Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 74: : to meet the enemy

The deputy leaders of the two hostile forces marched ahead side by side, and in addition to the strong hostility in the eyes of the two sides, there was also a burning will to fight.

"I didn't expect you to advance to the Heavenly King level. It seems that the **** Orina used the branches of the parasol tree that she snatched from our Desert Fang last time. However, from your flame lion breath Look, it’s just not long ago, and it’s far from the desert dragonfly that I advanced to the Heavenly King level two months ago. I advise you to retreat in spite of the difficulties, so as not to let others think that I am bullying women, hehehe ~~" Rhodes sneered at Ailan below with a mocking expression while directing the desert dragonfly to avoid the flame bombs that Ailan's flame lion spewed from his mouth from time to time.

As soon as Ross's words fell, the desert dragonfly secretly instructed to successfully charge up again, a large amount of ground energy emerged from him, and once again gave orders to the yellow sand on the ground, a dust tornado suddenly appeared around him. And as the movement continued to increase, it soon expanded from 5 meters in diameter to 15 meters in diameter. It was mentioned that the rapidly expanding dust tornado involved Ailan again.

The rolling sand and dust covered the sky and the sun. Ailan and the Fire Lion, who were involved in the sandstorm, looked around because of the dust that blocked their vision, making it almost impossible for them to open their eyes to see things, and the Fire Lion also smelled of the rich dust around them. , the sensitive nose also lost its function at this time, Ailan and the flaming lion lost their moving positions in the dust tornado for a while, and could only temporarily stay in place to make a defensive posture.

"Hmph, I want to use the sandstorm to consume physical strength, which is an old tactic. It may have worked in the past, but now I'm dreaming. In order to deal with the sandstorm tactics of your Desert Fang, we Desert Rose specially made these secret weapons. "Seeing that Rose had used the sandstorm to trap her and took the opportunity to consume the flame lion's physical strength, Alan blocked the oncoming sand with his left hand, and took out two "dust-proof" pieces from his space bag. Goggles" (can ignore the damage effects of sandstorms and hail weather, and can also avoid the effects of powder skills, such as paralysis powder, hypnotic powder, poison powder, mushroom spores and other powder skills.), first for the body Fire Lion put on one, and then put on another.

"Roar~" A deafening roar appeared. The flame lion wearing dust-proof goggles used his sharp eyes to see the direction clearly. A golden flame erupted from his four feet and chest, and he leaned against the four feet. With the flame on the chest, all the steps of the energy storage flame attack are completed. After leaving an afterimage on the spot, the golden flame on the chest is used to make a big character explosion. Finally, the flame lion carries five golden flame tails and faces it. Rolling sand waves, like a rocket with full acceleration, galloping in the sandstorm, just a few breaths will catch up with the desert dragonfly ahead.

The two continued to fight on the way. The jet flame of the flaming lion and the fluctuation of the dragon of the desert dragonfly constantly offset each other and collided with each other. In the end, the two entered the Gobi at the same time.


When the two deputy leaders were competing with each other, Ryuzaki Shinji and his party in the Gobi had noticed that a strong man was attacking, and the huge dust tornado that was moving quickly towards this side was the best proof.

Sinoer is worthy of being a trainer specializing in ground elves. By observing the slight vibration of the ground, before the dust tornado appeared in front of him, he quickly sensed that a strong enemy was approaching quickly. After discovering the enemy's situation, she immediately came to the place where Ryuzaki Shinji and Abogua rested to report to Ryuzaki Shinji.

Since the Aboriginal successfully advanced to the Heavenly King level and Ryuzaki Shinji also successfully became a powerful Heavenly King-level trainer, Sinor's heart for the Ryuzaki Shinji that still existed before has disappeared, especially Ah After the cyborg monster showed the power of the strongest elf Hippo beast in the hands of Argus as soon as she advanced, she is now no less loyal to Ryuzaki Shinji than Christina.

Perhaps Ryuzaki Shinji only had the strength of the quasi-king peak before, and she felt that it was a very stupid and helpless thing to betray the Desert Fang and then fight against the Desert Fang, but when Ryuzaki Shinji also advanced to become After being a Heavenly King trainer with the additional condition of being a powerful superhuman, she immediately felt that everything she had done before was taken for granted.

It is irrelevant to right or wrong. After all, in today's environment where the weak eat the strong, strength is king, and those with big fists are worth following.

"I understand, you should step back. The people who come here have the strength of the heavenly king. When we fight, I may not be able to take care of you, and you, as the strongest fighting force in the team, must protect you. Good others, can you do it?" Looking at Sinor, whose attitude became complimented in front of him, Ryuzaki Shinji smiled slightly, and then squinted his eyes and said to her.

"Ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss in in in there he threw up a snake letter and looked at Sinor, he hadn't tasted that kind of meat for a long time. "The taste of it, and now I feel a little hungry when I think of it.

Under the eyes of the big snake, the unsettled prey can only wait to die in place.

Bean drops of cold sweat fell from Sinoer's forehead, and then fell down the bridge of her nose and chin on the dry sand below. At this moment, she stood still on the sand with her head lowered, like a sculpture, her pupils were dilated, and she felt like a statue. The frightened atmosphere didn't dare to take a breath.

"He wants to eat me, this Apomon wants to eat me." Such a thought made her shudder, and at this moment, Sinor's heart was enveloped, and she was too afraid to fight with Ryuzaki Shinji and Apomon. Looking straight at him, he could only hold his head down and dare not move.

In the end, Ryuzaki Shinji, who noticed that Sinor was intimidated by Abo, gently patted Abo's body with his hands and signaled to him, and Abo had to turn his head reluctantly, and then closed it again. Lying on his body with his eyes open.

"Yes, I will definitely do it, please rest assured, sir, if there is nothing else, I will retire first." As soon as Aboguai turned his eyes, Sinol suddenly agreed to Ryuzaki Shinji, and then He fled from this cute and shady land in a panic.

After Sinoer was out of his sight in a flash~www.readwn.com~ Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes flashed with purple awns, and Abo, who was pretending to be asleep, immediately raised his head.

"Let's go, Abowei, let's meet these two Heavenly King-level powerhouses, just to test your current strength."

Ryuzaki Shinji gently touched the giant snake head that Abomon stretched out and said, and then he used his feet to perform a beautiful backflip, and jumped neatly onto Abomon's snake head.

Just when Ryuzaki Shinji stepped on the snake head of Abo Monster, a power of the king level suddenly erupted from Abo Monster's body recklessly, and then he took Ryuzaki Shinji slowly from the cute yin to the outside. on the hot sand.

Under the sun, which was gradually setting in the west, a long shadow extended from the body of Aboriginal, and then landed on a rock wall.

Suddenly, a strange twist appeared in the shadow on the rock wall.

The next moment, a snake-shaped shadow with scarlet eyes opened suddenly appeared.

To be continued....

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