Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 63: :yield

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Without the protection of the desert dragonfly, Sinor, who was left with an elite big-mouthed bat, was unable to resist the attack of Ghost Stone, and was directly hypnotized by Ghost Stone's hypnotism. The big-mouthed bat was smashed into a pile of minced meat by Ghost Stone's shadow ball, and then Ghost Stone carried Sinor slowly from the air to Ryuzaki Shinji's side.

Compared with Sinoer, who was almost intact, the desert dragonfly collapsed on the sand is a bit miserable. His whole body was burned in a large area, and the two pairs of wings were directly burned. A trace of black flame was attached to it like a chain. His body was burning, and the breath of life on his body was gradually weakening.

Huhu's power split can be regarded as a pitfall for him. Since he lost half of his attack power, the Dragon God swooping that he exerted with all his strength was easily followed by Darubi, and in the mutual competition, Losing to Darubi, who was in his prime, he was finally defeated by Darubi's successful Cerberus version of the accumulating flame attack, and he ended up being seriously injured and dying.

The remaining quasi-king-level three gophers and five gophers also gave up their resistance after seeing Sinor being captured alive. Doss' silk bundle throbbed.

"You've done a pretty good job. You must firmly remember the feeling and operation steps of the move just now. However, in the future, you are not allowed to use this skill that has not been fully mastered without my approval. Do you understand?" Saki Shinji patted Dai Ruby's little head with his hand and said in a gentle tone.

"Woooooo~~" Dairubi nodded with a little grievance, and then became happy again after Ryuzaki Shinji handed him a piece of cut meat.

"Hee hee hee~~, fortunately not humiliated, esteemed master." Ghost Stone brought the sleeping Sinor to Ryuzaki Shinji with both hands, and then opened his mouth and spit out the snake's head, showing no smile. said like.

"If you dare to go to work and fail to do your best in the end, I will take back all the things on your body. I will do what I say." Facing the old ghost of Ghost Stone, Ryuzaki Shinji's face suddenly pulled down and changed to said in a harsh tone.

Although this old ghost seems to be fighting very hard against the desert dragonfly all the time, he is actually in a state of paddling. This old man is gone.

"You can't blame me, master, although it's easy for me to defeat this desert dragonfly, but if I want to keep the human on her body from dying, it's hard for me to find a chance to take action, master, you don't want me to kill this human. Well, blame this stupid human being for giving up his defenses to attack the great master, you. I promise, as long as you give me a little more time to plan, I can unknowingly grab this human from the desert dragonfly. Hearing that Ryuzaki Shinji threatened him with the curse and poisonous orb again, Ghost Stone said anxiously, and now he is on the verge of evolution. Once these two treasures are separated from his body, he used to evolve The accumulation made is in vain.

"Hmph, let's trust you for once, but you remember it for me. Fighting is fighting. You must use 100% of your strength. It is impossible for the enemy to give you a chance to counterattack." As for Ghost Stone's words, Long Saki Shinji naturally didn't believe it in his heart, but he still verbally believed what Ghost Stone said, and verbally warned him that he would continue to stabilize the old ghost when the four main elves were not there. If he was in a hurry, the old ghost whose strength gradually recovered and became stronger might just run away.


Taking advantage of Christina's healing time for the elves, Ryuzaki Shinji also began to interrogate Sinor.

"It turned out to be disfigured, no wonder he kept covering his face with a veil." Ryusaki Shino frowned as he pulled off the veil on Sinor's head. Sinor's severely burnt face looked abnormal. Grimly scary.

Ryuzaki Shinji's action of tearing off the veil seemed to stimulate the sleeping Sinor, and the next moment, the sleeping Sinor opened her hazy eyes.

"Ah~~, don't look at me, don't look at me, don't look at me..." After realizing that the veil in front of him had been removed by Ryuzaki Shinji, Sinon immediately covered his face and then became hysterical. screamed.

Ryuzaki Shinji was not surprised by Sinoer's emotional out-of-control at this time, but just waited for the woman's emotions to calm down, revealing a trace of complexity in her eyes.

Waking up early in the morning and suddenly discovering that he was disfigured and was being seen, even a person with a firm mind would inevitably lose control of his emotions for a while.

"It's a pity to have a good face. This woman seems to be quite attractive before. The power of that fire-breathing camel is really terrible." Card on the side glanced at Sinor's face, then turned his head secretly. thought.

"Severe burns, I have to stay away from those fire elves in the future." Christina thought with a pale face.

After a while, Sinor sat on the ground, clasped his knees with both hands, buried his head deeply in his knees, and bursts of sobbing came from it.

"Have you cried enough? Can you answer my question now, or, do you want to see my torture technique?" Ryuzaki Shinji stood in front of Sinor condescendingly, and said in a cold tone.

Xinuoer is still the trainer at the peak level of the quasi-celestial king. After she recovered a little, she also stopped sobbing, and then raised her head, her tearful eyes revealed incomparable determination.

"I can tell you all the information I know, but you must let your people heal my desert dragonfly right now, otherwise, once you want to interrogate me with superpowers, I will bite my tongue right away..." Sinor Said firmly to Ryuzaki Shinji's face.

Unfortunately, before she could finish speaking, with the sound of "snap~", Sinor was slapped by a lightning-like slap in the face of Ryuzaki Shinji's right hand, and then held her throat by Ryuzaki Shinji's left hand. .

In the blink of an eye, Ryuzaki Shinji lifted Sinol in mid-air like a chicken.

"Are you still not sure about your own situation? A prisoner still wants to bargain in front of me. Although it will take some effort, it is still very easy for me to get what I want from your head. As for thinking Die, do you think you can do it in front of me?" Ryuzaki Shino clenched Sinoer's throat, looked into her eyes coldly and said, the purple glow in the mask was terrifyingly bright at this time.

For a time~www.readwn.com~ West Knowlton felt that her head was about to explode. The intense pain stimulated her fragile nerves. A few seconds later, a trace of blood flowed from her ears and nose.

When Sinoer was about to lose her breath, her face turned pale, and she began to roll her eyes, the purple awns in Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes slowly dimmed, and then she was thrown on the sand like a tattered piece, which seemed to be intentional, Sinoer said this. It was right next to the desert dragonfly.

"Zizzizi~~" The dying desert dragonfly on the ground saw Sinor and suddenly let out a weak cry.

"Please, save my desert dragonfly, as long as you can save her, I'll do whatever you want me to do." Looking at the desert dragonfly, who was as badly burned as her, Sinoer was so heartbroken that she crawled from the ground. He got up, then lowered his head to Ryuzaki Shinji and said.

At the moment when the life and death of herself and her partner were under the control of others, this trainer who was at the peak of the quasi-King of Heaven finally chose to lower her arrogant head.

"Oh~~" Ryuzaki Shinji squinted his eyes when he heard the words, and at this moment, a faint smile appeared on his face under the mask.

To be continued.....

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