonfly on the ground. invisible.

Although he understands that he has little chance of winning a battle with a superpower like Ryusaki Shinji, as a trainer whose strength has reached the peak level of a quasi-king, Sinor also has his own arrogance, and since Ryuzaki Shinji just now Knowing that his target is obviously the same as her, the ancient person token on Os , otherwise, everything is empty talk, and besides, the partner of Desert Dragonfly, who has been born and died with her for many years, is in high spirits, how can she, a trainer, give up easily.

"Hmph, don't think that turning into a shadow can stop our attack. Desert Dragonfly manipulates the sand on the ground to create the largest range of quicksand hell, to force Ghost Stone out, and then use the Dragon Wave again." See Ryuzaki Shinji Let Ghost Stone completely evade the desert dragonfly's attack by transforming into a shadow, and press closer to the desert dragonfly's shadow step by step. Sinoer, who has rich combat experience, has immediately instructed the desert dragonfly under him to take corresponding preventive measures.

With a sound of "roar~", the desert dragonfly uttered a dragon roar again, and the whole body was immediately enveloped by a layer of khaki-yellow earth energy. The vortex suddenly appeared quickly, and for a while, Ryuzaki Shinji and others were beaten up by layers of quicksand, and Ghost Stone quickly re-suspended in mid-air from the ground, thus ignoring the influence of quicksand hell.

When Ghost Stone appeared, the desert dragonfly had once again condensed a dragon-type energy, and the energy dragon was released from her mouth again, but this time the energy dragon was going to Longzaki, who was temporarily beaten by quicksand. The direction of Shinji and the others swooped down.

At the same time, a three-headed gopher exuding the breath of a quasi-celestial king led the six-headed gophers to drill their heads from every corner of the quicksand whirlpool like a fast swimming fish in the water. Mud bombs composed of energy were shot from all directions towards Ryuzaki Shinji and the others.

"It's a boring trick, come out, Froggrass, fix the quicksand under your body with deep roots, Ghost Stone, continue to attack, use the ghost fire shadow ball." Ryuzaki Shinji was in danger, and immediately released the Froggrass Come out, and then command two elves.

As soon as the frog grass came out, twelve green roots immediately extended from the quicksand laid down from the plants on his body. Under the full force of the frog grass, a large number of plant roots grew under the sand, just a few short hours. In seconds, the quicksand under Ryuzaki Shinji and others was stopped.

In addition to activating the deep-rooted skills with all his strength, Froggrass is also actively blocking the three-headed gophers and the mud bombs of the gophers for Ryuzaki Shinji. A large number of sludge bombs stopped it.

"King Nido, you also come out to help and use your unique trick to stop the remaining sludge bombs." Card on the side knew that he could not join the battle between the two, so he also chose wisely to protect Christina and avoid causing them both. People become a burden to Ryuzaki Shinji.

As King Nido joined the defense, the mud bombs released by the three gophers and gophers were immediately intercepted, unable to attack Ryuzaki Shinji and others.

On the other hand, Ghost Stone also returned to help in a timely manner. Shadow **** composed of extremely pure ghost-type energy were separated from the three special shadow **** that were always emitting deep black light beside Ghost Stone, and then one The acceleration was like bullets with blue flames, and they were shot at the energy dragons that swooped down towards Ryuzaki Shinji and others in the sky.

After some shadow ball shooting, the energy dragon was immediately penetrated and dispersed, and this was not over yet. Those shadow **** that defeated the fluctuation of the desert dragonfly dragon, under the control of Ghost Stone, directly rose at a 90-degree angle. Then continue to attack the desert dragonfly in the sky like a sidewinder missile.

"Damn, to actually crack the desert dragonfly quicksand **** in this way, isn't this person a superpower? Why hasn't a superpower elf been released yet, hum, you dare to look down on me, you will definitely pay the price Yes, desert dragonfly, don't worry about me, just use the dragon **** dive with all your strength, and after all these shadow **** are defeated, kill the person below." Seeing that Ryuzaki Shinji, who is a superpower, actually released the magic frog grass. The poison-type elf came to crack the desert dragonfly's quicksand hell, Sinoer's face suddenly became very ugly, but her eyes flashed, and she immediately seized the opportunity to direct the desert dragonfly to launch a fierce attack on Ryuzaki Shinji attack.

The next moment, a big-mouthed bat emanated from Sinor's hand, and then she jumped off the desert dragonfly with the help of the big-mouthed bat's power and suspended in mid-air.

After Sinoer left his body, the whole body of the desert dragonfly was immediately wrapped by a stream of pure dragon energy. Then he swooped down towards Ryuzaki Shinji with an amazing murderous aura.

"Hmph, you are really brave, you actually want to kill me to win this battle, Christina, are you ready?" Seeing that Sinor actually dared to abandon the protection of the desert dragonfly and choose to let the desert dragonfly To attack him with all his strength, Ryuzaki Shinji has to applaud Sinoer for his decision. Now, apart from Ghost Stone, there is really no one in his hands that can face the current desert dragonfly at the peak level of the quasi-king. Elf, but fighting is fighting, it has nothing to do with despicableness or despicableness, he is not alone now, since there is a simpler solution~www.readwn.com~ he will also use it, and immediately respond to it with telepathy. Christina said nervously.

"Yes, Ryuzaki-sama, please, Huhu, use the power to the desert dragonfly." There was no extra time to think about it. Following the instructions from Ryuzaki Shinji just now through telepathy, Christina immediately The captured pot was thrown at the desert dragonfly, which was rapidly descending from the sky.

Although I haven't figured out what's going on, after feeling a strong sense of threat from the top of my head, Hu Hu immediately came out of a few pink energy filaments from his hands without saying a word, and then was about to be hit by a desert dragonfly. When going up, I used the energy light filament to first touch the body of the desert dragonfly. In an instant, the momentum of the desert dragonfly suddenly dropped by half. On the contrary, the aura of the pot was like taking a stimulant. Move head-to-head with the desert dragonfly.

Although the pot was eventually swooped and flew by the dragon **** of the desert dragonfly, it successfully paved the way for Ryuzaki Shinji's counterattack.

"Darubi, don't be merciful, solve her with a trick of deception." Ryuzaki Shinji said to Darubi, who had condensed the black chains.

As soon as Ryuzaki Shinji finished speaking, several black chains grabbed the desert dragonfly like lightning, and the swooping potential was gone. Then, a hellhound wrapped in pitch-black evil energy jumped up from the ground. Go head-to-head with the Desert Dragonfly.

"How, how is it possible that my desert dragonfly will be defeated in this way." Sinoer said in disbelief, and then the scene in his eyes began to blur.

The moment before she lost consciousness, the picture in her eyes was frozen in the desert dragonfly being swallowed by a huge hellhound draped in black flames.

To be continued....

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