Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 76: : Home field advantage?

With one enemy and two, the Abo monster not only saved the danger in the case of a sneak attack, but also hung up the desert dragonflies and flaming lions, which were all heavenly kings, to fight. Lan, the two Heavenly King-level trainers, was shocked, but Case and the four yellow-robed women who had just rushed over and saw the whole process with their own eyes were even more dumbfounded, their mouths wide open and they couldn't help themselves for a long time.

"This, this is not true, this black one-horned snake looks like a poison-type elf Abomon that inhabits the Kanto region, but such a huge body has developed too well, what is it? It was cultivated back? And Brother Rhode's desert dragonfly, which is a dragon-type elf, is actually no match for him in the battle of dragon-type power." Keston, who was riding an armored bird watching the battle in the sky not far away He swallowed, looking stunned.

When Case saw the Abo monster using the dragon wave to smash the desert dragonfly dragon wave head-on, his heart was shaken. If the desert dragonfly hadn't failed completely because of this, he would have ordered the armor bird to turn his head. run.

"Sister Ailan's flaming lion was bitten by that big ugly snake. His poison is so violent that the flaming lion was poisoned all at once. What should I do, sisters, let me help." Sophie turned her head in confusion. Said to the yellow-robed woman who also had a worried expression on her face, but this time everyone avoided looking at Sophie in unison, with a silent look.

"Calm down, Sophie, Sister Ailan's flame lion has not yet been defeated. We are now a burden in the past. We can't drag Sister Ailan's hind legs. The only thing we can do now is to support Sister Ailan nearby." One of them The yellow-robed woman grabbed Sophie, who wanted to help, and said with a serious face.

It's not that they don't want to help in the past, but the battle of the Heavenly King is simply not something that they can intervene in. If they don't pay for it, they will also drag down the hind legs of their own Heavenly King trainer.

Seeing that Abo was able to suppress his opponent with one enemy and two, Ryuzaki Shinji nodded with satisfaction and thought: "It seems that Abo has indeed activated the dragon bloodline in his body, and has also acquired the attributes of the dragon, otherwise he would Competing with the Dragon-type elf Desert Dragonfly, which is also a low-level Heavenly King, is impossible to defeat the Dragon-type power, and the snake slough formed instantly by swallowing the skill in one hand confuses the opponent, and then takes the opportunity to sneak attack, it is also very beautiful."


Taking advantage of the victory, Abo, who also inherited the fighting tradition of Shinji Ryuzaki, will not choose to stop because of the shock of the enemy. Seeing the desert dragonfly falling from the sky, his eyes suddenly showed a trace of murderous and greedy eyes. The defensive snake pattern on his chest was instantly switched to the speed snake pattern. He dodged in place, leaving an afterimage. The next moment he appeared in front of the desert dragonfly. He had just tasted the two-headed dragon-type elf. The taste of flesh and blood is also a favorite.

The surrounding hot temperature suddenly dropped a little, and the icy and biting breath came from the big mouth of Abo Monster. He wanted to use a move of poisonous ice fangs to kill this elf with both ground and dragon attributes. Hug, aim at the slender and graceful neck of the desert dragonfly and bite down.

Fortunately, Rhode, the deputy leader of the Desert Fang, is not an easy one. When he saw Abo's behavior, he immediately communicated with the desert dragonfly to respond. I saw that the desert dragonfly's sturdy and slender tail was instantly smashed. The quintessential dragon-type energy was covered. Before Abo's poisonous ice fangs could completely fall, a lightning-fast dragon tail trick sent Abo's entire body flying, and then took the opportunity to use himself to float. The characteristics of it quickly floated up from the ground, spread its wings, and flew into the air again.

"Good job, Desert Dragonfly, roll up the mad sand, and use the kite-flying tactics to kill him in the sandstorm." Seeing that the Desert Dragonfly successfully used the dragon's tail trick to escape the crisis, Rhodes, who was riding on Vulture Na, suddenly relaxed. Take a breath, and immediately command the Desert Dragonfly.

"Roar~~" The desert dragonfly let out a dragon roar. According to Rhode's instructions, it began to rely on its powerful control ability and the endless sand sea around it to roll up a dust tornado again, facing the Abo monster. The head is strong enough to threaten his life. This time, the desert dragonfly went all out. In just two seconds, a dust tornado with a direct height of 20 meters completely covered the battlefield area.


On the other side, the flaming lion, who was hit by the poisonous Thunder Fang of Abo, struggled to get up from the ground. At this time, although she was already suffering from the two terrible negative effects of poison and paralysis, she still did not see it in her eyes. Showing fear, the fighting intent in his eyes became more and more vigorous. Following Ailan's orders through spiritual communication, a golden flame covered his entire body.

In an instant, the flame lion's whole body exudes a terrifying high temperature that is close to tens of thousands of degrees Celsius, and a pool of magma emerges from its feet within a few seconds, bathing in the flames and magma. The weak current that appeared from time to time began to disappear gradually, and she actually used her terrifying high temperature to burn out the toxins and static electricity in her body.

However, it is clear that fire therapy like Huo Yan Lion is not a light burden on her. After she successfully removed the deadly poisonous snake venom from her body, her body's aura was also attenuated by a large amount.

When the flaming lion successfully eliminated the snake venom, the sand and dust tornado of the desert dragonfly had formed, and it was also swept in together with the flaming lion. Due to its own use of flame to expel the poison, the dust goggles originally carried on the body were also burned. When I was in a dust tornado, I couldn't open my eyes to the future due to the invasion of the rolling sand.

"Flaming lion, use the energy storage flame to attack, use the flame to put on a layer of protective clothing for yourself, and then swept the desert dragonfly in the vicinity. As a last resort, you can't take the first shot." At this time, the trainer was also in the sand and dust tornado. Ai Lan immediately used telepathic communication to command the flaming lion and take correct measures for her. At the same time, Ai Lan also bit her red lips and secretly looked at the figure in the sky protected by a purple shield. Showing deep fear.

Huo Yanshi nodded when he heard the words, his body was once again wrapped in golden flames, and at this time, all the sand that had invaded was wrapped in the golden flames of Huo Yan lion and melted instantly, and could no longer affect Huo Yan lion's vision.

Immediately afterwards, the flame lion wearing a flame coat gradually approached the battle circle of the desert dragonfly and the Abo monster, and then found a rock as a cover to hide.


Under the control of the desert dragonfly, the billowing sand and dust flew in from all directions like moths to the flames. Although it could not cause much damage to the body covered with thick snake scales, Once a long time has passed, the accumulated damage is also very considerable. In addition, the desert dragonfly takes advantage of its own flight, and the Abo monster, which is constantly descending in mid-air, uses the wave of the dragon to shoot. Such a rogue's consumption tactics make The Arbo monster, who has been evading in the sandstorm, is very uncomfortable.

"My lord, this is the desert. My desert dragonfly has the advantage in the home field. Even if your Aberdeen is a bit stronger than my desert dragonfly, the flightless Aberdeen is It is impossible to defeat the desert dragonfly in the desert, as long as your Excellency can return one of the tokens you obtained to me, I will immediately stop the desert dragonfly, and the remaining ancient people tokens will be yours, what are the conditions?" Dai? Rhodes, who had won a pair of goggles, turned his head and said solemnly to Ryuzaki Shinji, who was also in mid-air using the flying-type elf. At this time, he was not proud of the desert dragonfly's dominance, but in his eyes. The color of fear became more intense.

Rhodes had noticed the existence of Ryuzaki Shinji early in the morning, but the sense of crisis in his heart kept him from taking the opportunity to attack Ryuzaki Shinji as a trainer as usual. com When he saw that Ryuzaki Shinji used the super shield to easily block the wind and sand, he couldn't help but feel fortunate for his previous decision. The person standing in front of him was actually a super person, and it was easy to see him. From the perspective of creating a super-power shield, the level is still quite high.

Now Rhodes is not ready to complete the task given by Agusbu. From the current situation, the token in the hands of Oss and others has fallen into the hands of Ryuzaki Shinji, a trainer of the heavenly king level and a part-time powerful superpower. And if you want to get the token back from the opponent's hands, this task is not necessarily able to make Argus come in person, but in the current situation where the battle has an advantage, he still bites the bullet and fights with Ryuzaki Shinji Some negotiation.

"Home-field advantage? Hehehe~, it won't be the case soon. You should think about how to survive from me next." Ryuzaki Shinji turned his head and looked at Rhode playfully, and then responded to Luo with telepathy. De said.

Ryuzaki Shinji's remarks made Rhodes a little confused. He immediately turned his head to look at the Abo monster who was avoiding the fluctuations of the desert dragonfly and dragon in the wind and sand. After a careful observation, the pupils in his eyes suddenly changed. A contraction.

The next moment, an abnormal blur suddenly appeared in Rhode's eyes.

To be continued.....

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