Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 75: : Deku Laqiao

Both Rhodes and Ailan are Heavenly King trainers, and they are all too familiar with the power emanating from the Heavenly King-level elf. When Ryuzaki Shinji's Abo monster recklessly displayed his low-level Heavenly King's peak-level power. , The two of them both stopped the desert dragonfly and the flaming lion, who were also dreadful, through spiritual communication.

"What's going on? I remember that this desolate Gobi has not been occupied by other Heavenly King-level elves. Why is there a power of the low-level Heavenly King's peak in it now? Could it be that there happened to be a Heavenly King's elf's elf in it not long ago. Is it a lair? If that's the case, then it's troublesome, I'm afraid Os and the others are bad luck now, what should we do, should we go in?"

Rhodes stood on the back of the desert dragonfly, with a dignified expression on his hideous face, his eyes flickered, and he looked like he was thinking about weighing the gains and losses. If he guessed correctly, the heavenly king-level coercion appeared in the Gobi at this time. Obviously, the heavenly king-level elf entrenched in it, after feeling the coercion of the desert dragonfly, which is also a heavenly-level elf, specially displayed a warning. Elves clashed.

The strength between the Heavenly King-level elf and the quasi-king-level elf can be described as earth-shattering, there is almost no comparison between the two, and the fighting experience of the Heavenly King-level elf is not comparable to that of ordinary elf, that is he This trainer teamed up with the Heavenly King-level elf Desert Dragonfly that he cultivated, and he may not be able to defeat the Heavenly-king-level elf in the wild who have been tempered by the laws of nature to break out of the encirclement. Even if he can win, he must pay a heavy price .

"The secret realm trial will start in less than two months. In order to obtain a few ancient tokens that he already owns, he will fight with a wild king-level elf whose strength is obviously stronger than his own desert dragonfly at this point in time. Is the fight worth it?" Rhodes was troubled by this question at the moment.

On the other side, Ailan, who also instructed the flaming lion to stop, also showed a distressed look. Her thoughts at this time were actually similar to Rhodes.

Ailan is also not 100% sure of defeating the wild elf that exudes the peak level of the quasi-celestial king. The reason is that her flame lion has only been advanced to the level of heaven for less than a week, and she is not skilled enough to control her new power. , although through her command, the flaming lion has a good chance of defeating the general low-level king-level elf, but if you want to defeat a wild elf at the peak level of the low-level king, it is not enough. , and will also indemnify yourself.

However, obtaining the tokens of the ancients is a task assigned by their respective leaders. If they do nothing and go back like this, the two of them will definitely have nothing to eat.

Both Rhodes and Ailan were in a dilemma, and they couldn't help turning their heads to look at each other, with a gleam in their eyes immediately.

"Why don't we join forces? First defeat the wild king-level elf inside, and then take the token according to your ability? Miss Ailan, the flame flower of the desert rose." Rhode showed a slightly kinder smile. , and then said to Alan.

Since one person is not completely sure, then the best way is to find a helper. It just so happens that there is such a powerful helper around. It is a waste not to make good use of it. There is no eternal enemy in the world. At some point, The enemy can also join forces with each other, which is the current situation of Rhodes and Alan.

"Hmph, although it makes me feel disgusting to join forces with you, I will let you help me for now. Remember, if you dare to play tricks, I will leave immediately." Looking at Rhode's hypocritical face , Alan turned his head in disgust, and said coldly.

Hearing Alan's arrogant response, Rhode's smile froze immediately, but he continued to nod with a smile at the next moment. In the end, Rhode didn't say anything, just a slight hint of re-opened eyes. Unbelievable coldness.

"Damn bitch, sooner or later, I will show you a good look, when the time comes, hehe~~" Rhode thought secretly.


Just when the two reached an unanimous agreement in just two minutes, Ryuzaki Shinji, who was waiting in the Gobi, was a little impatient, and directly ordered the Abo Monster to quickly rush in the direction of the two.


After Abo Monster successfully advanced to the Heavenly King level, not only his physical fitness has been greatly enhanced, but he has also become more and more handy in the use of his own talent and ability to change the snake pattern. appeared in the chest.

The Abo monster, whose speed suddenly increased sharply, left blurry afterimages directly on the sand. He walked over many obstacles with a strange and fast snake walk. A few breaths had just passed, and the huge and hideous snake of the Abo monster had just passed. The body had already appeared in front of both Rhodes and Alan.

As soon as the Abo monster appeared in front of the two of them, Rhodes and Ailan, who had already sensed the movement, ordered the desert dragonfly and the flame lion beside them to attack the Abo monster.

A burst of extremely pure dragon-type energy was released from the mouth of the desert dragonfly, and finally transformed into an energy dragon, swooping down from the mid-air towards the Abo monster, and the huge dragon waves violently attacked.

The flaming lion released a large golden character explosion from its mouth. The scorching sun was in the sky. With the increase of the sunny weather, the power of the big character explosion was greatly improved. A flaming character carrying a terrifying high temperature with a diameter of more than six meters was sent from Abo. The front of the monster flew in a straight line, and a lava trail suddenly appeared on the hot sand.

"It's really rare to give such a big gift when we first met, Abo, let me see your advanced strength." After Ryuzaki Shinji dropped such a sentence, he immediately moved away from Abo. The strange snake head appeared in the air more than ten meters above the ground.

Facing the dragon wave of the desert dragonfly, Aboguai showed a trace of disdain in his eyes, and directly opened his big mouth of the blood plate, and a larger energy dragon emanated from his mouth, and also used a dragon wave. , However, unlike the blue dragon wave of the desert dragonfly, the dragon wave of the Abo monster showed an unusual purple color, like a poisonous dragon, breaking away from the ground.

The two waves of dragons with different colors collided together, like two giant dragons fighting each other. After the two were anxious for a few seconds in mid-air, the dragon's wave of Abowei was even better, and the purple energy giant dragon would The blue energy dragon's head shattered, and then a poisonous dragon swung its tail and claws at the desert dragonfly with an incredible color on its face.

Abo Monster has just released the rapidly launched Dragon Wave, and the golden character explosion of the Fire Lion is already in sight, so the sand on the ground melts in an instant, and it can be seen that the power of this fire-type ultimate move is quite amazing. It may be burnt to ashes.

In the end, the Abo monster did not choose to avoid it, and the snake pattern on his chest was instantly switched to a defensive snake pattern. At the same time, he used the swallowing skill, and the Abo monster's double defense was greatly strengthened in an instant~www.readwn.com~bang~". With a sound, golden sparks splashed everywhere, and everyone's vision was blocked by the flames at this moment. Aboguai took the flame lion's big character down, but he didn't seem to be injured, still staring at the flames motionlessly. The flame lion who was showing surprise.

"How is it possible that the strongest fire-type move that hit the Fire Lion in the front is nothing at all, no, not good, Fire Lion, hurry up and dodge." Ailan was also shocked when Abo Monster ate the Fire Lion in front of him. She was astonished as if nothing was wrong, but the next moment she had experienced a hundred battles, she immediately realized that something was wrong, and when she saw the Abo monster in the flames melting, she immediately used telepathic communication to make the flaming lion be careful.

Unfortunately, as soon as Ai Lan found out that something was wrong, a pitch-black snake head protruded from the sand behind Huo Yan lion, and the unpredictable Huo Yan lion was directly bitten by Abo Monster's poisonous thunder teeth.

At almost the same time, the Desert Dragonfly was hit head-on by Abo Monster's Dragon Wave, while the Flame Lion was thrown out of the mouth by Abo Monster.

"Dong, dong" two sounds of falling to the ground appeared, and the desert dragonfly and the flame lion smashed to the ground one after another.

To be continued.....

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