Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 64: : sincerity

Under the scorching sun, among the sandstorms, a grim man in a mask was looking contemplatively at the ugly woman who was lying beside him with a pleading expression on his face, and beside the two, a man wearing a mask was standing beside them. Beside his legs, a strangely shaped ghost stone was suspended above the masked man's head, and then stared at a desert dragonfly behind the ugly woman with a smile. Apart from the two little elves, a man and a woman stood behind the masked man. There is a hint of hostility in the eyes of the ugly woman, while there is a hint of sympathy in the eyes of the woman.

I have to say that Ryuzaki Shinji felt a little bit of heartbeat when Sinoer said the sentence "You want me to do anything". The disfigured female trainer in front of her was a quasi-king peak level. His trainer, through the battle just now, is much stronger than the average quasi-king peak-level trainer in terms of strength, and it can be regarded as far superior to the two dragging oil ** around him now, if he can really get If this female trainer follows, many of the problems he faced before can be solved. At least the safety issues of the two people around him can prevent him from worrying too much.

"You are willing to say whatever you just said? Is it true? Now I am recruiting people, you are very strong, I really hope to have a strong player like you in the team, but, from the current point of view, you have not reached the To the extent that I feel I can trust you, tell me, how can I believe what a person who was cornered by me said?" Ryuzaki Shinji stared blankly at Nishi, who bowed his head in front of him. Noel said.

Although he is very moved, Ryuzaki Shinji has not lost the least sanity. The person in front of him is different from Kad. The reason why he dares to accept Kad easily is because Kad is the most exploited by the Desert Fang. The members of the bottom class lived a life of carelessness every day, and they were forced to join, so naturally they did not feel any sense of belonging to the Desert Fang. In the end, because of the loss of Yukira's Egg, even if they went back to the Desert Fang. There is probably only one dead end, so Ryuzaki Shinji is very relieved about this desperate member of the Desert Fang.

And Sinor is an elite member of the Desert Fang. In the Desert Fang, she has various privileges and various resources to help her improve her strength. Compared with her, Card is simply the difference between a beggar and a white-collar worker. Therefore, compared to Card, she should have a more sense of belonging to Desert Fang.

"I'll tell you now where Os and others are most likely to go, so I'll betray the organization, isn't that enough?" Sinore stared at Ryuzaki Shinji with wide eyes and asked, but he was very surprised. It's a pity that the man in front of him still maintains a suspicious look as always.

"No, if you didn't bargain before, maybe I would trust you a little bit, but I have obtained this information from you just now. As for you, it seems to be of little value now, and I will keep it. Take revenge on me in the future." Ryuzaki Shinji shook his head and said, the cold light in his eyes gradually became fierce.

"Woo woo" Feeling the increasing killing intent in Ryuzaki Shinji's heart, Dairubi, who was beside Ryuzaki Shinji, grinned at Sinoer and the desert dragonfly, and a trace of black flames leaked from between his teeth.

At this time, the life breath of the desert dragonfly has weakened to the extreme, and the breathing sound has also reached the point where it is barely there.

Knowing that if he didn't make some gestures, he and the desert dragonfly would die here. Sinor had no choice but to grit his teeth and take out something from his space bag.

"This is the most precious thing in my hands, I beg you, let the healing trainer beside you heal my desert dragonfly, I will find them for you, and I will kill them myself to show my loyalty ." Sinor handed a small cloth bag to Ryuzaki Shinji, and pleaded.

A few minutes later, Ryuzaki Shinji and others set off again, but at this time there was an additional masked guide in front of the team. Under the guidance of this masked guide, they were looking for the surviving desert. Tooth members.

"I didn't expect this woman to hide such a precious treasure. This is really a sincere letter of honor. Now, the path of Scorpio's advanced king is relatively smooth." Looking at the small bag in the palm of the hand Sand grains, Ryuzaki Shinji thought to himself.

These sand grains are almost indistinguishable from the ordinary yellow sand around them in appearance, but if you look carefully, you will find that some peculiar natural patterns are engraved on the surface of these sand grains. When illuminated by the scorching sun in the sky, a faint khaki light will radiate from their surface, which is extremely mysterious.

In addition, the biggest difference between these sand grains and ordinary sand is that the weight comparison between the two is very different. The same amount of sand is only a pound at most, and now Ryuzaki Shinji is a small bag. Sand has a weight of more than 20 pounds, and its mass is more than 20 times heavier than ordinary sand.

That's right, these small bags of peculiar sand are the items that Sinor used to express her sincerity, a very precious ground-based source, and this source was seized by Sinoer from the last Desert Fang. Unexpectedly obtained during the female Bangira Oasis quest.

As an elite member, she naturally became one of the main attacking team members at that time, but her opponent at that time was a quasi-king-level Shahema who suddenly appeared from the depths of the oasis, and these peculiar grains of sand were what she defeated Shahe The horse queen was obtained from her body. According to Sinoer's description, that sand hippo was already on the verge of entering the advanced heavenly king level. Barely killed the sand hippo.

Since Sinor also knows that the elf will fall into a state of sleep when it advances to the heavenly king level~www.readwn.com~ and she currently only has the desert dragonfly, a ground-type elf of the quasi-king peak level, so she hastily let the desert dragonfly Using it will greatly reduce her strength for a long period of time. In addition, she has pocketed this original thing, and Sinoer, who knows the rules of the jungle within the Desert Fang, naturally dare not let the desert dragonfly. Originally, she wanted the three-headed gopher in her hand to be advanced to the peak of the quasi-celestial king before letting the desert dragonfly use it. changed hands from her.

After the group continued to walk under the scorching sun and sandstorm for more than ten minutes, a silhouette of a Gobi in the distance gradually appeared in front of them.

"Sir, it's the Gobi in front of you. If I'm not mistaken, Oss and the others are supplying and repairing there now. That Gobi has a temporary residence for the Desert Fang, which is the closest to the original Rock Valley. The supply point." Sinoer, who was walking in front of the team, said respectfully to Ryuzaki Shinji, and then pointed to a small Gobi not far ahead.

Ryuzaki Shinji nodded when he heard the words, the purple light flashed in his eyes, and the powerful mental force spread to the Gobi in front of him.

To be continued

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