Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 67: :blood bath

After some sneak attacks and fights, Bard, Barre and Raynor finally killed Os and his Great Sword Demon, but even though Os's strength has dropped sharply, he still showed a quasi-caliber during the temporary counterattack. The attitude of a peak-level trainer of the king, he almost killed the three of them by relying on a seriously injured Great Sword Demon. In order to kill Os and Great Sword Demon, Barre's Lava Snail and Raynor's Rumble Shi sacrificed, and finally, relying on Barton's Menggonia to use a needle-leaf hidden weapon, he could barely kill the Great Sword Demon.

"This guy is really miserable. Sure enough, the elf at the peak level of the quasi-day king is very powerful, and he can kill two even when he is seriously injured." De's Lava Snail and Raynor's Rumbling Rock were in front of him, and his Menggonia had been chopped to pieces by Oss' Great Sword Demon's ice move. (The Great Sword Demon can freely control the two great swords on his body, and can cover the water and ice energy on it to form a powerful slash.)

"Cut, if we hadn't been exploited too much, we would have been quasi-king-level trainers long ago. Why do we need to suffer from this guy's bird energy all day long? It's a pity that I just recently cultivated the Longlong Stone, you Today, too, I’ve been upset with you for a long time, you **** bastard!” Renault stepped forward with red eyes, and then stomped on Oss’s body, as if he was going to feel the shame he had received from Oss. Released at once.

Since Renault joined Desert Fang, he has always been Oss's gold medal follower by name. Although he also obtained certain training resources from Oss, the anger behind Oss is far more than that of other people. Every night, I can't wait to tear Oss's cramps and skins into eight pieces. At this time, when there is a chance, even the corpse is not going to let go.

Seeing Renault's crazy appearance at this time, Bud and Barre behind Renault glanced at each other, then nodded at the same time, and then, Bud gave a wink at Mongonaia beside him.

The next moment, Meng Ge Naiya immediately understood, and the arm that had just been put down suddenly lifted up again. With a thought, a large number of needle-leaf hidden weapons were released from the arm full of spikes.

"Dududududu~~" A sound of nailing to the wall appeared, and Renault's body was nailed to the wall by a large number of needles.

"Uh~, you, you, bastards, bastards..." Before dying, Renault turned his head with difficulty, looking at Bud and Barre who were showing a sinister smile, before he could fully speak, he directly He lowered his head and breathed.

"I'm sorry, Reno, there are only two tokens left, but you don't have any points among them. You, the son of Os, bullied the two of us a lot. Do you really think we treat you as a companion? Too stupid." Bud stepped forward and said sarcastically to Reynolds, who was also dead, and pushed away Reynolds' body. Then, he took out a hidden body from Oss's corpse that was trampled by Reynolds. Location space package.

"How is it? Are the tokens of the two ancients in it?" Seeing that Bard was so proficient in finding out the space bag from Oss, Barre, who was behind Bard, immediately asked anxiously.

Although the names of Bud and Barre are somewhat similar, they are actually not related by blood. If there is any connection, it is that both of them are from the Fangyuan area, and they are considered to be fellow villagers. The relationship between the fellows, the two hug each other, and the relationship is much stronger than the relationship between the general Desert Fang members.

"Look, I found it. There is still a lot of water and food in the space bag. If you save some use, it will be enough for the two of us to eat for a month." Bud took out two tokens from the space bag in surprise, and then One of them will be handed to Barre again.

At this time, the size and shape of the two tokens in Bard's hand were the same as the stone in Electromagnetic's hand before, and even the mark engraved on it was exactly the same. It was the pass for the ancient people to enter the ancient pyramid.

"This is the real thing, it's great, it's really worth the effort we spent to make the idiot Os anger the fire camel group, even the disfigurement is worth it, as long as we have them, we can also enter the ancient pyramid to find a breakthrough The opportunity of the king, when the time comes, we will also become the overlord of one party, hahaha~~" Barre took the token handed over by Bud, and after carefully observing that it was indeed genuine, he laughed suddenly, even at this time The pain in his face was ignored.

"That's right, as long as we have them, we also have the opportunity to become Heavenly King-level trainers. At that time, we will not be afraid of anyone. However, we must find a place to hide as soon as possible. Today is the third day, according to the rules. , if Aus does not return tomorrow, other teams will be sent to investigate our whereabouts, Argus and those elite members are all greedy guys, they will never give up these two tokens." Budd Hearing Barre's words, he nodded, and then said clearly to Barre, who was still laughing wildly.

Hearing Bard's words, Barre immediately put away his ecstatic expression, and his face changed from sunny to dark. As Bard said, the two ancient tokens in their hands are a hot taro. If they are not strong enough, take It is a dead end, and they are currently the one with insufficient strength. The plan for now is to immediately find a hidden place to hide, and then wait for the trial of the ancient pyramid to open.

"Listen to you, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Now let's burn everything here, burn it cleanly, so that those who came to investigate don't know what happened." Barley said gloomily. After talking to Bud, as soon as he finished speaking, he took out a pokeball from his body, released a dazed camel, and then burned the bodies of Os and Raynor.

Bud, who was on the side, saw this, and asked Menggonia to cover the entire supply station with the cotton spores that were already there.

A minute later, this time, the supply station of the Desert Fang was destroyed by Bard and Barre together, and they were all burned in one fire.

Unfortunately, when they came out of the burning supply station, they hadn't walked a few steps before a masked man led several people to intercept them.

"Hehehe~~, you guys did a really good job." A cold voice appeared in the hearts of Bud and Barre, and immediately extinguished their original excitement.

Looking at the purple glowing eye in front of them, Bard and Barre were both hot and cold.

To be continued.....

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