Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 73: : A powerful enemy is coming

In the sky in the northeast direction of the Gobi, two small black dots suddenly appeared in the air. With the passage of time, a few minutes later, the black dots slowly enlarged. A gray robe riding an armored bird appeared. The man and a gray-robed man riding a vulture Na were flying straight towards the Gobi. These two were the elite members of the Desert Fang, Keith, and the deputy leader, Rhodes. They were the leader of the Desert Fang, Argus. came to collect the token of the ancients in the hands of Os.

On the sand in the northwest next door, a few small black dots suddenly appeared on the horizon. After a gust of sand passed by, a bunch of yellow-robed women riding flaming horses were also flying straight towards the Gobi. These five heroic yellow-robed women are members of the Desert Rose. Today, through the information from the members lurking in the Desert Fang, none of them came to intercept the ancient people in the hands of the Desert Fang under the order of the leader Olina. token.

The movement speed of the two forces is almost the same. After the people from Desert Fang entered the Gobi kilometer first, the five yellow-robed women from Desert Rose also followed closely into the Gobi kilometer. The reason for the close distance was that both sides had already discovered each other, but Keyes and Rhodes, who had a slight lead, ignored the women in yellow robes behind them, and urged the flying elves under them to speed up. The direction of the Gobi galloped away.

"Damn, they were the first to enter the Gobi Desert. Among the Desert Fang elites dispatched this time, the most rare Steel Wing Kais, and even the deputy leader Kuang Sharod came, once the ancient people ordered The card is in their hands, and it will be difficult to grab it from them." Looking at Case and Rhodes who were advancing with the help of the flying elves in front, Ailan, who was chasing after him, thought with an ugly expression, For a moment, there was a glimmer of light in his eyes, and then his legs were tucked into the horse's belly.

"Sorry law~~" The flaming horse under Ailan understood, and immediately uttered a cry. Then, the flames on all four feet skyrocketed, turning into an afterimage on the spot, and galloping forward with wind and thunder. .

"Sisters, I'll go first, you have to follow quickly." Ailan just left such a sentence to the companions behind him, and the person has already appeared dozens of meters ahead with the flaming horse.

"Let's follow up quickly, otherwise, Sister Ailan will suffer." Sophie, the yellow-robed woman in the second position, said to her companions behind her, and then put her legs on the horse's belly and ordered the flaming horse under her. Continue to accelerate forward.

It's a pity that their flaming horses fell into the ranks of Ellen's flaming horses, and even if they accelerated with all their strength, they still ate dust behind them.

Relying on the flaming horse of the quasi-king's peak level, Ailan finally narrowed the distance between Keith and Keith little by little. After ten seconds, the distance between the two sides was less than ten meters, and this distance is still gradually shortening.

"Oh, I said who is so savage and irritable, and rushed up after a disagreement. It turned out to be Miss Alan, the deputy leader of Desert Rose, wow~~, your flaming horse is really fast, almost almost To catch up with me, the armored bird that uses the downwind trick to fly, come, come, armored bird, let's give this beautiful girl a greeting, welcome her with the most beautiful gypsophila, hahaha~~" look Ailan, an old acquaintance who was approaching behind him, turned his head slightly when he was riding on the armored bird, and then said with a narcissistic hand stroke the golden bangs with a smile.

The armored bird heard the words, and the steel wings that spread its wings suddenly lit up with white light. Then, the steel Qiu covered with spikes suddenly fell from his metal wings. After a few seconds, the ground it flew over was Leaving a dense layer of gypsophila.

Case made the armour bird's hand full of gypsophila not insidious, and the effect also exploded instantly.

Due to the force of the impact, Ailan's flaming horse stepped on the gypsophila with all four feet firmly on top of these gypsophila stars, and suddenly screamed in pain, almost turning Ailan's horse over.

"Calm down, flaming horse, calm down, use the accumulating flame attack, burn all the stars under your feet, and move on, Liuwei, please, use your protection and help me block the flames. Come on." Ailan forcefully controlled the reins of the flaming horse, and then said to the flaming horse and the six tails on his body.

Hearing the words, the flaming horse did not hesitate. A crimson flame immediately covered the whole body, and the gypsophila under his feet quickly melted because he couldn't bear the high temperature. Then, he continued to follow Ailan's instructions and quickly approached the front. Case.

When the flaming horse launched the accumulating flame attack, the six tails lying in Ailan's arms immediately urged a green shield to protect Ailan, and then jumped outside the shield by himself, using his own characteristics of ignition, A large amount of flames attacking the shield is absorbed.

"My mother, this woman is still so desperate, it's too much trouble, if she is allowed to take away the token, maybe she will have to live and die before she can get it back from her, Brother Ross, you should do your best. Ah, this mad woman is going to catch up." Case turned around and saw Alan recklessly approaching with a mass of flames, and immediately said to Ross who was a few meters away in fright.

He is called the Wing of Steel, which is inseparable from the quasi-king-level armored bird under him, so he cherishes his armored bird very much. This armored bird has the attributes of steel and flight. , immune to Poison-type and Ground-type moves, and has very good resistance to most attributes, but only the resistance to Fire-type and Electric-type special moves is poor. If you eat directly from Alan Flame Horse A full-strength fire-type physical move, an energy-storing flame attack, although not fatal, a single serious injury is absolutely indispensable.

At this time, the distance between the two of them was less than three or four hundred meters from the Gobi, and Ross, who was silent, didn't want to make extra troubles. After thinking about it, he took out a khaki-yellow Pokeball from his body, and then pressed the middle. button to release the elf inside.

A white light appeared from the sky, and the next moment, a desert dragonfly exuding the breath of a low-level heavenly king appeared.

Rhode did not issue any orders. As soon as the desert dragonfly appeared, he made the best response plan at present~www.readwn.com~ Immediately stimulated the vast ground energy in his body, and the mad sand he manipulated formed a huge sand dust. The tornado, and then the controlled sand tornado moved in the direction of Ailan. If Ailan was involved in this sand tornado, he would definitely not be able to break free for a while.

Unable to dodge, the dust tornado with a diameter of up to 15 meters surrounded Ailan and the flaming horse behind him without incident.

"Brother Rhodes is still amazing. Now, this crazy woman has nothing to do. It seems that this time the task is easy.... Wow~~" Case saw Rhodes finally releasing the strongest elf Desert Dragonfly in his hand. When he came out, he immediately smiled and complimented Rhode in front of him, but he was only halfway through when a huge golden pillar of fire appeared from his armored bird's flank. drop down.

Case looked back and saw that the dust tornado created by the desert dragonfly was cut from top to bottom by a golden pillar of fire. Immediately afterwards, Ailan rode an equally heroic female flame lion and rushed forward.

In a few breaths, Alan overtook Case on a flaming lion, and then ran alongside Rhodes, who was replaced by a desert dragonfly.

The two and the two elves looked at each other, and an invisible spark suddenly exploded.

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