Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 71: : Uranus Trainer

No matter where he is, Ryuzaki Shinji still abides by the habit of being strict with himself. After eating lunch, he starts a new round of meditation training while taking a break. With the help of the Dark Lugia Superpower Orb Under the cultivation, Ryuzaki Shinji came to the desert these days, his super power cultivation base can be described as a thousand miles.

In just over a month, Ryuzaki Shinji's super power cultivation base has been upgraded from an intermediate super power user to a super power user at the peak of the intermediate level. Of course, such rapid progress can be achieved with his diligence and dedication. Fighting wild pixies in person in the desert is inseparable.

However, after Ryuzaki Shinji's super power cultivation gradually reached the intermediate peak level, he began to encounter bottlenecks. These days, no matter how diligently he meditates, his super power cultivation is progressing slowly. The increase in mental power obtained from the meditation training is not at all 1% of the previous one.

Ryuzaki Shinji is also puzzled by this distressed situation, but growth is better than nothing, so he will still maintain his usual meditation training tomorrow. His superpower was inspired by Nazi, and he also He had personally seen the other party's superpowers, so he could clearly feel that the other party's superpower cultivation base was no longer at the intermediate level.

In front of the vast spiritual power of the opponent, even Ryuzaki Shinji, who has achieved super powers and has achieved little success, can't have the slightest sense of pride. Now he can kill with such a strong spiritual power alone. If a mid-to-low level quasi-king level elf is added with that mysterious sword that cuts iron like mud, and a little trick is used, even a quasi-king level elf will not have a chance to kill it.

And Nazi has entered this level better than him, and the other party, as a genius superpower, is absolutely impossible to stay where he is. If Ryuzaki Shinji guessed correctly, now Nazi may have grown to be able to be singled out. The terrifying existence of the king-level elf.

Thinking of such a terrifying superpower standing in front of him, Ryuzaki Shinji couldn't feel the slightest sense of security. Before he knew it, he had already regarded Nazi as his imaginary enemy, and continued to struggle with it. on.

Before he knew it, more than half of the scheduled one-hour break had passed, and Ryuzaki Shinji's meditation training had also come to an end, so he gradually carried out the three Poofu Pig Psychic Power Orbs that revolved around him. When he took it back, a long-lost spiritual communication appeared in his heart. In an instant, Ryuzaki Shinji immediately interrupted the meditation training, and then opened his sharp eyes.

"Is that you? Abo, have you woken up yet?" Ryuzaki Shinji said silently in his heart, expecting the other party to respond.

Sure enough, the next moment, a pitch-black elf ball that had been properly placed on the elf belt around his waist suddenly moved in response.

"Hungry, I'm so hungry, Master, I'm hungry." That very familiar voice also appeared in Ryuzaki Shinji's heart again at this time.

Ryuzaki Shinji once again heard the spiritual communication from Abo Monster, and a hint of joy appeared in his eyes, and immediately held the Poké Ball from Abo Monster from his waist.

"It's too timely for you to wake up at this time, don't worry, you can rest assured, I still keep the two elf food you dream of, enough for you to eat a big meal." The Poké Ball was shaking, Ryuzaki Shinji said with a smile to Abo Monster, and then, he moved away from the place in an instant, and appeared on a wide sandy ground in the next second.

As the core of the team, Ryuzaki Shinji's every move affects the hearts of the rest of the team. When he saw Ryuzaki Shinji take out a black Poké Ball, he said something incomprehensible to the Poké Ball. , and finally disappeared in place with a teleportation, and everyone immediately stood up from the ground, and then came one after another to the sandy area where Ryuzaki Shinji was at this time.

And everyone who came over was immediately stunned by the behemoth they saw in front of them, and some weak elves shuddered in place, as if they were facing an extremely terrifying creature.

"This, what kind of snake elf is this, and this size is too big." Card, who couldn't tell what kind of elf was looking at the black one-horned snake in front of him, said in a stunned manner. The serpent elf is the largest system of serpent elf he has ever seen since he was born.

The one-horned snake is nearly 12 meters long. The whole body is covered with a layer of fine black scales. The shape of the scales is arc-shaped, which is somewhat similar to ordinary dragon scales. .

There were pitch-black spikes erected at the tail of the one-horned snake, and the sand that was in contact with these spikes suddenly turned an abnormal black and purple color.

At this time, the one-horned snake was slowly coiling its body, and then erected a huge hideous snake head. The weird snake pattern seemed to be staring at the creature that was watching him, giving people a feeling of extreme danger, and at the moment when the snake pattern appeared, a terrifying pressure like a tide suddenly burst from the unicorn. It radiates out, and the intimidation characteristic is activated, making all the creatures around can not help but be afraid.

In addition to these characteristics, the pair of golden vertical pupils of the unicornuate snake is also particularly eye-catching. They are like a pair of eyes that indicate death. Any creature that is stared at by the pair of golden vertical pupils of the big snake will immediately give birth to a kind of heart. The feeling of death is approaching, as if the next moment, the one-horned snake has opened its blood plate and appeared in front of them.

A unicorn with a length of about 30 centimeters added a bit of majesty to the unicorn, and with the terrifying majesty exuding from his body, a coercion similar to Longwei exuded from his body. The coercive elf trembled all over his body.

"As expected, there is nothing wrong with the power of this intensity. Lord Ryuzaki's Abo Monster has advanced to the Heavenly King level."

Christina was not shocked by the unicorn like the others, but looked at the unicorn with joy.

"Tianwang level, this snake-like elf is of the heavenly king level. Could it be that this heavenly king level elf is one of the elves that this man is currently advancing to the heavenly king level, but the power of this intensity is not at all like that? The appearance of just entering the heavenly king level is similar to that of Argus, a hippo beast at the peak of the junior heavenly king."

Sinoer also didn't know the identity of the Aberdeen, but she could clearly distinguish that the Aberbane at this time had the power of a elf at the peak level of the junior king.

Bard and Barre, who were at the end of the team, at this time their expressions were similar to Kad's, and they looked at Abo in stunned eyes. When Abo's golden snake pupils swept across, they immediately sat on the ground in fright. .

"Hsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss out.] Monster tongue out, after a little glance at the sun above his head and the surrounding environment, he lowered his head, and then touched Ryuzaki Shinji's body intimately.

"Hahaha~~, Abowei, you have finally woken up, it's really hard to live without you, come, eat, eat as much as you want, there's not enough, there's more, enough for you to eat until you're full ." Looking at the Abo monster who lowered the snake's head to him, Ryuzaki Shinji touched his snake's head with his hand and laughed, and immediately took out two huge corpses from the space bag.

"Bounce!" The sound of two heavy objects falling to the ground sounded, and the corpses of the blood-winged flying dragon and the three-headed dragon and the two-headed dragon quasi-divine beasts suddenly appeared on the sand.


Suddenly, a purple ray of light lit up from Abo's body~www.readwn.com~ Immediately afterwards, Abe's mouth opened wide, and a purple particle of light flew out of his mouth. After the light particle swirled in mid-air, it suddenly flew into the back of Ryuzaki Shinji's right hand like lightning, and Ryuzaki Shinji and Aboguai also closed their eyes at the same time.

In the end, a poisonous origin imprint glowing purple appeared on the back of Ryuzaki Shinji's right hand.

At the same time, a huge colored poison origin imprint appeared between him and the Abo monster.

After a few breaths, the original imprint of the poison element gradually disappeared.

At the moment when the colorful poisonous imprint appeared, Ryuzaki Shinji finally reached 100% spiritual connection with Abo, and the two hearts of man and elf merged into one with the help of the poisonous origin imprint.

"So this is the King of Heaven." Ryuzaki Shinji opened his eyes, and said with a sigh, when his mind moved, the poison-type mark that had just disappeared immediately appeared on the back of his right hand.

The next moment, an aura of a Heavenly King Trainer gradually radiated from him.

To be continued.....

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