Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 72: : not the time

The Heavenly King Trainer, a symbol of strength and honor, this is a great goal that countless trainers are tirelessly pursuing, this is the first step for a few trainers to set foot on the top of the world, and it is also a great goal for a large number of trainers to pursue. The last step of the home in awe.

This one used to be the goal that Ryuzaki Shinji himself has been striving for. Now, when he is close to 20 years old, he has finally successfully completed it. In terms of potential, it is not comparable to those young trainers who have advanced to heaven at the age of 15 or 16, but compared to those ordinary trainers who have almost spent a lifetime to get by by chance, Ryuzaki Shinji has already been considered. A truly talented trainer.

What is Uranus Trainer? What kind of trainer can be qualified to be called a king trainer?

Thinking about this question, Ryuzaki Shinji had been thinking about it before he became a Tenno trainer.

I remember the first time I thought about it was when he successfully communicated with the newborn Darubi for the first time. At that time, a subtle connection made him further understand the creature of the elf, and also let him know about the little elf. The meaning of elves in his heart gradually changed, and he vaguely sensed that this was the opportunity for him to advance to the heavenly king level.

The second time he thought about it was when he successfully awakened his superpowers and performed spiritual fusion with Gotha Duck. He was fascinated by the combat power of the Heavenly King. At that time, he naively thought that he had become a trainer of the Heavenly King. It is enough for the trainer of 's to have the combat power of the Heavenly King.

The third thought was when he subdued the black tyrannical dragon and refused to execute the order. The black tyrannical dragon's uncontrollability made him realize that his second thought was wrong, and that having a king-level combat power was not the training of a king. At home, there seems to be an insurmountable gap between him and the Black Tyrannosaurus, which makes him unable to freely exert the powerful strength of the Black Tyrannosaurus, and the Black Tyrannosaurus does not recognize his strength.

The fourth time he thought about it was when he further strengthened his spiritual communication with Aberdeen. At that time, he could already vaguely feel Aberdeen's unyielding and proud heart, which made him clearly understand that the elf was not ruthless. A tool, but also a creature with his own ideas. After gaining understanding and recognition, he finally established a real companionship with the Aboriginal.

The fifth thought was when he used the resurrection grass to successfully revive the double-bomb gas. The level of spiritual communication achieved a huge leap in this time. At that time, Ryuzaki Shinji felt that he was the double-bomb gas, and he could clearly After understanding what Shuangdan Gas was thinking, and at the same time clearly feeling the loyalty and strong trust in Shuangdan Gas's heart, he gradually opened his closed heart and accepted it in his heart in the true sense. Double-bombing the gas, after the double-bombing of the gas, his heart was connected with Naab, Stinky Mud, Derby and Gotha Duck. At that time, he had realized that he was no longer alone. The elves are his trusted companions and family.

The sixth time I thought about it was now, when Abo was willing to give him a trace of the Poison Origin power that he had worked so hard to understand, Ryuzaki Shinji finally completed 100% spiritual communication with Abo, This trace of poison-type source power is like an invisible link, connecting the hearts of him and Abo Monster, so that the two can immediately understand each other's thoughts without communicating.


"Aboguai, congratulations on your advanced to become a king-level elf, and thank you for your gift. You're starving. Go, go and have a big meal." He looked at the original imprint of the poison system on the back of his hand. , Ryuzaki Shinji gently touched the snake's head lowered by Abo Monster with his hands and said.

This poison-type origin imprint not only has the function of maintaining the spiritual bond between him and Abo, but also has some kind of magical power, which makes the various qualities of his body gradually increase, Ryuzaki Shinji feels The clearest improvement was his mental power. After he obtained this poison-type origin imprint, his mental power, which was almost stagnant, suddenly increased slightly, making the bottleneck that hindered his continuous growth of mental power appear a little bit. Loose signs.

"Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss off~~" Aboguai spit out a snake letter and nodded. After rubbing the snake head against Ryuzaki Shinji again, he turned his head and quickly moved towards the corpse of the two-headed dragon quasi-divine beast. Now he is hungry. Lulu, just when he needed a big meal, the food that Ryuzaki Shinji prepared for him made him very satisfied.

Abo Monster directly opened the mouth of the blood plate, ignoring the tough dragon scales on the blood-winged dragon, and swallowed the blood-winged dragon's body into his body bit by bit, as if he wanted to eat a piece of fried chicken.

In less than two minutes, the huge body of the blood-winged dragon was swallowed into the stomach by the Abo monster with its bones. There was a little sign of bloat, and the same method was followed. The Abo Monster once again took a few minutes to swallow the body of the three-headed dragon into its belly. After swallowing two huge dragon-type elves in a row, the Abo Monster has become a head at this time. A big fat snake with a bloated body.

"Congratulations, sir, for successfully advancing into a Heavenly King Trainer and harvesting a powerful Heavenly King-level elf. This is the big milk jug I just made these days. It has very high nutritional value and should be able to quickly restore the Aboriginal to its sleep period. The energy consumed can provide a little help." Christina, who knew that the Aberdeen was full, finally stepped forward boldly at this time, first congratulated Ryuzaki Shinji with a smile, and then said nothing He handed Ryuzaki Shinji a few large bottles of milk with a faint milky white glow.

"Thank you, then I'm welcome." Shinji Ryuzaki in a good mood nodded to Christina and said with a smile. After taking the milk, he threw all the milk directly to the Abercrombie who seemed to be still a bit unsatisfied. .

Abo Monster and Ryuzaki Shinji have a heart-to-heart connection. Without Ryuzaki Shinji's reminder, when the milk was about to hit his snake head, he turned around quickly, and then opened his **** mouth to swallow all the milk in the big milk pot.

"Fssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss out~~" After eating Christina's big milk jug for dessert, Aboguai seemed content to spit out a snake letter, nodded to Christina, then put away the power on his body, and finally looked for In a cute place, he curled up and started to doze off.

Seeing that Abo was full and started to doze off, Card, Sinor and the other elves who had been standing on the edge were relieved, and then they dared to come over to congratulate Ryuzaki Shinji.

The coercion created by the Aboriginal's intimidating characteristics combined with Longwei is too powerful, making them uncomfortable, especially knowing that the Aboriginal is in the hungry stage, even Sinoer, a trainer at the peak level of the quasi-Tianwang He didn't dare to step forward at this time, for fear that this hungry, cold-blooded creature would swallow them up if they didn't like them.

Due to the sudden success of the advanced king of Abo, Shinji Ryuzaki canceled the original plan to return to the temporary residence after resting for an hour~www.readwn.com~ Waiting in place for those who are currently reluctant to enter the Poké Ball to rest The Abo monster digested the food, and the rest of the team naturally had no opinion, so the entire team still stayed in this Gobi.

And it is precisely because of this that the forces of the two sides that have passed by the second-class talents of Ryuzaki Zhen finally entered the Gobi during this period of time.


When two groups of people entered the Gobi within 500 meters.

Ryuzaki Shinji, who was meditating while leaning on Abo, opened his eyes, and purple awns flashed in his eyes.

At the same moment, the Abo monster coiled around Ryuzaki Shinji also slowly opened his cold golden vertical pupils. .

"There are actually guests here, but it's really not the right time for them to come." Ryuzaki Shinji touched the snake head of Aboguay and said with a smile

"Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss out from the Aboguai spit out a red glow.

To be continued....

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