Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 68: : Arrival and whereabouts

It was around 2:00 noon, the time when the sun was at its strongest in the desert. A gust of wind blew through, carrying not only rolling sand and dust, but also dizzying, invisible heat waves.

Although Ryuzaki Shinji has not revealed any power now, his telepathy message just now scared Bud and Barre, especially when they saw Ryuzaki Shinji's mask At that moment, the two of them were even more sure of Ryuzaki Shinji's identity.

"My lord, the two of us are members of the Desert Fang, and now we have just completed a difficult mission, which made you laugh. We are so embarrassed. We are going to report back to the leader of Argus. I hope you will let the two of us leave, sir, by the way, the people who come to meet us will come soon, I think you should avoid it first, so as to avoid misunderstanding." After a while, the most courageous and calmest Bud was the first to react, showing a terrifying smile and said solemnly to Ryuzaki Shinji and the others, he didn't have the feeling of being a thief because he just killed someone just now.

Barre, who was beside Barton, also reacted at this time, and immediately suppressed the fear in his heart with tenacious will, and then forced a smile to echo Bard's words, he knew that in the face of superpowers, first of all Be calm, so that your will will not collapse, so that you can effectively resist the terrifying spiritual power of the superpower.

"Oh~, like this, can you see the black stone on your body and give it to me? As long as you take it out, I will consider letting you leave here, but now I need to taste a little bitterness. "Looking at Bud who was able to lie so seriously just after killing people, Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes showed a hint of admiration, and the fingers of his right hand were slightly bent towards the two of them, and an invisible thought force suddenly slammed the two of them together. Then he continued to speak calmly.

"Sir, what are you doing, we really don't know what you're talking about, please forgive me." Bud, who was mentioned by Ryuzaki Shinji in midair, still didn't want to be stubborn and didn't let go, pretending to be panic He said with a bewildered look, and Barre, who was beside him, also gritted his teeth and refused to admit it.

At this time, these two idiots still want to play tricks in front of him, which is simply daring. Originally, Ryuzaki Shinji wanted to get more information about the Desert Fang from them, but now it seems necessary to be less. It is enough to punish him.

"Ah~~~" Ryuzaki Shinji's right hand was slightly closed, and Bud and Barre were suddenly squeezed by powerful thoughts. They screamed in dismay.

"Guru~" Card, who was standing behind Ryuzaki Shinji, saw the two of them in such a tragic state, and his heart suddenly froze, and then he took a deep mouthful of saliva, and he was deeply in awe of Ryuzaki Shinji's power again. .

"This, is this something that people can do? It's no different from those super-power elves, right? The super-power in the Desert Fang is like the difference between a child and a strong man compared to him. ." Unlike Christina, who was accustomed to her appearance, Sinor, who saw Ryuzaki Shinji's superpower for the first time, was as horrified as Bard and Bard, who were enjoying the squeezing of mind power at this time. Lei and the two of them couldn't help showing awe in their eyes, and the resistance in their hearts to forcing her to join because of Ryuzaki Shinji gradually disappeared.

There is nothing wrong with following a strong person. In this crisis-ridden desert, it is also a blessing to be able to follow a powerful superpower. Noel already knew that Ryuzaki Shinji currently has four little elves who are falling asleep because they are advancing to the heavenly king. Although the current strength is only the peak level of the quasi-kingdom, as long as one of them wakes up, he will immediately become a trainer. A member of the top of the pyramid.

A minute later, Bud and Barre finally begged for mercy under the threat of death, and now the two of them seemed to be drenched in water, and their whole bodies were soaked.

"My lord, these two stones are the passes for the ancients to enter the pyramid. I have confirmed that they are genuine." Sinoer stepped forward and searched out the things on the two of them, and then handed the two strange black stones to the dragon. Saki Shinji.

As soon as the two stones touched the sun, the sun imprint on the front of the stone immediately emitted a fiery red light, which immediately made the two black stones become extremely mysterious.

"Now tell me everything you know about Desert Fang, maybe I won't kill you."

Ryuzaki Shinji took the two stones, and after playing with his hands a few times, he used a playful look at the two Desert Fang traitors in front of him. Now the remaining value of these two people is only for the purpose of providing information. As for With the idea of ​​absorbing them as part of the team, he didn't have the slightest idea.

"My lord, please don't kill us. We can also serve you, like Vice Captain Sinor."

"Yes, my lord, we will do our best for you."

Seeing Ryuzaki Shinji's terrifying gaze, Bard and Barre, who had MAX ability to observe words and emotions, immediately got up from the ground with difficulty, and then knelt down in front of Ryuzaki Shinji to beg for mercy. At this time, where is the pride when they got the token just now? And high-spirited, it is really a feng shui turn, a moment of heaven and a moment of hell.

"It's disgusting." Seeing the behavior of the two of them, Sinoer turned his head and thought with disdain.

Card also stepped forward from behind Ryuzaki Shinji at this time, and then pointed to Bud and Barre on the ground and said, "Sir, you can't believe what these two guys say, the bottom members who were indirectly killed by them include There are more than a dozen. I was almost killed by them when I was forced to join Desert Fang at the beginning. These two guys were very vicious. If I guessed correctly, Os and the members of Desert Fang were the ones who were killed by them. They both killed me, I..."

When Bud saw that it was Card, he was shocked and screamed badly in his heart. After seeing Card say something unfavorable to them, he immediately interrupted Card's words, and then bit back and said: "You, You are Card, how can you slander us, we have fought side by side, now it seems that you are the ruthless guy, I remember that many people who partnered with you died for no reason in the mission, my lord Ah, trust us, we will definitely follow you faithfully."

The question of who is right and who is wrong is not important to Ryuzaki Shinji. He has achieved the purpose of obtaining the token. The only thing that interests him now is the whereabouts of the remaining tokens. After all, there are only two tokens. The team has grown to four members now, which is simply not enough, and there will be more in the future.

Ryuzaki Shinji still understands the truth that more people are more powerful. After entering the secret realm of the pyramid, one more person will give you more care~www.readwn.com~ will also give you more safety, because Sinor has only recently joined member of , she didn't know much information about the ancient people's tokens, and it was also unclear where the other ancient people's tombs were buried in the desert.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, if you can find me an ancient tomb with this token, I will consider not killing you, and will give you a chance to join this team, how?"

Ryuzaki Shinji waved at the two of them to stop their quarrel.

In fact, if Ryuzaki Shinji wants to go to the information, he can directly use his superpower to search their heads. Unfortunately, the price is that the two may not be able to withstand his mental invasion and become idiots. After all, these two guys have Willpower is much worse than Sinor, and if he is not careful, he may kill the two of them.

It is less than two months before the pyramid secret skill is opened, and his team has only four people. Compared with Desert Fang and Desert Rose, it is simply the difference between a knife and a giant hammer. , It would be a pity to kill these two people directly.

At a critical moment, it is not bad to be used as cannon fodder.

To be continued.....

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